FAMVILY CHIROPRAC TIC CARL e11 under my roof 311 Martini Street, Miltons (905) 878-5165 Strange how a good dinner reconciles everybody. Sub-Consclous Re-Programmlng works! Hypoosis has heen necognized and endunied by The Aanerlca Medical Association ince 1958., Nothing is eaiies, sales or hai a higher soccesi rate. Fsnding for thiî teminar cornes (rom public donations. Proate clients have pard weil ooen $245 (or an hour session to stop smoking or lose weîght thîs way, Sou wîII renerve positive revuits for uni> S80 Donit be (oo(ed by other high priced seminarsi Whateoer you're paît esperiences were with werght lois or quiitinig smoking, attend our semînar and y00 wiîl stop smoking and/or loie weîght. FREE jiedal Bonus: Ilecelve a Free Stress & Tension CD valued ai $40 for attoodlog. WAith the power of your mind, positive suggestions wiîl be placed loto your iub-consious mind iherefone eliminat- ing youn cnasings fus cigarettes, and/or sait>, imeet, fait, fatty foodi, includiog cani and soda. Dont hoiloikl ihis has woirkud succeisfully for hundreds of thousd of people luit Ilke youl PITCH IN CANADA Per the Surgeon Centeral "0ver an etii maied 800,000 peuple wili die thîs year frm smoking and berng overweight. DONTr LET THIS Bt VOif You wili achieve tremendous reiults from thiî semînar for a (et of only $30. hus. Oct. 21st 7:OOpm Ramada Inn 161 Chuîholm Dr. Milton, ON The seshion i houri Sign in 30 min. nros to vemîinar. 'haut (mnalin tuit smoking. Thank Sou!! 1 ittended vour iemrnar. 1 wao truly skepticai. sirce nothinu ese had worked for me. Sînce your iemrtar ( haie been imuke (tee fon 6 monthir' Cindy N. -Ontario "As of today ( hase luit 28 Ibs. and 1 leel lirie Ie hat tated onen for me. 1 ee( gond about mysel( and full of energy!' Robent tB. -Manituba Natural Health Clini www.naturalheuathclinics.org 1-281-265-0689 Cashilis Credit Cardas accepted iLandscape elquipment stoien from home on Trafalgar Road Landscape equipmeni was stolen from a Trafalgat Road borne last week. Unknown suspects stole tbe equipmeni sometime onemîgbi Ociober 7. The esti- mated value of tbe equipmenî is $3.400. Police are învestigating. Several vehlicles vandalized Three vebicles parked ai the Ramada Inn on Chisbolm Drive were damaged ai about 4:3(0 arn. Tuesday. Unknown suspects smasbed the passen- ger-side windows of ail tbree vehicles -a 2004 Dodge Catavan, a 1995 Jeep and a 2000 Mercury. Damnage to tbe vebicles ranges from $500 to $700. A black JVC CD player and sonne tools were siolen from the Jeep. Nothing was Police Blotter taken from the other vehicles. School window simashed 'Me former Percy Merry School building on Britannia Road was vandalized last Fniday. Unknown suspects smashed a west-side wîndow with a SubIh weed eater. sounding an alarm. The estimoied value of the damage is $300. Truck broken into Cash and cigarettes were stolen from a truck patked ai Sargent Farrns on Giarden Lane ovemighi Ociober 7. Police said the driver lefi the cab of the truck open wbile he wenî insîde the build- ing. Unknown suspects ihen eniered the cab. The esiimated value of the siolen proper- îy is $130. Intoxication charge laid A public dmunkenness charge was laid eatly Saturday morning. Shortly afier I ar.. a Main Street bar denîed entry io a person wbo appeared intoxicated and called police. A 20-year-old Campbellville man was cbarged with being intoxicated in a public place. KELISETS UNDEOROES RENOVATIONS K(elsey's wiII be closed from Sunday, October 24 toi early November to update our Miltonlouo. Please join us the fi November for our Granq You wmiI enjoy the Kelsey's Dining 5>pmri We look forward to s.rvInp 7 KeIsy'sMilto .45 Chisholm Drive 905-876-4731 4ýN STEELES AVE. * KLE' STOP SMOKING OR LOSE WEIGHT bv Re-Proeamn - our mind FREE Stress & Tension CD just for attending Nandals who damaged sehool sought Halton Regional Police ate mnvestigat- $150 was also, stolen. You will never have to gii'e vour clame ing a break-tn ai J.M. Denyes In a separate incident that saine week- or testifsr in court. Crime Stoppers of' Elementary School. end, cuiprits smasbed ont two doors and Halton does flot subscribe f0 cal! dis- Clver the weekend of September 24, a window ta the school, causing $1 ,500 play. paint was splantered on the floors and in damage. Please cal! 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800- walls in a classroom of the school, locat- If vou have an>v information that leads 222-8477) or chieck out Crime Stoppers' ed ai 215 Thomas St. to an arreot in thîs or any other matte, Web site at A Califone portable sîereo valued ai vou may be eligiblefiar a cash reward. mwww.haltonc-rimiestoppers.cýom. L M