speed demon Rab McLaughlin waa ail amibes aftor eaming a third-ploco finish at the Octaborfoat Grand Prix go-karting cham- pionahipa at Bingomnan Park In Kitchener Octaber 9. Savon yeara aid et the timo and the 1 0-yoar-oid age graup, ho upstag.d 30 athor drivera ta crack the tap three. Ho was a conaistent top-fivo finiahor ail soasan lang and wan hie dobut race et Bingomnan bock In Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Reding seniors battie back to outduel Iroquois Ridge By STEVE LoBLANC more than anything else,' he remarked. The Champion Redmng had a number of players back fromt injury That pesky zero in the Royals' win column is no Friday including Harley Mouscos, who booted a 30- more, yard field goal eaely in the fourth quarter that proved Overcoming the mental battering of back-to-back 10 he the difference. blowouts, Bishop Redmng's Division 1 semiors team The Royais conceded a safety down the streicb and erased a two-touchdown deficit on the way to eclips- bang on by the narrowest of margmns. ing Iroquois Ridge 17-16 Friday aftemnoon in Defensively, Nick Pary led wilb a handful of Oakville. .? uL tackles, while providing tight pass cos'erage The victory guaraoteed the 1-3 Royals were retumnees Chuck Allen and Sean Ward. homne-field advantage for opening-round ~, ~ Meanwhile in Division 2, Milton play nexi Fniday -mosi Iikely againsi the District's rebuîlding seniors fell to 2-2 Ridge. with a 38-101 loss 10 ubeaten T.A. Bminm in weefour sa e enoye a The Mustangs baîledi back froin Bmnae in eepor ils msaes 10e a Thaeoc Fria n akle. akfri phenomenal performance frora tail-back sbaky start 10 grab the momentum befuîre Ted Fair -who scored hotb majors and ran halfliure, but a buge Blakelock reverse for 244 yards on 39 carnies. sweep and subsequeul touchdown jast alter He delivered jusi about aIl of Reding's 18 first intermission took the wind tint oif their sails. downs -more than had been recorded in the tbree Prom there. the bosîs exploted MD's sbortcomings previous games ciimbined -thanks in no small part ai jast about every opportnmîy and ran ap the score. to texîbook blockîng. Mark Murray scored the visîtors' loue îoucbdown Jamie Pedra led in ibis depantment, whîle Chris ss'ile Ryan Mitcbell kicked a sbort field goal early lin. Wheeliban opened up somte big botes on the fine of MD had a number of lengtby drives ou the day, but just scrimmage. But beyoud the highlights, bead coach Joe couldu't finisb them off. Juras said be was mosi pleased with tbe Royals' sbeer S5h11 in the buni for bome-field advanîage in round will 10 win -somethiug that could easily bave hemn one, the Mustangs wîll close ont tbe regular season aI exiinguisbed after 59-O and 55-O annihilations ai the Oakville Trafalgar Tbursday. wbile Bishop Redîug hands of Notre Dame and Nelson respectivety. wraps things up ai home againsi Loyola Friday. Botb -Comîng ont and heltes îug -ibat impressed me games sîar ai 3:30 p.m. Silva, Hurley!-Arbeiter prevail Perses ering îhrougb ssicked wînds Ociober 9. Enaes Neatraiizing Trnswelt's uormally overpossering net Sils a and Sîacey Hurley-Arbeiter goithe better of Jeff game -wtb a ltile belp from Trusiseîl and Tracy Morgan in tbe Milton Tennis Motber Nature - Hurles- Club's tdult mixed doubles cbampionsbîp. 7' Arbeter and Silva used etu'al "The team tbat*s able 10 play the ssiud ~ fjparts ability and sîrategy lu tbe snî,rtest sîtîl t th e Aluner- upstagîng Ibeir club mates in HurIeN -Arbetter suggested before- decîsîs e tasbîîîu band W The mîsed doubles cbampionsbip That predîction %vas nigbî on the money. and led 10 capped 2004 competitise play for the Miton Tennis straigbt 6-3 decisions for ber and Silva. Club. www. actonsoccer.org INDOOR SOCCER RETURNS TO ACTON Season of 16 games staris first week in November Games - 1 hour long ai 7pm and possible 8pm depending on number of teams. Under 10 (born 1994 - 1997> Mondays ai MSB Under 14 (born 1991 - 1994) Wednesdays ai MSB Mixed Aduit (born 1990 and earlier) Tuesdays ai Acton High School Cost - Youth $80; Aduit $90 Register NOW at Acton's Time Out Sports, 113 Mill St. East, Acton 519-853-9597 any time tbey are open.