Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Oct 2004, p. 27

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Wwww. jkina rk.on ca Your expertise can make a real differen ce. (Temporary Opportunities - Avoutable Immedmately) Kinark ChibId andI Famlly Servces i5 on eccréditet cilruiens msestel irooltir centre, preeîirsqg quelîty services te ciltiren, youtir yod tiroir fenileo in e nursier ef commonities in Oterio. Syl Appn Cuutir Contre -Kînerk is aosecure treotoont and rehairhlitetien contre, locaed in Soheille, fer cildron and pectir eped t?2t ta poors. Cennîdor ose ef tire felleeîsp tomposeîy eppertunîtios te jers vur beym in furtiror deelepîvp Sy1 Appc on o Centre of Exellence fer tire trourmont ofpyoutir. * K g± SOCIAL WORKERS tn turs position, hou witl prourds idc dual. tamilp anti q ovp therapli te hîgirinof adolscents un secoue cvvtctip, détention yod treatmenî resientrul settingo. tier responsibhltes nuncie liarsrvq vitir commvnitp ugencres, .e. ocirnol, police anti probation services, un a mulidsciptinary teao appucacir to tîsatmont. hou have an MSW dégqre, anti aro a memir cf tirs Coilege cf Social Wvnkers asti So cial hertie gorirs. hvc irace tisoonstrateti individual, aouty anti qrovp thenapli sEls, acqurreti tirrouqirhu hieuyrs oh nelateti vor expeirece. hou also have ectensive ecpsrieuce'vorkinq uith nosiential tnsutment toums, pnelenuirly îcioh as udolescent population. heur expertise isdcldes irnovietige cf a haro redoctios approacir asi coinpstench iraseti tirsraph in verking vith uadvlescents vitit sonOous mental iroaith issues, rncltiung violent asti uggrsssive hohavieur. On addition Oc strong cirinîcai siiis, lieu deocotrute eocellent case-management uirhtroo File 5AYC04-5S SECURITY STAFF heu viii he resonsie for static secnith in u ouermum-oocuritt ervîresiment lis pa of tire secutitp teuo, youn detios viii uncludo monitoning anti ciperting tire socunili olisteot hon tisheiling, nespentirng te emeugsncp anti firre alaros, compietung seunchos. tirivîsg anti/ct escerting teutir, anti taknnq os "ficat" asti necoptios nesponsrhririties. heur quairications uscioude a tilomu in Law asti Secunitp or a rolatei fireit. Tire succesoful comption vf cur phtsicai restraint trining program -UMAB 10i neguireti. Current firso Aid anti COR certiircates anti a vatti Ontario invor s lircence ans a/se reqoîroti File SAYC04-7S MAINTENANCE STAFF Semesstrating yeur sousti vorkirg knotidgeoef maintonance practices asti procédures, you wirt hoe mspenisihie for the maintenance asti greuntiskeeping funictis ocf tire Contre. This viii isclutie provntic o maintenance for huiling installationo anti eqvipoent, gunteinrg, grass cuttîsig anti onoa/ico remecuL hou viii aise proide vecationai. tnarning Ro oniectoti reorients. Thre to ice peurs oR roeeant expérience, a precen ahiitp te perfero geserai maintenance morE, anti a morliinq Esoetge of PliES are essenitiai. File SAYC04-3S YOUTH WORKERS hou viii ire resposîhie foi theocouinsellîing, cars and sahet of licuti in a inacirruni-seculitti eîîuîîonmeîît. lis a momirer oh a mulîidîscîpînay team, hou viii vio ire involvetin stche tîsatmost/ îehlaiirtatîvs plassing proceso lier tirose rositierts sn your cano. hou matviso drive anti/or escort resitieiso to court, modîcal appoîstmoots asti otirer commun/t moetings. tour quaLircations iscludo a CIW tirpioma, ut eigiriitp fer proeioeal. omirsership wîth tire Ontario Association cf Chîlti asti hooti Cousoilors. Theo succossivi cemptes of our pirpoical rostraint training ptegramn -OMAR - s reguicoti Cairrent Firot titi aid COR cortilicates asti a vati Onrtarro drîvoî's licence are aso requirot Fie stvco4-eS PROGRAM SECRETARY heu viii ho rsponsîie lier prevrdrng administrative oupport lier thre Contre's management team. Test dodoes viii isclude: gonorai corrospestionce; troatoont ilo maîntosanco; ochodutiig hetir intersa[ asti exernal. meetings; asti aesworrnq télophoe ingquirios. hu must have a secondaoi scireet dipioma, throo Ou filco tours' solatoti oxpériosco, anti ecellent communication sautls, bhir ustto asti vernal. Expéence le a resuioentiai oottîsg vitir adolescents ouhmhîting distuthoti, aggrossîco ard/on vîiont hohavieur voulti ho censuderoti an assot. Computor skif/s (MS Word anti Svtteoir( aro essertrai File 5AYCO4-55 CLEANERS heu viii ho reoponste for prevîiisg cioasngn services sn a toam envîrosrment vitirin tire Contre, and lier provrding on-tire-jein training for rosidonts. heu must have WHMIS training, and ineatotigeofet asti oxpérionco mitir cieaning ciremîcais anti oqurpoont. File SAYC04-IS REGISTERED NURSES Yoc cr11 ire respvnnîirle for providinq nvrirng cane 1v yoot iraseti on the Houini Retiuctuvn Mtiel. Tour duties wrIt include: completinq a phyvîcal. assossrent ch reoients epon adînission; preparnf and adminîs- tening metircatîn anti/et rmmuereatrers as dîrocteti iry a physician: mnntonng residento os medicatien anti pantrcîpatîng in tire mvltidiscrplinany teamt preceos: anti ceusselnq resîdonts asd staff on velleeso and weolieos initratives. Yeu pesseos a current Scterie RN Certificats of Cempetence, a cuitent CPS certîilcato, thtee tv five peais' relatoti expérience in a resîdeotial or communitp based settios, and theo proves ahility te appîp genesal nursrng principles to adolesceots vite map eohihit disturbeti, aggressive asid/er vrolent hehuolour. File SAYC04-45 COOKS it liolr certificate le food préparatien, aod relevant expérience, tov have a provient ahility in iîghte fooed preparaties. Yeu ali he respenisie lier the préparatien and delrvery eof meals, and related kitchen dutres, irncludrng clearup and dishes. heu vitt aise preerde vecatrenal. trariig to sslected residents. heur qealificatrens include keowltedge eh Casada's Food livide, asti lilCCP training. File SAYC04-25 Ifi you are isterested in one of tirese poritiors, pLease suhmit yeur resumé, le confidence, quoting Rire approprlate file noreber, hp October 29, 2004, toc Marge, Wilson, Senior MB Co-ordinator, Kinanle Child and FamiLy Services. Fao: 905-940-7378. E-reaiLt rnargo.wilsoe@kinark.oo.Ca (MS Word format, eelp). fie enccunrag epplîcenri Srm ducvereclturesn Club r,, nseuk air candidae, n clyithviinrleiirrc foranitrviewrrulîtrccirited. Any info rcaio0re obnedurnh c ours ofvrciecruitr ilOnl t sdfri rnpLcuietruinint preotandtccce ni ot foeiricreicche upose. musids Sales Cosriiatm taglatia Administrator Customur-Servies Admit Aidsbul Sales hep Test Techeleosm lSweEniners SftwarelFlmwwl qese SMT EU<Up" Spuras J'actv liOloeen d'c , a,cia Wa, vl pnfoil s viel wl ci iepysoscceed' Peseerd yvo.' reurne vo henebt.o ax: Ce 905-335-0909 pines mi on aebsire for mn nforan'tion on, ei epp<eeOO9ity. Fashion Home Furnishings In Home Designers Wef are eeponding sur'le Home Designr Service' n eut stores in Burtinglofl, Bramrpton aod Misiseauge anti ae are leiirg for tuleeteti peo- pie t0 loin our Des team If pou oie a mature gruduelte of an occrediteti Interier Design course aire s Ieoking for o oniqoe eçpeortueiti te ose pour skils ondtalbents te eorn an aboe-aoerage incarme then tis mop be te loin fer pou. The duties invote aorlung directlp aitir Our clients andi our Sales Consultants botS in our showrooms and un clients' homes. ,fou wîlI need excellent communication sEilS, a flox- uble schedule, reluohie tronsportatuon and a desire te learn If pou haoe 10000 untriutes vieart bo hear trom pou. Do net aornp ainout senidîng un a resumne or portfolio rugint noea ,ust cail Charlie ut 905568- 2211 -ie hit. 5)teuppiy 7dasoaOOEek Tire Haites Pegienal Police Service (HP) vs detiicated tw preuidîng preactive, reacOcve and preeentaOcve pelicing otrutepieu chat enliante tire qualitp oh Ie un cire greevîvg ccmmunîcov nif Oaineilie, Bur'Regtee, Mitrn anti Haltes Hilie, ina regien chiat leaturs lironte Creoir Provincial Park aod cocoral consevton areas, Plannier Cencrihute te tire tieopmnest eh ecr stracegit. operutiosal aod emergoncy planning 'u will liartitipate in planning, decigsusg asd implemeriting capital and majer prolecos, as maIl os usust sn vo-erdusating GIS cecirsclegy and cemputor-tuseti mappung Ao ei lieu wîlI irelp vo-erdunute HRPS' unvluement un rogiosal and municipal planning prccescec, monitor musîtipal douolcpmont, evoluato reources, anti tiocp porformasceobctitves asti measuremenso A tietail crienteti commonicator lieu wulI ciraro information, anallis, guidante asti researcr witir sesior tiecîis makere. Tour tiegree sn Planning, Applieti Geegraphy crua relevant discipline is complemestetib i t loact 3 itears eh progressive expériente sn a planning asti researcr honctios. încluding coing GIS techislegy and desugsicg iatairases. Cempletîn ch ceurooaerk rolatedti ceomergoscy preparednees i0 proherred. A Certhîed Low Eshercemeot Plosser decignation aculti ire a tihîste asset Ploace senti pour reoumne qucting Coupeliimo 84-C-I6, mmi Ocîcher 29, 2884, ce Hamm Bavuaes Servces, allas flogimna Police Serv 1151 Oraenler Bmai, PRO. Box 2700, Gakofla, Oataria, LIA 5C7 Fou: U1154825-5185. Ne phono colle, ploase Tire Hotusn Regiosul Police Servc O 1 commîtteta thre pescplen ef eqoal epportonity We ltan aSl applicante, ltao ee4r candidiates ooleceti lier an interview wnl ho ceetatteti wjww.hrpas.on.ce *, y.. tarie Y- ff,taoo Fr'c, Errc,nmg ihr clin OENtindrtmudn byokniŽv ai Yc pnciOs,ýcan 3,,, pcior.eng a i a' vire.eg atill d7 '$ Adnc Wl,. S. C.abi. 2455 Meilnmcn Ca.et. MIrSM.uea ON L_5N1526 Fai.u 905-821 -7260 .-uilu:c.e.eya'o lies uy lice irn e ccmpliucne irccrl0 wae lent peceti caeer cppvrtrtisîndeairis osourommni Dor'm ou - go anime andi 00010 redepl Appip cc/ie or www.aestuyetaiobsCnod.c@m OffIceTOam, a division ot Robert Hall International Inc. (NYSE: RHI), is the Worfd' leader in specialized adminis- trative slaffing. We have an opportunity for a Stafting Manager Who will market f0 prospective clients, build on existing client relationships, and recruit and place top administrative candidates in temporary assignments. tf you are flexible and have thie abilily to Worf positively with ail levaIs ot management, re'l give you thie tols you need to be succeastul. You'll learn the formula that has helped OtticeTeamas Slatting Managers become the most hîghly compensated, respected professionals in the industry. Sales recruilment background preferred Wt strong problem solning SIS plus wvritfen and oral communications SIS. OffloeTeam's compensation and benefits program reflards you wvith the industtys best combination ot base pay, lucrative incentives and benetits. Contact us todayl 5575 Narth Service Road, Burlinglan, ON 111 OMl Email resumes fa: danielfe.bamben@rhi.com for gos-ai19-2095

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