B2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 15, 2004 Be.-rg,sma s Home Decor w V*U M U p .cn of WUoe' *VWS e DICCOAT à &4USO m Wsh I could get in on these lottery winnings Excuse me, but bas everbody in Milton won a lotîery of some kind recently except for me? Not qutte fatr, is it? I've beeu buying lot- tery tickets tn this town for more than 20 years and my biggest min so fac is $3, which isn't really a min because that's how much the ticket cost. l'm scratching a Crossword caed right nom and 1 aim to min the $50,000. After theee scratches 1 already bave an E, a T, and an N. Vety good letters. At least with me sharing my big victory, those few of you who haven't yet won miii get an idea what it feels like. Next letner? M, and I've got four of them. Next is an E Tmo of those. Nom 1 have to stani thinking of what I'mn going to do with my $50,000 when 1 get it. 1 don't mant my name in the newspaper if/mhen i min, so this wtll be the only place youlIl see it, and 1 don't want you telling anynne. If 1 owe you money, just cousider this a work of fictton. Only one H and one D, but not to worry, lots of letters lefI. It's not just one place in Milton that's winning. it's spread out like an epidemic. People like t0 go 10 a place that had a min- uer, but my feeling is that lightning isn't likely 10 strike tmice at the samne place. Miud you, I haven't had ltghtning strike at any place, so maybe that's the way to go. I scratch an A, mhich gives me three mords needing just one letner, and I've got 10 letters; remaining. An R itself mould give me Imo words. An X and a K -got one of each. Maybe me should put up a stgn: Welcome 10 Milton, the luckiest town in Canada. People are already talking about us that may. And not only can you win in the lotteries, but you can min at the slots, 100. Mind you, the Milton Marauders didn't feel vety lucky. We've got tons of money from the slots in a community fond, and they couldu't gel a cent to help send play- ers to the national football championship. They couldn't even get a reply after doing ail the necessaey papermork and providîng the proper documents. Hom many teams do we have, or have ever had, playing for the national championship of anything? I've got a Y, a good letter, followed by a V, not so, good. Now that I think about il, $50,000 is chump change compared to the millions and hundreds of thousands others are min- ning in Milton. You know the odds on these scratch tickets aren't aIl that great. I think il's only about 40 per cent UsaI's retumed in minnings. SIol machines are a lot better Usan Usat, plus some of Use rev- enue comes back 10 the Town to be handed out 10 deserving parties who aren't playing -see l'M on page 51 6 FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON www.Uallingerford.com à% Traditon of Valu. à Trust &inca 1967 73