-CVC calis on Region to help control run-off from construction sites By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Credit Valley Conservation (CVC> is callîng on te Region lo help conirol the amount of sediment ltai runs off from con- struction siles and pollutes lthe Credit River. CVC Biologisi Robert Morris made a preventalion tu the planning and public works commiocee last week on how sedi- ment, or materials tai seule in the btom of a river, from housing development con- siruction is harming the local river and its tnibutaries. "The problem iv commun across al municipal ities," he said. Somne fences broken down On construction sites, the developer iv supposcd lu put up sedimeni fencing to stop pullulants from reaching nearby waters. But Mr. Morris showed slides from lhroughout thc Credit River waiershed of fences ltaI are broken down or flapping in the wînd, resulîing in murky waters. "Our biggest challenge iv the large areas we're stripping (for developmeni)." he said. These areas can vit tare for long peri- odv of lime, increasing sedimeni run off. Be nuted that sediment can do every- thing front suffocale tish lu make waters unsafe for drinking or recreational activi- tics. Regional Chair Joyce Savolîne avked Mr. Morris if the Region iv currenily falling short in ierms of ils sediment con- irol. She was told that the information pre- scnted was generîc and cornes frum across the Credil River waîershed, nul just Halton. -We're nul here lu point fingers. We're here iu work on titis together," said CVC Water Resources Manager Hazel Breton. While te CVC docs conduct construc- tion vite visits, Mr. Morris said il doevn't have enough revources lu inspeci aIl loca- tions. The CVC submitted a proposed resolu- lion to the committce that calîs for Halton tu work co-operatively with the CVC, Ministry ut Natural Resources and Department of Fisheries and Oceans by cunducting construction vite inspections in an effective and pro-active manner. The resolulion also requestv that the Region adopt a topsoil bylaw ltai address- es sedimeni controls on construction sites, ihai municipal inspectors attend work- stops on sediment control and alvo take immediate action, vuch as isvuing a stop work order, where sediment controls are taclong. But, Halton CAO Brent Marshall said he woutd like to, vee titis issue lefi to regional staff. Report to be prepared Regional council endorsed a staff recoin- mendation Wednesday that a report te pre- pared tu addeess issues discussed regarding the CVC's presentation and outtine rotes and responsibîlities of conservation autor- ites, goverument agencies and municipali- lies in ternis of vedimnent control. Melanie Hennesses v cn he reaclid ai mshiesniesse.vî'4flIitotiuaadianUhiliot. V Complete meclianical repair i/ Specializing in Hondas s/eAuto body customnizing so Collision CoIsbwratnq Our 1 Tuai Arnnilvsaiy! *speciaIs end Oct 31104 ?JMIOOAYSUTV r555 Main Street East Units #11 & 12, Milton 9 U f~~ !Dr~ Sien Bacchus Certsfied Ortbodontic Specialisi Smiles that last a Lifetime SDD, M&.. Bk., FRCD(C) Now accepting new patients! 311 Commercial Street-Suite 209-Milton Braces for Children & Aduits *flexible payment plans free cunsultaions Sno referral necessars cal] to book ynur consultationl *dodtor on duta on Saiurdays & Mondays *office open Mon. Wed., Fn.. Sat. TeI.905.875-2995 TritiUa GPM1.4 ROTISSERI E & GRILL Milton Team would hike t0 express our gratitude for votmng us FAVOURITE FAMILY RESTAURANT ---------------------- SOUP OR GARDEN SALAD iWITH PURCHASE 0F DINNER ENTREE s wIS$,ALU I ROTISSERIE & GRILL 50 Market Drive, Milton, 905-876-3313 Dne noniv.1 Couo vper perso No !sh al Cwwta iwo1 c ,,,n2 a, othwofl