Kelso offers chairlift rides to see colours Milton reint ae eigntd t noy allîthe s tacula q poor ofqi mns h igr Ecrnetfonauiu Kesetv fin qer KlK oe oh Saudy n udy ri 1am.t Thliiie n lind pet14 anIe ore seed ue teir lt. rn a strip their niiitaiii hikes li te car belote they head out, because 4<elsi lhas, soitie ofi the hesi ofl ro:id traits in siintherri Ontario. Thbis yeai. it's itierine îinlirntted chairlifi rides tIo the top oit the 0 est alpireîit. Mlian bîke il ail passes cost $6, and a eiinihinatiîin ralpsanid uiilîînied lift ticket ciists $12 for the eiile day. tsels i s locateil on Keko Rîsid. e of Treinaiie Riad. tFoii niole iloniiation %siltntsctîetainiinnc Radial railway 7'A hosts spooky fun P.m throh the Evi Wches For-est, amy ing ai thei Haunted Barn and a rp ps the gravyards of past conductors. Vistr shod trad vei-y carefuiiy down the paihs that Iead t0 the with' pniat pond, and he caretul not 10 disturb the zombies a he slwl pas hy the cii-ca 1963 ice crearn parlour -st-ange thing have n known 10 happen in thoue enchanted woods an Hallwe approahes. 'Me fis 50 csumed chid-en ai thei door at 6:30 p.m each evning wil eev an extra spectai Halloween treat. Admisin tthe event costs $8 per person, and inctudes unlim- id stret aides and trips thi-ough the haunted houses. Theii wa i ocated at 13629 Guelph Line. Foi- more infor- mation, eall 519) 856-9802 oi- visit ÀNYOIF- ý-1A LI FI? OnIy 9 Weeks TMI Chrlstmasl RdCross dtrifflhlp those in need gentomedicatoappointmrrents, out day programasand oirtthe îes r e .,-..u h i t m F m s i g o VLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED CAJ. USTO LEMN NtON YVU iAN HBP.Mn (905)875-1459 MITN GOGTW Canadian Red Cross FREE