Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 2004, p. 6

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j' 1 fois 24Xs l'il Mcii SiI li Te Casadllil Chsampionsîîii . iA ii19 Milon Orllilil NI APu1bliA ir& I)ISiiiQ,.LiO ai Ii Il iîi c!i) ;h, Aii.iioiA NIAS Ad,,ciise its Hý1a( C( aie. Tair (905)878 -2 41 ( Aasa,uc Bolton Enterprise, Braio l as ha.idi Aufilqiail i il BuiliýIluli Shoping eýs, City Parent Ciyo ik ut 'aii r cuis.ai59ei Ciisecfioii s t Yoriîk Mirii Eun sid aie Caiiîlryaiiiei ftbi ie Editoriai Fax: 905-878-4943 G udas Fiamslsasugh teiew Fuari iYoung Georgetowns Bmepnd P /co ic res Haisi Binss Times Huoiia Busnss Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 TimiesLidsayThis Week, Makî am alil it & Suin Midiasa isiesangA Classifird: 905-875i-3300 uisiene Musasr Mltos Ahopping Nems Ossiiiauga Business Times, Mîîissiau NewsA Napaes Aidle. Nassiaiweyi News, Nee-marketAroa Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ela-tannes, Norheriieland News, North Yoik Miasor Oakvlle Beiies Oakvisie iShoppiag Ne-s. Osaaîeise tisses, Oidtimeis Hockey Ne-s Asillia Ian Oliver Publisher Talai,0 hsaa/ilyssaCIalingto/PelP Pessi This Weeký Peteioisig lThis Week. Pistas cout Guide, Richmond iiiIlThoriiIVaAq5iai Ciberli Scas Neil Oliver A. iiiraie Piîisher Se-ailS Mîseas Sinise-îlle/UAhisîe Tribune AAiesisinl Is accepiel as the condition th0 a înlte eaio a typo- uitl Davis EitAi ses Chie] graihe-ui errsas fiii portioso athlie ediefliil space accupînd Sy lie euso Kiaren Smith Maiiîgilu Fdiiiar seaus item toteiher e-les a ieasoablse illoane tuf signature wiii (lot ae siiîel o butte Salasse ai the advertsemssi wil be parifo saa lise appli- Wiendy McNab Adve-rtsing Dire, li sasi sale Ts ilsisssse C siil 5e015îsusmssa Tim Cules Pessalus flts Majno go-i Ilalise Charene all isilibuton M iiai Br Eialrial and adverltsisicnent 0s Thse Casuoias Champian is protectea Teri Casas c/l -Mese Tise Mîoilo raieadial Champion is a tesplable Proasol W1 *comment *The Canadian Champion Beware of 'friends' i 11 t sclîc k. Doî vlu kiasin wiîlî ysesî claildie cascltetso A iece Il coiuret case shiouId hav e exscl at onsicer-ed abouist sih fa ista- scrîîachildrcit iai he îtaeetîtg' ii I es se-e-k, al 3Auc iiii i as e-c: tînst Toscsntsîiian co Osi tec iii Asise- poster anio tfae Iate-rnacc tsI I cilitite iiiierlerciinces wtii a fieesoit cîice-r the 4 -a lais introducesi is tîo yea Esîdeîîce preseniedi at triat shous nain hatd entered a teela chat e-c September 20102 and be-pan sendin sages to a III year-old girl. lie gave a f'aise naine. a commnc tice by on-uine oserA ancd cf aime 19. At the lime of iheir cybeespace encouniter, the girl claimed 10 be 13. She was actually approaching ber 111th birtbday. A inontb after their initial correupon- dence. tbe man bad tbe girl fil bis Toronto apartinent. gave ber alcobol and aiiempted to bave sex witb ber. As sbocking as tbis souands, tbe case als a stark reminder of the responsibility parents hase in knowing wbo tbeir rbildren are meettng on-uine. Wbite our socaety mîght enjoy ail the vne c f the computer aee with ustasi thîse aids antages calme conapltely neus loiriis of' crimnial asttiI it laigs i îa ii e-nu sciisiîy ihel i aîad ficuti Iii ..sillic ssi .la r - pîcows foe inocent srey. Mioferns pcslopbile.c cam peactîse ibeir piedcatsiy isais frosit Illîe sale coînfine-s sel house n \aiitiag fisc st the rîptat oippcsts- îaily to poîinsee As parients, ne shoîld be askiiag Our- selves il Ilhe sis aeng 5e-ils are preseni. Do yot permit yoîur child 10 chat wîth stratagers on the mIermet? Has your chald eser mentîoned making a nesi friend through a chatroona or by e- nmail? Ras your childis Iniemet 'buddy'uudden- ly proposed a face-to-face meeting'? A'yes'response t0 any of these questions mouid mcmn your child il heing îargeled by an aduli peetending Io he someone he's not. MoisI parents would want In meet a new friend hefore allowing Iheir cbild 10 go oui alone witb hlm or bier. The saine mile should apply for Iniemet acquatotances. Computers are an extremeiy useful tol; unforiunateiy ce-minaIs are finding the technoiogy 10 be benefaciai fou. *Our Rjeaders Write Support in search for Kate was incredîble On October 3, Andrewsý Scenîc Acres was the site of a massive search for a missîng laine-year-ofd girl. We are most grateful 10 i-lton Regional Poalice, as weli as police froint oîberjuriudictions, ftrefighters froin Milton and Hiton HuIs, Hilton Conservation staff, EMS personnel, Victims Services and the varions other professionats who were calied in. 'heir help wati ahsoluiely amie- tourad safely alier an eaghi-honr search. We especially ssish 10, ihank the musltituîde of volunteers -more Ibmn 3010 in total -who helped in the search. Among Ibem were f riendi, neigb- hours, cusiomers and staff 0f Andrews' Scenic Acres, our Mexican fim worke-s, Neighhourhood Watch volunteers. Heather Auger and folks from Boston Presbyteeian Church. our son and daugbtee--in-iaw Kue-tis and aîad people froin Milton, Hialtos Hilis and others froin as far away as Guelph, Kitchener and Markhaîa. We especaally appreciate oie- neighhours who refused 10 gise tep and who found the finle girl as about 1:15 ai. The cheer froin Ihai moment sIlI he foreser etcbed in out memnory. We ranci tbank everyone enough. This ils whai community is ail about, and we are so grateful. Bert and Laurle Andrews Andrews5 Scenic Acres Spectacular fali colours are ready for your viewing Wlaen il eomes tsi ail cas e-ic iere ail kidu ai Wlao docinit love tbe cmunch of falleit antuanan le-avesu nderf 001, and secreily scîsh the-s csand pic baok to tlae ifaies sven al construîctive afiemnosa naeant rakîîîp atac juming. raking and jiinipiiap?! I tat flite cppsirisiiity recently 10 take at %N agot nrie tlaitgb Hilton Falls Coîtser atisan Are-a up to file failli ssîth loîcal diiTnicieu juil aii fic le-aies ivere staritg lis chanae e-soîirs. Anac Ii cti N AIou knssss il. aii silii asi the soheels stetited rolfaiap tille-s diiappearedu atad il \Nas au il e-se-yne oas 201 years vouniger. There's a lot to bo sali about sioppîng 10 ineIl tbe roses or in ibis case. slostflg the pare long enough 10 gulp dosin the crisp aummrrn air. 15ve ofien gîsen plugs for our local conserva lion are-as. and Icm 001 going 10 issi Ibis chance 10 do il once again. If yousve ne-er spent lame aI one or more of Milion's surioulaciig parks, ilacre's no botter lime ihan noss. The sie' ofi the Niagara Fîcirpoacont s boants- fui from Hny. 4liii. but taees lais n ay 101 descrîbe hon mîscb naore breifs lakiiag Il s ishen s îewed up cilose - n\ here Isle spesciscua solssrs cire liii an arnaas lengliam ai as Vie ia Mitonar sic oi unlaiiie tsi be suiTouidOei bv panki. In I ici. thc aisis clîlI suit tisîa abouît speîiding a day is ogs fili iltie aostoiis plendoeur is dcidsig, juil vI ore logis. Hîltsn Falls sý nice, but of course ibere's atîso Keissi Crinford Lcake, Mounisborg and Railleuaake Point. For ceaf enthusiasis tîke mîself. Kelso Conrvation Area s, offienng a spe-ciat opporiu niy t0 gel oui and enjoy the all-iolo-brie-f cofouru of fait. Each weeke-nd ihis monih. the park is pros îding cbairlifi rides up t6e escarpinent bro\n.The shofe A round tamily cao enjo i scing, the eases trom ilac (inique \ anage point. Tickets cosi S7 for adulis and seniors and $5 for children aged 5 Io 14. Preichooiers gel in free. Families caoi pack a lunch to enjoy in the greai outloors or purchase a harbecued lunch ai the pari,. If you preter a finle more speed for your fait rsas irails. perfect foîr iniuntaîn hikîng. Kelse s, sifiering osîlîmitec chaierltidoes lor cyctists anal their faikes to t6e top ofth16ecscarpiaaeit. A coîmhîîatioî trail pais aid uîaimied lift lick et costs is $ 1 - for the entie day -about th,! prisu sof a nilsie ticket. Bel-ore seîîîng ofiI liii the n sîpsn ride ai Hîlîs i F ails. I tcamed jusi n bat tf s ibai causes, lIas ansiamal soolor chanoge. But i preter niai les ihiisi abouts t6e practical explanataon. andI am choosinL- tic keep ibose of you who den'i knon t6e techbi sallies in the clark. Aller ail, certain tbings are boiter lefi up fil aines imnaginataion. So gel out and enjoy the colours. The drab wîni ter weaiber sili bo bere soon enough. For more information about local conservation areas, sisii wwn.conservatonhalton.on.ca. ~1 Make sure you include your name, address and telep-hone number when submitting a letter ta the editor for publication. I --à-, i; - 19SZ 2o5

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