The Canadian Champion, Friday, Ociciber 15, 2004-7 Millon~~~ UR~ UtleèuIc~*Oi fADfERS ÎUTut card playing and dancing &ai_______________ 'Fini' C'apsu/s'aris ,'i'iiiî of iifon e'if, ai îîd j, on paît issus if T/te Chaianu anîd ot/îî' pu/iaîans in ordv'r fa proî'îde a sîndow into Mîltan', pa. Explanafar ' if)nmefit i .s soane'fi ies pro- î'îded fa p/lat f/ih' situation in iontie March 1904 Rev. J.W. Cooley, pasior of the Methodist Church in Milton tienounceti card playing anti dancing fromn the pulpît last Suntiay anti condemneti ytiung ladies who alltiwed the acms of dnnrking men ta go acounti their waists while dancing. if Mr. Cooley ever attentiet Milton card or dancing parties he wauld ktiow ihai dink- ing is tabooed ai Ihers andti hal a tirutiken mas wouiti be as much oui tif place ai one tif iheru as hie would be ai a prayer meeting. IHe wauid also know that Milton young ladies whti tiance are fully as mcidest as ihose who don't anti that bis remarks about lhem were uncalleti for. to say the least. There have been no such parties in Milton since Mr. Ctoiley preacheti bis sermon, but the Lenlen season. not the sermon accounts for that. Mr. Cooley also denounceti bock' ey anti basebail as games, wbîch causeti tbe players lu frequeni hotels anti il may be inferreti ta drink there. He iv not a patrtin of titese games anti it seemv tites not ktiow that no basebail tir hockey manager bas any use for tiritikers anti that ail gooti managers insisi on lem- perance among their players. Two hockey r matches now ativertiseti, are tti be playeti in Milton. If the visiting players put up ai a hotel insteati of eating ai a ban sbop anti if members tif the local team go tti the hotel ta meel tbemn, it iv possible thai ail will manage ta keep sober, as a matier tif gooti training. if for tit other reason. Tbtiugh titis i iv true, a sermon ta hockey players tit the subject tif clean, fair play anti against the brutaiity ta wbicb some trams are atidicteti mighl do gooti but as far as Milton iv con- cernet only as a warning. Mr. Cooley's remarks about the amusements tif thte young people tif Miltoni were, tif course, intendeti for ibeir gotit. TMe trouble was that he ktiew as uitile about thase amuse- ments having nolbing ta tit witb tbem. Many ministers tof the gospel, insteati tif keeping aloof from sncb amusements, take part in tbem. or ai least mingle witb the young people wbile the later are engageti in tbemn wiib gooti resuits. The exaniple tif sncb minisiers il woti tif Mr. Cooley's verious consitieiatitin. E. L. Wbiîte tif the Sheibume Bcotiomist, (eltiest son tif Richard Whtite tif Milton, I Milton 01 Thanks to ail who supported Terry Fox Run T,,ni ~ ~Dear Editor: cancer research. It's aisti raismng the anti Unique Sountis Dise Jockey We'd lîke ta, take tis tipportuni- bar for non-profit funtiraisîng deserve a big you as wel Capsules îy 10 offer a sîncere anti beartfeit ,îcctuntability, whîie honouning the Tbanks also to, the local firefigbt- matt yu ti veiuiis I Il. f -r,,t,,,, le ac - ers who took the challenge anti publisher of the Milton Reformer) came to Milton ta spenti Suntiay with his pacents and is stili here as hie cannot go back on account of the snow blockade. He says there is no coal at Sheibumne anti no fuel except green wooti. Waier takers east of the McGibbon House have been on short aiiowance of waier for some weeks on account of leaks in the mains anti pipes. The reservoir is nearly fuil, but mn order ta keep it s0 the water has heen turnet on in the part tif the town affecteti only a short time daily. B.F. Bac) inspector iv doing what he cati ta have the leaks repaiceti, but the weatber atid dieep snow have made the work difficuit. There was a beavy rain anti thutiterstorm bere tit Saturday night. There was more rain tit Sunday and the snow melteti fast but il was remacked that one migbt expect rough weaiber on Montiay, as every Monday of the wititer bad been cold or sttirmy. Sure enough a beavy snowstorm set in on Monday. causing the worst block- ade of the yeac. The evening trains on the G.T.R. were cancelleti atid vo were those oif Tuesday anid Wedtiesday mommig. The C.P.R. 5:20 p.m. train from the east stopped ai Sti'eetsvilie. There was no train fromn the easl unît) about i p.m. on Tuesday. The 8 p.m. train from the west go) not futer thati Campbellviiie until i p.m. on Tuesday. The snow turet ta sieet On Monday evrnmng atid between 8 atid 9 p.m. the lown was stactieti by a vivid flash tif iigbttiing, described by matiy people, as a bail tif fire. It was foulowed by a terrifie thutiderciap. 'Me ligbining struck the roof tif Knoix Cburcb at its front etid, ran dowti to thse rave on the nortb side anti back aiting the gutier ta the midde tif Uie build- ing wbere il descendei lte gas pipe. No great damage was doue. A few siates were loosetird, vo was the gas pipe anti sonie plaster dropped from lte ceilitig. A number tif telephones anid a few incandescent elec- trie Iigbts were put oui tif business. This material is assembled on be/tai! oj thte Milion Historical Society' by J/m Di/s, w/to can be reac'hed bv e-mail ai portedti he 241h annuai Milton Terry Fox Run. The untifficiai resuits show thai we raiseti mtire tban $48,000 ibis year. Bveryone who actîvely saliciieti pletiges, volunteereti anti participateti shoulti be very prouti tif ibemselves for sncb an ouisiasti- îng job. The theme tif this year's mun was 'l'ow far wiil you go?' Teriy's remarkable Maraition tif Hope sbowed the world bow far hie woulti go for cancer research. Rutiting a marathon a tiay for 143 in a rtiw was an extraortitary accomplisbment. Terry was an iticredible persan, anti continues ta be an inspiration ta ibose fîgbting cancer anti itise wbo bave sur- viveti the disease. The Terry Fox Fountiation iv raising more than just money for witb 89 cents tif every dollar raîseti going dicecily ta cancer research. This is dionc by baving a very smaii staff anti no butiget for fancy marketing campaîgns or media coverage. Terry once saiti, "Bven if I tionit finish, we neeti aihers ta continue. lits pot ta keep going witboul me." Anti vo we tbank eacb anti every tne tif you ftir bemng a part of Terry's legacy by conîrîbuting tbrougb yaur pletiges anti tbrtiugb your participation. in particulac we'd like 10 tbank Lîsa Shieldis ftir being ibis year's Terry's Teammate. We were ibrilieti thal she couiti be witb us on Run Day - Seplember 19 -10 kick off the event. Sponsors Subway, the Water Depot, Just for You Balliions, D&S Sigtis, M&M Meats, Cbutiieigbs gear carryitig a 20() pounti rescue dummy. Anti let's n01 forgel ta thatik those at B.C. Drury for the use tif the scbool. To everyone else that belpeti on mun day -our volunteer commit- tee, Doreen Clarke, Shawn Ctibben., Damna Caulter anti The Champion - thanks very mucb. We coulin't bave dotnc it wiibout you. For those interesteti. mn day photos cas be seen by visiting www.mnionterryfoxrun.corn. Next year iv the silver ativer- sary of the Terry Fox Run. WC can't waît ta see you then, on September 18, 2005. Melissa JanJevlch and Christina Godbolt, co-ordinators Milton Te"r Fox Ffun In responsible hands, 257l-foot dog leashes safe Dear Editor: The Champion's recetit article mentioning my cors- ing back ta council about retractable leashes bas causeti quite a stir. Ficst off, let me state that 1 would neyer vuggevi a tiog shoulin't be on a short ieash whrn arounti other people or animais. Howevrr, baving a 25-foot retractable ieasb at full extension docsn't pose a risk ta anytine wben nobody iv arounti. Furthermore, a 25-foot leash affords betier scope for trainiing a tiog, anti gives it mare exercise. Unftirtnnately we bave no plans for a leasb-frrr park in Milton, even thougb there arr butidretis across the conntry that operate beautifully. Our comunities are affordig us vmaller anti vmal- er lots these days, necessitatinig exercise on a leash off onr'v prtiperty. Responsible pet owners recognize this anti always bave theic tiogs on a short leasb wben arounti others. Acrosi Canada there are very few communuties that actually speil ont wbat an acceptable leasb lengvb is in ibrir bylaws, oniy stating Ihat the tiog must be untier the cantrol tif the owner at ail limes. Simpiy baving a tiog on a seven-foot leasb tiocsn't carry witb it automatic control. lt'v the persan 10 wbomn the leasb iv atiacheti that either bas ctintrol, or docsn't. My veterinarian agees by vaying, "A tiog shouiti be on a ieasb, anti untier contrai." A leasb tif any iengtit tiocînt auttimaticitily mean contrai. Wbat we nerd iv betier contrai over irresponsibir pet owners. Iti neyer rivk anybody's life or security unnecessar- ily, yet i believe il ta be unfair ta bave ta keep sncb a tigbt rein on any animal ai ail limes when nobotiy iv artinit. I believe every respansibir tiog owner woulti agree witb me, anti there are hutidretis tif thousantis tif people ont ibere using reiractable leashes. This iv where l'm coming from an the issue tif the irasit law. Jan Mowbray, Ward 3 councillor Lack of support for football team truly disappointing Dear Editor: Recently our Milton Marauders football tram retumnet from Edmonton as national champions. Ibis was a tremendous acctim- pivbmetit for ibis gronp of young men. Hawever, I'm embarrassedti l report that the Town tif Milton titi- nIt contribule 10 the tram's travel- ling expenses. Unfortunateiy, as a resuit. not ail tif the Marauders were able to make the trip. Titis group tif young men sacri- ta represent Milton, anti 1'm dis- gusteti that te Town coulin't assîvt temn in even vome vmail way. J. Glover Milton &UtI fl*d chlrî'&L1ni~ etr Top of the Line deiy Pare witl einphsis beiný, one on one with ehil<1 end parents. Wle are aeeeptiný new reeistrations for ehildren a!ýeâ 6 months to'12 yesrs of a"e We offer ahIefore & after sehool proL.rm wuth transportation Io end fromn sehool witliin Milton. ~24 Thnmni~nn Rd. Sotjth 905-864-6629 Hlours of operstion: Mondây 14) frdmy 6:30à.m. - 6:00, Curetl AcepI n un 824 Thoinin-çon Ild. South