~~1E1iruJINHOM CLf~LJ F~Mc IENT SERVICE Prsonai SupJpo[t VUiéore[a Hamnilton Cote, Dundas, Ancaster & Flarnhvrvugh Pivference swilhCgi,r7 lu canddire iia PSW, eri' ýcte. bîrtasphcdnt with ai-5CA oriHorne SupportLes'elIl /I iicae will/be cosdeed Pari lune postions avaiable fleile schlsnrg _*divspiinin d pension planr *24 bour cinicai supporti Educafuon brae xtevlîive. paoriation Your vwi transportatui is requireit Please larad your resrrtéi Christine Roberts. Service Dolivery Centre Marnater, Saint Elizabeth Health Car, 20 HlahsonStreetS.,Sute 908Haiton, ON LtN 2A11 Fex: (905) 972-8788. Sa i in ým4.i tb E-mail: c robe rtss ntelizabeth.cor Burlington, Gakeille, Campbellville, Kilbride Duties Inci. - Personal Care -Light Meal Prep. - Caregîxer Relief - Household Management Qualifications: P.S.W. Cert. preferred or H.CA., H.S. 2 & 3. Nursing students and prevlous med- ical background welcome! Exp. working with elderly. Able to work days, occassional evenings, weekends, holidays. Reliable transportation. Gond communication skills. Apply in person Mon.-Fn,, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Commurily Heollb Services, Conadian Red Cross 3210 Horvester, Burlirgton L7N 3T1 or Fox resume 9035-632-3513 * An E. CE. Experienced :or groery, deli ard restau4 rarn. Applyr in ersoin wt resume. 09 uo Lin, Who AE IMDfUVWUUF Does It... EEVYS SEYEE PREUE 7GN Mechanical Resideati & (nnaiercial Hileating and %ir-('rni iitollg Il..tîv1g. Ait( (905)-510-0051 soi;catn e sureif is, We.siits ssrhv e *~ VJ 11 ] 11 i 1111ilràÀj I L Swvalizing in 04p"OP1 0 LALUMINUM LIMITED 81AIit SpttMs - FRIENOLY ,41o1lSikSI& U, Fauni ad - RELIAS LE àîlà $ ueA mTblig &AFFOROADLE CWadi 877-5383 between 9am & .OpmI -FE STM E 55k555i51550515e'155 BRUCE 9O5.84Wl~~5 P'RECI15E CONCEFT5 Iriterior / ExtenlrPi ýFairtinq Sfor a Frec Ei5tsmrate_, cail William 90jj73747rj 4-16-52b-9e5l 1(905) 876-4023 Stan F'LATENUM Kltchen, Betha & Bcyed ic. RETAIL SHOWROOIM w Complet& Rearatlan Custom raWk 18 hampson alicd Mta, Professornai Cieanmng Service (.UARANTEED Resadent .ai & Srnaii Commerciai Camus tous fress 866b-827 5522 or colis 416-575-6248 <AUAIDI C*N .RCTI. Lj Im cotI.tn itd - B o s - Bk rit jSales, Service and Installationu gwnadmu Entrance Dor, S torm'a Dooms Patio Doon~ On time. Done right: "We'u Cautada': choice fer ai you- houshld llarge or -ro k 1,,ph, 905-875-0555 .~ndinen IŽEnterprisesI ibli111 Insred Io do tour moîrk Relis licite atians Io lour HomeJ ttMd Jobst fil R1Iif I an tt i ror ilio 901-87"-73 1 ... Du li FarI Y,., Do NwLseCarpentry ICESBATHROOMS. BASEMENTS,I KDML OETC. CALL RYAN FOR A [FRE. EsTIMATrEi~ (905) 876-4078 (905) 274-0046 1 *V C DOS 1- Who DosLt. POFESSIGNAL ru SPECIA1TY SERVCES PE ROMN Professional Dog Grooming qb 905-875-Tjil (8245) a 438 Kirilsg cri Mlilton C o n chep t C a 1v i nýý e l withaew4 85M.ainSt. Eae unit #3 878-9177 L rd Eckert IPINTINGI lFor a FREE estimate I and quality work cal]: 1905) 864-94941 NCore's Puanp Service C ëi Well Drfllhng . Weil Rehabilitation Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Weil Cleaning Systemis . Flow Rates UV Sierilization Systems *Water Treaimneni Complete Pumping Systemrs Cfre Tel: (905) 854-4515 Celi: (905) 691-61181 ': 100C Satistactioîn *C Retratrle Boncît-rIc-> C ustoîrnized Sers ice -C Seniiors Discounit t (t' -> Ret'ereiise s j.s niable (ail fo>r a free estimate 4 647t :26-1386 The Waterford is a new RegencyCare long-terni care residence lacated in Oakvi*iie trier is dedicated ta resident-centred quality care. We are currently recruiting for a_ ffl 1 à i i a YOu vvifl be responsible for the -anagemeýnt and leadership of resident uare and se ices. You are an RN with a cornant cenificate of compelence wilh nie CNO You have post-RN education, certification or a degree in oursirg administration ard management A BScN or business degree in health management specializing in long-teron care, gerontoogy, geriatrics or alhabilitation care is preferred. Pleise applyn writing to: Huý Flesources Manag«, Fali (9Ml 827-9038 -mail: hrOregancycare.ca VV, il prAý -11 -iy lh.l. fl, 1,11 hý vv vv vv . r e g e ri c y c a r e . c a ALPINE DECKS FREE ESTIMATES 905-828-1320 L k LANDSCAPING