Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 2004, p. 26

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CARWM SEMMAR MEL ESTATE If you are curranlly or course, receolly licensad; coosîderîng a cirange from your curreor brokai or looking for a rae career. yoa oive il le yourneli 10 atteond tus semîrar. Yoou iiFind OutiAbout Who5 srouil consider real isolte (and air shol 50010 0 Proircial lîceosîrt course R oyal LePage training, personai deveispmari ara sapport *Hoc Io gel a qaîck sIart *How te, maxomîse yossi ncome lhuiftz Oct. 21, 720 in 10241 HM Lin Oeatg 000 limiedr cat ose to reneioeaoeil ROYAL LuPAGi lo n fl 88o - - Gegtem 00-87722 - Misaiseaugo 05-42120 WANTED: Sales Consultants, Greeters, and Product Knowledge Specialists Mess be: Sharp, Quogoine, Fnendtv, and ready for an encicing career in lise Aulomoaave Business. -No esperience requiresi Pose Secondary Education a plus Aggressive compensaion plans Hnurty Positions avaitable. Ptease ensail resumes to BUYER I PRDJECT MANAGER A Valxe Manufacturer, base i n Oakvilla, is oeeking a Bayer / Projeci Manager. Must irave 5 yeurs iniduslry reauesi experierce, wiii ire responsîbla for purcirasîeg cashig asnd soir cntracl maciing Tire succenolul candidatge viii ire a irards on indîvîdual, manage 3 sup- port staff, asd liaise vîirh customaro ansi suppliaro vorîsi- Pieue tax yeer resumnso eHeman Resoorcet ut 905-842-1785 Snonlpeis Eqaopment Operatiasns Needes Missislua iraed cempany reqaireel Heamy Fuem/Conseeaseicc Eqpupmec & Pick-up truck aperuiers foreaponming we r ceaeii. Genecrl Laiorners fer vittwuy ces Cle drivers abstra andi exxpeiecce en pinasse & equipmtae operutiens Gaaeed Wages Phaone: 905-896-4016 or Fax: 905-812-3883 CTyour ad à mI. It pays to advertise in our classitied section and get a bonus ad on our website. Contact us today and see howt easy it is to make your ad work harder for Iessi. ,191 Manin Street E»as ,classlfle@snfCafadian- chaanpien.cNU lululemon 0 athietica Educators and Seamstress Required lulolemor alilelica ww.lluemon.com is a Vancover-baoed compaoy thal providas peuple wilir compontenis oi lie a longer. ireallirier aod more lun ils lululemoo clslhng fscuses on pirysically luocliooal apparel, with leciroical qualilies and aialleriog cul, mak- ing ilia comtortable option ta wear to, duriot aod front athletic aclîvilies We are seekiot eolhirîaslîc, apireat, and aulireolic irdiolduals o loii oui team, as Fuit fi Part Mime Edocators and a Seamstress jr oui oavreol location: Oakville (Lakeshore Bird. Opening on lire ireart of Oakoîlle on Lairesirore Blod., cie are planning our launcir locole- cide cîlh 20114 irolitay oaaoon. iro Ho Ho. Educatars As an le-store Educalor, you viii play a ital role on tire soccesstul delîverf of colsramur seruice on lire refait flor. Tire main objective of luis position s lire effective and efficient 'educalîse of cusîsmers iegaiding lire features, barelîls, usage, and caîe oi lululemon product. Wiile are looking for upireal, frendty, autientic, ego less indiaiduals lial cao work cel in0 a laam or alose, We velcome lirose vifs embraca lire lulolemon cultare and oui vaues. Applicanlo must irave a slrong vork eliric, ire self-avare andi goal-orleolesi wîtir a desire for constant sl-impîemeol. We could prafer lirai applîcasîs irave knowladge and inier- estin1 ysga or olirer fiffleos, ireallir or sosts aclîvilies. Geeral computer skills andi sîro problem solaîng andi decision maiig sinuls an assai. Seamstress At lololemon alilaica, vae providt fee iramming as a service so sur customaîs ta ansura liraI tirey gel a cusîsmisasi, parlecîîfitfoi thali lachnical clsliring, Wa are looking loi noma- ana cirs iras sacîng aiperience wîirh a 4 - 5 mheurt covar-ntitcir macine. ldeally, lira seamsîreso coold woon 030- 40 iramo par day. Ideallir, ce ara tnsking lu tsrm a long tarm relalîosnip wirh a seamoliaso in-hoose ta can afectîoaly servica & meet lira neadso0f ouî discernîng cosiomers. lolerastad? Tell us viry you'd tuke Iu ire a part of tha lululamun team! Fui more information so to ivrard your rasume and a laifer otliolng how var coul vonk togetir Please contact Teacey Mercier at 415.966. 9800 or tmercier@luletttol.cDt Novrerber 8, 2004 9 ý CALLEENCGEER MOOTrORRFREIGHT house at: e:f e I~~T~ wareblood Breooling Fore, L J Part-time Position Avaitabte seeks eepenxenced lulaîime empinyxes vies excellent relereeces 10 feeait. hASNOW PLOER .. ysores.lamoîn for 724 Oon Cu tre Fo v-ied for Gor se asONsol010 101 EperMidlea 001v CaO SnaClala m Sehopin ainre a-07-14 louvanae 905m338-age IT PROJECT SUPER VISOR, RAIL SERVICES Procor Lîmîlai is tire leadirg Cdnadîaii lesoir oul specîalîzad rail cars and ser- vices. Witir service locations lirrougiroul Canada, Procor's corporale office os localed in West Oairville. Tire position of IT Projecl Supervisor, Bail Services, reportirO 10 lire .P. and Garerai Manager Bail Services, iras racenlly become avaîlable. We are tookîrg for a lalerted, crealîoe IT Projet Saparvioor viro wîll be a key memirer of lire Rail Services leam dnd ire reoporsîble for lire followîrg. *Business Procesoing Re-engineerng leamo 10 acirieva optimum syotam implementatior berelîts. *iesporsirle for lire techirncal design, developmant and irtegratiso of in-iroosa prodocad raîlcar information systemos *Devalop and mairtain standards, pîscedures and polîcies for lire depantment. -Plan, sciradule and organise proiecîs agairol estaisiresi sciredules and bud- gets veiti piogreos reportirg. *lrtegrate Bail Services Business Unit systemo & projecto wtir lira Leasîig Business Unit for optimum effîciercy. *lnîtîate and implemant progressive integratior of rail systemO compleeiig a Nortir Americar service stralegy. *iesporsible for lire contiraîro developmarl of business and techirncal skil110 The Iocombont wil oloo have a flood workisg koowledge in the following enrso: *Smalltalk, JAVA. *Obîect- ifelatioral mappirg lachniques. OND, UML, Design patterns. *Web Interface design. *XML, *Middlevara tecirnologies oucir as IBM MOSanies. Peroonot attribotes reqoiresi inctode: *Stroeg communication skills. *Creativdty and eetiruoiasm. *Cortiiusas Barrer, irigir erergy. *Organized. Ilntense proirlemt ooloieg airilities/ coesiderîeg otirer options. *Ability ta work en botir cosestîssal and matrin organisation. *Supervisory eaperience. A dogree ie Compater Science/ Pragrammîeg Irose a Camseaoity Callege or University is esseetial and aI leant 5 yaars af relatesi warkieg Baperience witir Project Management Boperiarce and a otroeg interest in future IT Business Management. Irotareotýes parties are invited tei subrait their reoume with a caeerisg flatter aatlining Boperience and oalsry espectationo la: emait: employment@procer.com or tas te 905-827-7735 We tiranir ait appircants for tiroir intereot ie Procor Limited, but only voccessful candidates wili ire contdcted for interview. To woro 2 enenîngo (Tue/Tirer) andi Satardayo. Dutes would irclude stocaing OirBioBo andi lillîng racks en the lumirer depi of our stoe. Fus Reasumne Tex 905-878-4049 Miten Heme Hardwacre Buitldig Ceotre 385 Sietes Avie. Miton Now.Hirin-a 0p%,~~vOvernight k~aI'Assocates 716-32 iroars per wBBk. Apply at Customer Service Desh Milton Mall CAFETERIA AT'ENDANT 400 diubol Dr. mmkoit, OntL *Aftaorns, sorti eelies *Fast paced, beiglt dcoy modern caceena * Pongo beeft Fu Fr4 auning Eqao opportuseity enqeyer Caitis (416) 50-9347 SECURITY OFFICIERS Paragen Protction Led, as mme ucepting applicaioens fer immodiato fll-timo searity posi- tions uta, Trussportdvgisties lecatioe ie Milton. Ail applicaionu will ire cosdorosi, hirever, prionity vel Be givne te, those veiti pronloas socarity epoeomxO i a sîmîlar oneironmoert. Tire obilily tei werk reictiseal shifts aed oxcellent cr11001 andi versa commumicatiom skilis are 0100 reqaîrosi. die oBfer airovo average puy rates, benoi plan and free trainieg te ail ompinycos. Piesae tus pour reoumne toi 410408-9094 or ematt tai homenrebouCes9@DOtOWdCom Lab EdceionSoi DRIVERS STILL NEEDED FreeTraining School But Drivers Wonted Colt 905-877-4448 Ladaei ar equal oppaorfnd CnnY *~ ~ M Êorivecng oeo *5OLI0 l. f =~ 5ustw eeB-f yo reum In $ti - Eq CAFETERIA MANAGER Foul lise Jept. Tva tirurs f0ood hir ex pesiese an asai. noeded in Hation anea hC scirols. Perfedtjo f0r1010000 vir scirsel age cidrer. F011andlîng exeenen seusl. FULL flME PERMQ ranîe a0nd execole lundi proginspome bcds aigir scirols 10 elemnrr iciroISi VO"ci anrd alid deivers licorise o muait To oppe or for farter job doltais pieuse seid resamel 10: emdiy-dalira aramar.ca Or cali 416-2554131 Bafes #529 Pressale Foed Citai RETAIL PRODUCT CONSULTANTrS Rhqulred FULL à PAJIT-TIME PAYS, EVENINGS & WEEKENDS Ideal candidale viii ire a mature, sulgoîrg parson siO pravîsus reat experience amflla erm ta: P/T Attendant Service Worlcer INDEPENDENT LIVING HALTON $11 .58-$13.63 Hourly We need peinons vîtir excellant communication silis and sound pirysical fturbin ta assînt adulis vîtti a pusi- cal disabilîty in thir rouîines of daîlir living. Thre suc- cesstol applîcant ciii ire able no 10115v direction tin indepandanl adultu living in thir home. Tire applîcari must beabdle lu ssii accoiding ts a variable sciradule, possoss a reliable veicle andi able lu drive in Hlton. Training is prsvîdad. Successful candidates are subiecl lo a Crîmîral iferrca Cireck. contact the Pregrano Manager Fax 9054878-6449 E-nail: pmoiîh@cogeco.net Documentation Caordinatar A Valve Company, rn Oakville. is soekîrg a Documentation Coordirator. Saccesafal car- didates wîlt irave 0110011 organîzaioeal skills, ire self-mnlîoaled, ire able to won ri a leves enviromerl. Please tax yoor reoumes to Itoman Resoorces ut 905-842-1785 JJ5 ý)V5 lub 7 BURLIKNG POST Days/Afte rnoalelons Mstrn have fn wrk bloot Plas apply in persan t,9 cdryùa Rab 439 Paltiett or (sothSere erSpe miClaeU ancores. * ou'l for Interview 8amm - 4 30 (90)873l8,91 4:300P m 90)873-501 I or fax resamne le, (0)-e73-1919. NIGHT SHIF Person Io work wflh, and supervise a strait sif io a bsy Wood Sirop. Some heaoy lifring. Basic woodworoog reqaired Mu ai aso be organizesi and safely cooscoaO Apy in persor wair resume aod wage eapectations 12 Armstrong Avenue, Unit B aiwn ON lSA<~~TIIT VIAL

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