Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Oct 2004, p. 11

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I riait 1 continue I nurs. .from TREES on page 1 destroying aces an a wauadlae. camtary Iot tise Regron's ree coanservationa hylaw. ,l'ws naore tree-cutoing charges were added as July of tast year. la 's alleged Mr. Vasais was responsable tsor destroytsg trees tream Apntl 4 to 11t, 2003 and ugain Juty 14 and 15, 2003. He ceauld be ined up ic $840,000. Mr. Vasais pleaded flot guilty te the charges an June. Ms DeLoyde testtfied abat Mr. Vastas's propsrty -located on Fourth Line, soutb sot Britannia Road and nortb cf Hwy. 407 beameen Regional Road 25 antd Trafalgar Road -meets Hatton Region's definition of an Environmcntally Sensitive Area (ESA> set oltin ats Official Plan. "My conctlasion was the cutang took place within ESA t16 and eaur bytaw cIsas- ly states there shasuld ttc flu cuttang an an ESA.' she sail Wsheas shre tctuatacd tua tuc praaoerty Jaly 28, Ms DcL sapue sac] shur as sres beaaag traackcut (lt' tIse ioutra . T sas. she saad sccaasedI tus a1t atouCit toe paassshilat the acces mccc Iaciag used toa1 Ma. Vastissý sl mas a trce cauitag eceptaaioni athe bu law. ta tas sc.roass exaaouanatauon art Mcs t)eLaap uts. detettue lamper D)avisd Crusekea aslad if Ma. Vsstas casuldve hecto asaag tbs trccs tas create tassaIs l r utlos prrpuascd tusaaOaag uspecatus -- abats tanllutag sasdet the bylasus s ami n s exceprtion, She siu sbc dlacîst kasuso. He then asked aboaut usiber coxceptions mhen cutting cas take place an an ESA. using ltwp. 407 --wbacb cuis abruougb ESA 16 -as an soattaple. Ms DeLusyde dadn't provide a clear ansmer, andt ansteaut re-rsad alsaud the bytaw. Mc. Creeker asked why oaber landown- ers who had viotated abs tee conservation bylaw hadn'i goe to court. Once ageuin, Ms DeLcyde didn't direcaly answer abs question. Eartier in abs day, Mr. Crocker had cross examined John MeNeil, manager cf foresry services for abs Town cf Oukville. Pointing to a photograph cf tree cegener- atos on M. Vastts's property, Mr. Creeker chargsd it would be diffisoît to differenti- uts csgsnsratison frein wseds. He was cstscring tes abs July charges abat Mc. Vastus allcgsdly destcoyed sssdlings. tI suggs ai bt t absanrage persen. uts aura cleais I suggesa so ons wssulc treat that grusmit as tises vcasos soanetbang cIse lake mscds uoc gra.ur: Mr. Caacksr ratId Mr. MNeuil adaaaanatlp dsnasd abs stase- mtoa. sa\ uag te ]caves ofI a p suaog Oak ares has absh saits cbacacterasits as tobuse att a fully- gasamu Oak ires. tata cutofident ttac average persean can dastangusa tre arcstct a wsed,- las saad. "Flas prutcssdiaogs wilI cotitnue TltucsdaN. Itplst iit i i l cat ti si Pot tutci IssuP ti ttssass ialt, ' liasut iutusu i Putii ptI)oiti The Canadian Chartin. Tuesdav, Octuber 19, 2004-11 alner i.c I Balancing performance and stability in one f und. r1t lF6,,.- LBICLA'D Welre Y ur 1Releis jusfoinsample: . 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Pleose reind thse prospectus, wich ronsoîts detoîlesi investroelt iofonotron ondi obtoino e rpy faons yeur deoler, before rooessrng lire rndreoted rotes of retors ore sire biîstorrool annuel coonded total retrurns os of Septernbise 30, 2004 iriuludrrîg uhourgus rl Unit velue urrd rurrruestmurnt of oil distrbuios urrd do nus reke sno üccouno soles, redempnion, dîstrrbution or optrunor urorgs io ri orre (Ioe r0 by osp usit holder thet oroulid hove redu usi returru Mutuel londs ore sus guerenteesi or rruossd, therr uCluOs rîror go fequerrtp crld purst Perforrrrerce mely nos ire repeoted. 3 From Top Fonds (2002, 20031 bp stoP Folos und Rrley Mopnes, Copyright fc Rley Mýosu ndi Nrck Folios (2001, 2002). Reprrnted wrffr permission o! Peniguri Groueo IConodor, o drursoo o! Peosoi Penrgur Corirdu or 4. Frons Gordoîr Popes Boye's Guide te ïutuoi Fonds 1200i, 2003, 2004) hy Gordn Poperund Fric Kirrner. Copyright ( Gardon Pope Enterpsises (2001, 2002, 2003) Reprrnted wrirh permisrsinî o! 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