Play should leave audience in stitchies fram 'THE FOURSOME' an page 81 much. lhought l'd hale directing hecause you're flot the centre of attention. But that's the reastîn 1 love il. You gel to he ail of lte characters." He said golfers will parlicularly enjoy this show, hecause they understand lte camaraderie thai takes place on the course. The audience is sure Io he chuckling throughout titis comedy. Mr. Raimondo said. "lis 001 lte kînd of slap stick comedy yoiu may gel sick of afler 15 or 20 minutes. lits the type of comedy ltai gels deeper and deeper.' As someone who Oirsi waîched The Foursome wiith Mr. Fosier playmng one of the characiers. Mr. Raimondo said hie was enamoured wiih the production from the firsi viewing. "I thougit il was great. What 1 like is if il's doue properly, you really enjoy lthe chacaciers. Thai's one of lte mosi impor- tant tings. Reiationship-type stories are more iteresltng and hring more emotion,- ie said. Directing preseuis somne unique chai- lenges actors don't experience, Mr. Raîmondo saîd. -Yîu have to look aI ail the characters and how ihey mesit. as opposed to just your character.- Piay-goers eau choose tiseen lte show-ouly option, whîch rosis, $15, and lthe dinner theatre. which cosis $35 per per- The show-oniy dates are next Friday and Ortber 28 and 29 ai 8 p.m. wiîh doors opening ai 7:30 p.m. New for titis year is a maîinee performanie bitrig oftered Ocioher 24. Doors wiil open at 1:31) p.m. and thte show wiil itegin at 2 p.m. A cash itar aîîd refreshmenîs wiii he availahie ai aIl dates. Tite dînner theatre wîll run Octoiter 23 and 3(0. The itar will open ai 6:31) p.m.. dîn- ner wîii ite ai 7 and curtain cal will ite ai 8:15 pi. Tickets cao be purchased ai Delacouti's, 227 Main St. E.. ity cash or cheque. or hy caling (91)5) 875-0629. Stephîîniî Thies.seii i an bci i eaihî'd at im saving up my luck for the big payoff - ram WISH an page B2 football for a national championuhip represenling the lown of Milton o lte whole country. Afler a mediocre C and weak P, l've only got four lenters left, and 1 haven't even got a word yet. 1 need an R, hadly. Nexi letter is a W, followed hy a B. 1 don't even have a B. Now ltaI I think of il, I don'î even wani 10 win lte $50,000 hecause ihen my chances of a higger win would he minimal. If il's lalcen me ihis long 10 gel a win of any kind, I'd ratiter save it for the millions. 1 hope I don't win, and tat's flot jusi reverse psy- chology. I got an O, giving me my first word. Onyx. One more lettr 10 go. 1 hope ii's nol an R. Il's a G, so I win absolulely nolitng. Good. ~Precidiosc. Wareh u e Sale Hours: Thursday October 21 12:00 prn to 7:30pm Friday October 22 12:00 pm to 7:3Opm Saturday October 23 8:30 arn to 12:OOpm (bank machine avatiable) Don't miss ouï bîggest sale ever! Amazing selection of Halloween and Christmas gift items, in addition to our popular selection of Glass, Acrylic and Melamine tabletop items_________ ai up to080%/ off regular retail pricing Sale Location: SPrecidio.e 35 Precidia Court Brampton, ON -Now that's big Little Jakab Pedersen just couldn't resiat ittn ap a giant 150-paund pumpkin during a reent trip ta Springridge Farm. The tarm hasts the Harveat Festival right thraugh untîl Halloween. ILOST MISSED 10 month old, very friendly orange Tom cat, goes by the name "Cheese". Went missing on evening of Friday Oct. 8th. He occasionally will walk into homes. Our daughter misses him dear- ly and we hope for his safe returo. In Sunnyvale/Lyndsay Court area. Please cail 905-878-2128 or 905-702-8124 anytime. Means a lot to whole family. Thank you. Entry at rear of building follow lte sîgns t BrRElOO ng in this add WL foratfree gifi! si 1