Building a Better Cornmunity Once upon a time, two brothers who farmed adjoining piecea of property fell mto conflict. It was their first seri- oua rift in forty years of farming side- by-side, sharing machinery, and trad- ing labour and goods as needed, with- out a bitch. Wben their longtime collaboration fell apart, it began witb a small misun- derstanding and grew into a major dif- ficulty! It exploded into an exchange of bitter words and was followed by silence. One moming, there was a knock on Farmer John's door. He opened il to find a mano with a carpenter's toolbox. "I'm a handyman-carpenter looking for work," he said. "Perbaps you would have a few small jobs around here that 1 could belp with? Would you like toi bite me?" "Yes," said Farmer John. 'il do have a job for you. Look across the creek at the neighbouring farm. It's where my younger brother, Joe, lives. A couple of weeks ago, ail that divided us vias a meadow.. But then, he toolc bis bull- dozer 10, thse river levee, opened it up and now there is a creek rnning rigbt between us. He neyer talked to me &bout it! I fact, 1 think duat he may bave clone it purposefuily to spite mýe, a~n charýy Son**y OctWMsel 1O'.WOam MEING SPOUITUAL MOTAUBIGIOUS PART * IME0OGNIZE MY NET WORTH. taeoene a fafht * cofietu myGod-gtre Value'- www4hesanctuary.camiltofl 905.257.3981 MitnSenior Centre blsDie(erteMail> but l'Il do bim one better." Pointing towards bis ban, farmer' John continued, "See that pile of lum- ber over tbere? I want you to build me a fence ... an 8-foot bigh fence ... s0 that I won't need 10 tee bis miserable place, or bis ugly face, anymore!" The bandyman -c arpenter said, 'Il tbink I understand tbe situation. Show me wbere you keep your nails. Ail l'Il need is a poat-bole digger and l'Il be able to do a job that pleasea you." Farmer John belped hia newly hired handyman-carpenter find the building materials be needed, made sure that bie was ready 10, do the job and tben left for town t0 attend 10 somre pressing business. His reaponsibilities in town kept hins busy for the majority of the day. He returned to, the farm juat after dinner. He was greeted by his handyman- carpenter who had worked feverisbiy bard ail that day - measuring, sawing, and nailing. "Let's go look at your workl." Farmer John exclained, "I want to Sec how mucb progresa you madl Let'a hurry - the sun is about to As they walked towards thse mead- 0w, Farmer John's eyes popped out of We welcome you to... ST. PAU ['S UNITED CHURC H 123 Main St. E., Milton ONE CONGREGATION, TWO GREAT SUNDAY WORSIIIP SERVICES AT 10:30 AMI Sun. Oct. 17, 10:30 amn DISCIPLESHIP SUNDAY CelebratisO our marry volarrteers! Church School Thomoe: rire 10 Curnmandirinas Nursery for babies & toddiers at 10:l5am Weokly Bible studies, choirs for ail ages, youth groups, musical ensembles & bonds, and more - Cali for details. Rev. John Benham & Rer. Gerry Hofstetter SChurch office: (905) 878-8895 2850 Orrry Rd r. PO tox 332, 905-878-5684 th i e Fax:905-810-6676 -i,1 Ofce@southsidemilthroo ShtSof The Christian and MîssionarydAlliate of Canada Ptione: (905) 878-3358 Ctxircti Affiliateo with t1ie Sunday-%!qr-sh--îg Pentecostal Asseinblies of Cana(la 10:30am- Worship Service ffl or eastor ltï- Children limait 0 a a M Ultimate Retums" "Investnients Asslstant/WOrShip Interim Youth 2 C«9 9 0. M. - Early worsnip àýerVice 9.30 a. m. - Sunday School for ail ages Pastor jack MInailder la-45 a.m. - Second WorshiP Service Tuesday Oddmr 19th Safari (Gr. 6-8) LET 60 OF THE ROPE! wednesday Oaober 20th jungle (Gr.9-12) 6.30p.m. - Evening Praise & Preach WHO'S AFRAID OF THE 816, DAO WOLF? gRACEWAYBAffIST GM H S«p@,Wjrod Jéunits à oymmie Childrons Pregiranirs avazable ail services, 103 Martin Street Join us for a HARVEST PARTY A HaIlowe*fl Alterativ Sunday, October 31 Reglataofl beginsa t 6 p.m. webse: www.newlfe-mtn10fl9g. w~hIIg.uirrumâ ,ap 905-878-1 629 Pata Walter H. Isaak 10:00 a.m. -Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children (agea 6-1 2) "You'II always find a friend at Graceway" ils head. His jaw dropped. He could sot believe what hie saw. Ris handy- nan- carpenter had not built a fence at ail. Rather, hie had built a bridge ... One that stretched from one aide of thse creek 10 the other! It was a fine piece of work, but not wbat hie wanted at al! Panner John was fuming mad! Before he could chasten bis bandy- man/carpenter, bowever, bie saw bis younger brother, Joe, the neighbour next door coming towards him. He stopped on the other aide of the bridge and shouted, 'il can't believe you! You are quitle, a guy, a fine brother! After aIl that's happended and ail that'a been said and done, you've built: a bridge back 10 me!" The two brothers stood on opposite aides of the bridge looking at each other in diabelief, then choking back tears ran to, meet each other in the mid- dle. Wheto tbey met, tbey embraced and asked each other for forgiveness for ail thse bad thoughts and bad words. Then, they noticed the handyman- carpenter hoist bis toolbox ointo bis shoulder and began 10 walk'away. "No, wait! Stay a few daya. I've a lot of other, projemt for you," aaid Farmer John. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wedneaday 7:30 p.rn. Prayer and Bible Study "There lis one God, and one mediator between God and men, tihe man Christ Jesus " 1s Timothv 2.5 El__ GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Ciergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Ctrurch on tIre Hill1 McDermnott 905-878-2411 Rev. Carole Langlotz Father Mark Curtis £suflday, M 1Oa Services t18 Sun. 8:00 Hoty Communion 10:00 Sung Eucharist followed by coffee huer Thurs. 10:00 HoIy Communion followed by Tes and Sharing ~, Wheelchair Access Through Parkinlg "I'd love 10 stay!" the handyman- carpenter said with a smile as bie aralked on, "But I bave many more bridges toi build!'"We build a better commnunity by building bridges îowards our neighboors. L-et's make Milton the most desired place to live in the GTA. Il ail begins at home! To learn more about building bridges and proiductively resolving conflicta witb people, visit a local churcb Ibis week. Learbs about the power of forgiveness. Service times and locations are publisbed for you ini the Religions Directory below. Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Milton's New L~ie Church CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2Xk 905-875-2939 Sunday Scbool Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister steve Corbett __ KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Si. E., Milton 905-878-6066 Grorn ogetber in the graî e of Christ You re invited to juin us for Sunday Morning Worsbip at 10:30 a.rn. 9:15 Youth & Aduit Sunday School Classes 10:30 Children's Worship & Nursery A variety of cblldren's and aduit music programs Midweek small group ministries and support groups There is a place for you at"Knox. Corne grow with us! m Wheelchair access ai Mary Street entrance. (li SEVENTH-DAY CHURCH Invita yoto out eely Sbh serie amo Hugli teste Hall, 43 Brorn St Mitsu Sas. 9:30 a. m. Salbmh Sdmol Sat. 11:00a.m.-DiineSehrvice FREE BIBLE SCHOOL Disoe the amazicg Bibie mmsts te hifes pesplexmg quetons, and thse secrt te a happy lifs. For FREsE BIBLE LESSONS otite: P. Box 23012, 51 Ontario St., Milton, Ont., L9T 5B4. On the INERNEThttpiltrStop.em and me'maaamgfacts. mglbiblehm/schmlmis mp PASTOR Ai DaCosta 519-835-8301 1IFor mort iniformation abous t oisec and prmgtami, plee cali. Milton SibIe Chuireh 200 Main &qtmot 1~. 10:20 AM Coffe. & Convercetion 11:00 AM Worchip &atviee Chi ldirin'*- progrem running concurrentl!j A Neaw Chueh for a têiw Canomtlon! www.M1ItonBiblpCh u ic 90S-'76-gSeg&v 1 _ r 7 . & ---wa ba-ist