Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 2004, p. 25

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28-The Casadian Champyion, Tuesday, January 6, 2004 Thn Canudian Chamyion, Fnidy, OcoDber 15, 2004-25 KASICO: Le«f Peacetuly, ai las home on Friday, Odtober 8, 2004. Survinei by hos loig aiile of 50 years Cooni, hos chid- men Sos Gordon-Chorchar (Gary), Pauline LeBlano (Boan), Mark Kasho and Lisa (Dan) Young. Leifvoit ha greatly missed by hos many grandohîfaren and great- grarotchildren. Fniands were reomoved from the J. Scoirl Earfy Funeraf Home, 21 James Street Milon (905) 878- 2669 on Monday, DOtober 11th. A Fanerai Service oas hent 0 om Soothosde Çommonety Church, 2850 Derry 9000 West, Mînton (00) 878-5664 on Tuesday, Octob- et 12th. Cromnaton to8loaed As expressions of sym- yathy. donations may be made f0 mne Heart & Srroke Foondcationi KILBORJRNE, Nancy Dianre Passed away peaoeuffy on Suniday, DOtober 1 t 2004 ai the Credo Volley Hospitaf. Nancy, bel ooed aile nf Dan for 25 years. Chenshed mether of Jason ana Chostopher, Looeol daoghter otfFf mer and the fate Dons MoLay. Geai sister of David McLay. Nanoy vit ho missed by her bmothems-n-faai ana eister-is-law as irelf ao mnn nices, ne8liers and trends. Family and triands wera inoitad to vie ai Ohe McKerse-Kooltr Fu- neral Home 114 Main St., Milaon 905-878-4452 on Tuasday The toneraf servrce vies hln in the fanerai tome ohayef on Wadnasday, Dcooer f315 2004. Inter ment tolowed ai tha Miftan Foergrean Comatery. Il de- sirad, mamonial donations t0 the Canadien Cancer o- ciety woufd beh apyreciated. MORTON: Harald Gearge Feacotafi y, ai thn Mlon District Hosyital on Monday, DOtobor 11, 2004. Harold Modton in0hi0 76th year. Be- foned hushond nf Madene (nae Parohem). Dear taitier nf Uisa (Ron) Pennington nf Taaswatar, Wayna ot Mitton a00 Doon (Cindy) nf Compbef af te. Loving grandfather of Aaron, Wesley, 44le and Mafissa Ponnington and Victoria Morton. Brother of Fialph (Gloria) nf Dahsrf fa andl Margaret (Len) St. John of Honey Hathoor, Preda- oaased hy yarents Ruby and George Morton and hroth- ams Russeal f. oreir and Jomes. Fraendo aam rcoioed hrom tha J. Sot Eary Funeai Homne, 21 James St., Milion, 905-878-2669 on Toesday, DOtohar 12th. A Fu- naraf Seroice aas hield hrom ttha Foneraf Home Chayef on Wadeoday, DOtohar 131h. fn hieu of tImwers, dons- dons tn a ohanty ot ohoice montd beh aypreoiated. SCIIMURR, [Jutan Palcicl Ar tie Guelph Genea Hospital on Mondoy, Octohar 11 th2004. Uffian Schnurr <see Nanan), bafooed aile of Oie fate Wîftred Schoori. Loorng groodmother nf Micheflte Knamey and [ioda Bumanîs and greaf grand- mother of Sarah, Cory Kylo and Cassis. Predeceasod Oy Ont daughter Joor Keamey and rothers and sisfers Mary. Wuiiîam. Homor John and Agres [111,00 n wl ho missed by her nioom and nyheos Famîf y and boinds visitd uit ho McKerse-Konher Forerai Home 1f14 Main Sf., Mltori 9050878-4452 on Tfiursday. The Mass of Christian Buti al ha celehroted ai Hoty Hosary Ca- 160f o Churoti 139 Martin St. Milfton on Fndcay Dcooer 101h 2004 a 1 ý00 am. Interment oc foff w aothOe Mit- ton Eoergrmen Cometery SOWERY, Frederfck Charlmal tl s aith deW sorrore that me announce the paositrg of Fredartil Charlas Sowreey Fred mas bom on Gcooet 21h1 19080 in orset, Eaglancd and camne f0 Canada in 1910. Ha ispradaoasead hlo in villefChalotte Balace Rlond and by Ns irnoiters Albee~ Filmant John, Atchihatd, Clifloril and Robert and sîsters Flomeice ail Mabl. Fred joiasi die CPR Radila, Codtage Deaortrene in f938 oei latier as District Cheirmen 0f Local 290of Oie Broûheirooil 0f Raitaay, oidtina and Sieeanip Chahs. FramUri handiers, Fa- paess and Station Err1oyess. In Niter Yam ha semvei as Vice Geneari Chairtan 0f tIre ilay cnseing Oe- bec, Oie Morttmes andi Nefoundonil. Fred vies a gentlairan ailhi a greai sene 0f hamer and mas loeai and raspaclail by those reli knew in. Ha aitl t h daepfy missail Nyhs son Deemran )Daney) and hisawille Diane, las daglitar Liane Rose and grandoon Geofhrey Rose. Sacly masseil by las brother Stariley oeil meny riecean d riaphees. Foirai y and friands nedeild ai Oie MoKarse-Koctrer Faneial Hom, 114 Main Sf., Millon 905-78-4452 on Thursday, Gnioe f416 2004. In hao of lowers, exeions 0f syrrpathy mey ha mede f0 Oie Milon Distict Hospital Fosilation 30 Darry Rd. F. Miin, ON LOT 2X5 or the olsanty 0f yosr 01100e. Vane, Blaechre Peanatlfy, ssnrilced by Nsr foot ai Ns Insee rn Kilb de on Saiurday, DOlober 9111 2004. Blanche Vemet, blones i oe 0f the laie Oween Vemm. Losirg oBr 0f Oen and Fusa, Gaid andl Coodine, 801119 and Dons Browni and Jutie andl Mos Cameis SaiIy mssed by ier 9 grairilildraii and 6 grat granilii- dran. Dean enter of Kathleen Gene, Torry Bisanei Mo"an Bnish. Fraeceeseil ly brothers Gaee eoss, andal an id sisters lInai andl Bemice. Fariily anil friaends vorteil ai Oie Mo6aiam-Kodwa FaneraI Hom f14 Mai Si. Mils 805878-4452 on Moitily The limeiraI sarire vaies hl iln Taaailay 0004er f 2th 2004 et Oie fuirae homne cnapefh Cremratin folorei ai ~M ns Forgreen Cremtom. ils expresions 0f syri- path fmmnlM islionis lei Oie Cosili Valey Hoapital or Oie Kkidey Fourdatin aimai ha eptreaola Mecehi aA. Pont ras Dty, 00e oars. Wel Oeleber 12dm, 2000 gnt you Oie setilemnrit yos Il vn iafmemomr etMarehal. daesre Frans nase envto- A henband, 8-nm, Doait & tapa DonOe 25 yaars eapei ene We don' gea yaid An itha g eee( ram ieame ilcfterem e mnles Cal Gary a Hepn Aoialienh oa re ea letOaie>Ur face & Hand 905-460-300 Loeei by yaer fareliy COUPLE auio wiesoed Witte Barbara, minr accdnt u Carnage Bayer Bill Wayne, SqguaDne otbrItaoun Graeilchiumaia Chrislapher, Wiliam, if AM. Ff eus contact 90h- Dain Bowade2 & liOtle Wayne. 854-2701. In Ia»rlng Meoey Frelyn Nadalie AFFORoABL home day- Sadly mlaeed aleng ina' ay, Qmmiely remenebereml enery day, No loner le mur 111e Io ahlure, But In mur heert, ahees alwaye there. Love Same, Dan, Janet, Jeff& Kaiie Brad & Breeda Thaelsiaglng Day waa fer tuckey mad bhem, ad yea, soemeee actuafly "gIs-fng tianks", My mather, ELVA EZEARD, (sehu le airenut 90 nare) ad 1, DARRYL, wauld luire te "gIs-e thanle" la th1e maeey people rehe haire helpeal me keep my mather "pretty goe" (ns ehe wuid ay). Ta my mutheces blene ad her "greel" eghammm- nome relies; Caral Kerr ad th1e bridge ledîce; the gicla et C.I.B.C, th1e etaff aI A&P; th1e Carmiege Square Mcd, Lali. allait; th1e darealama Shappece Drug Mari Pharmacy; Dr. Bremermann ail the Dcrry Rd. Dre, effice laies; ail especially my wlfe Allce. YoaaMI have een paret, unde- standing, helpleil ail bled, keîping my maCh- e"prelly goal" llmek yeu, lla yeu DARRYL EZEARD O.eIlaum ter ail ghe laeroihle of un ian M. nmq var qraig thme p.asng of «w Imaau & âalAe Aum S. Keech e-Ho Plrence & Lorraine Keeoim » Oerenmee lianlnataorendecfni fa,- liy amdi Maied foc lmelr caaliniue lave amd supportl in tAle ddflicuil liane. We are lruly imleaeie be surrandedbhyamany yen. Sperlal thmahn ta MmsJoee Gray for the cemferimg serviceinl merenry of Nathan ami le ail lie staff nt lime J Scoat riarly Fanerailma Aéé oc Ibei guiane aodiloue. Nathma James erîli 11e lhcevirlIn osecheart& Lave KyBe &Travis Ria n lire tailly ofthlie laIre Gaston l51elerann mosnld Bbc e exprems anc imiartelt tiroir ta farely, fciendn, Une iaers, camai pie>" eerr ad aeihnrs for thei grierons anp- il aid proyîern dnrlng nneh a difficenOf Oime A epeeil thea yen lire lihe staff of thme J. ScaU Enrfy Fanenai Home and Fr. Dave gliheiii ofiin(Iî Roary Parlai are carda, charitable doatlions and plates of aid vIella. 19111 gralitude, l'me 77leemant F mely ilinimo a lemy gndSmuaensnAs i am moale" ieg arlh myamail baby, litent my areding ing. Seuira people paies!i b> eoire a yenng caoue aaliceml me, alppei ta lmelp amnd emiemmlaliy #bomi my ring liant anem ta lhash ime andmi Ian- îie for carmg exiougm le help a ceampète nlramiger Year hinisenns trý taeneim my herl! care. 2 years & up F/ or PIT. Transportaaion ailî- able for OLV & MCC. 95- 878-9482 HOME chîfdoaai. PIF & Se- lmreaalir ochoni. Close t0 Guardian Angef s. For, simuclured piogramminigi Meaf s yrouidad. Reasson abie rates. Susana 900- 693-9014ý LORINO mother oyerrîng home daycare Hawthomne Village. hxten- sive yrolessîonsf cOuld soie esperience. Newborre. 905-875-9362 salely asd ralerances *Unschedufeil mvnihfy vielle .Fuff(part--Sma Irom 6 meeksof oage -Exclusive Vies Laam Prngrom Please cai 1- 66-751-9332 BEAUMARK Dryar $1000, Wsoler $125.00 exellent condition, cati 905-875-0259. MORIN Sale, pins com- polar d $ls 100.00, T.V. arri ro p $2000.00 ask- ing $600.00 6 p"ac bail- omr sel oflers, een aura heaspning & mattaise $100.00 set, ail mach more. Cati 905-875-2827. 5600069 play statin, 2 for ara, 2 lilas, 2 sweinge, iolai idr, 2 mopa f odiers, moirkoy bars, brarinw i n he. ali nrNt- baltfo $1500. Seai- irg for $650. Rlease cati 905-257-4390. A Draop Reain, Chierry- renei, deuble pedmsal table, 8 chairs, bIlai, hutoti, doselaîf onafrso tin. Hem il in boes. Cosi $11,000. Sacriic $2A.89 905-567-9459 -ýî'A M 6111 s Katsof The Board of Di redtors ol Transitions for Youth os pieassed 10 ommosoce thn oppoîolmanl ol Et lis Kolsol as Eoecote Direcior effective imneediotlfy. Mn. KafoDI is a social morhar wf16 exten- sive oxpertence in the pubi(c, privofe and mon profil soctors. He sas o parine sf05 Conspass Conaafltng Asoiatas for the pool eîght yearo. Prior 10 consulting ha hao served as a Seniar Manager for the Region of Hoffon, Jeaiah Fans) y and Chifld Services, Trîitansm Foundalion, the Chifdren's Services Comnsittee of Yods Region, Hanfley Yoalh Services anrd St. Slephanos Commnsot5 Centre. His nofunteer eoperiemce îmcfudeo heing a Roundiog Board ami consmittee member Or the Ontarîo Heaflhy Commanitîeo Coul ilion, IOn Ontario 0000 Neigfrbors Trust and o Board and committee membor for the Otante Municipal Social Services Association. Transitions for VoulO, lonnerfy Consmunify Resource Sereices, bagan in 1981 as a smaf f progrons offshoot of1t6e Bonfînglon Social Planning Councif pronîding ser- eices 10 yoalh aI rioli of ineolvensent in the crinsinaf fjustica syslens Tsenly fhree years lofer Transitions has a long and proud Oitory af provîding support, coun- seling, shellar, aclvocacy and oulreach 10 Houton's moot va narable chîldren, youfh and t6ei fansltee sewrs rnsitionsloryoalh.on.ca. EXTRA... CLASSIIIED VALUE! A Kirrg Pflowtop Matres Sel. Nom in plastic. Cost $1600. aill for $450. 905-567-9459 ANiTIQUE mai nul 9 place dirrg moom selle, excellent conin $2800.00. An- tiqe lairoomn sella 3 plana 9250.00 Kilohan table chaire (chroma) $75.00. Nom aingle molatnss (usai 1 meni) $200.00 905-876- 0029. BED, Amazînig bargaîn, qe-a orfhopadico illotoip set, Item in plastic, momranty $150 905-567-4042 ail) de- lîser. Beduont Cherryooil, Bai, cfresi, dresser, 2 rightstands. Doaef Cn- sttion. Nenar opasad Cosi $8.000. Sacifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 CARPET f hane seoeae 1,000 yrila o nI sa Staîn- mas;ter & 100% nylon car1 pli. Will do lisrsgroo & hal8la $38 9. fInldies coi- pal, pad & isalatails (30 yards) Slane, 905-639- 2902 Hot Tob: 2004 aIl options, mabwl al, Osmeater, Rail- weaI cabinet, nerveu amId, suit In rcapper. Cent 91M.9 selu $5,000. 416-953-5197. KITCHEN Cupheards. Complets sel 0f quai ity usai 1maerS uyfiars, large cen ilaod, liood, olBmig board, ail matirrg. In- dadas einlia acels gar- torahr cooop, aens, as- hauai lai, fîgltbog $2005. 905-878-5i157 PIANOS: Refirisobi, R9e- ommrSoneil, hrom aider 1K. Col The PRano Doclor 905- 616-724& and Fa -Dbecoram.oni Bout Crop Evert. 911i0 4th Lime Milsn (MW cafaai w 4 u La a SIjamai Son, OcI. 111h ipre prealere 11cm OtelIo's Banquet Hall 2273 00y0f Windsor Dr., Oahoîillo OEW exil S. F0r4 Dr to Royal Windsor .W. coroner PERSIAi.BhIO8: Antique, semi-Ani. o)0, New, orna). (g, cify, aillage, Tribal 1050 _aIt unique, handkofotd woof, sîlk, hurkwoo), o.g Ardobf, Haniadan, Nain, Balucb Hriz, Koaak f ofahan, Bakhtiar, 106110, Mahi, Moud, Tuîkomoni MesOnO, Kooshao Senneh. Sarough, efc .Mooy new la. Bîdîais +New Designer Rots- Aura, Karoai & 010- ers Ruas sînos Approx, f(15 efp to 2x2' Mani 12'x9. l0eV 7xi, 6x3 440e round Manyninefso 9(02003 ruos in sale o...Voove No Buvors Ffornium Wîii Fax/Emaii lîsi Luiich Avaîl Terrenerac, Vi, MC> CA Aucîloireer: R Blackbeard Sr., 905-894-2984 emoîil liandlgrlflake@aol.cern PIANO'S gond saleotîon urdar 13K Buy and Self. Cati Steve 905-631-6200 1994 Buioh Parh Avenue, haon Cnsemelory 303, mai hrakas)lires, cagti- Honte5 fîedle-tesled.$3,BSO 0110 ________________ Colt 905-873-9764 leaoe PRESSBACK Chairs. Set message. of S. Exlontfir oniion,-_________ aypeamng design. $1750. 1996 Caoalier 2-dlom, 4- 905-878-5157. speail, Mag rehee s. $4 899 Cati (905)877- WWW.WPUIC - Fia- 2M5 rohouse Budingin 200 neailused Fianos and Grands, Vamaha, Kawoî, Samîok, othara 905-631- 9259 1987 Cheo S10. F tentai, nends o 101e onOîfînOd 227,000 km. $1200 or hast Sohmer Coul 905-876-6200 or 90h-690-2832ý ver Crystal Tea Cyps Royal Doulton, Swarovsoh Glase, Jeoeleiy, nol 0ys, collocbles, esoots. Cal JohiaiT ac 905-331-2077. CASH poil for ontiques an iletiles, china, g- aimas, ana alry, fumiturea onset80 905-878-31ilS5 cell 805-878-7950. FREE lei geai lotme ador-F a al his. leose cal 905-878-1197. l ST BERNARD poppies home neail aith ctildreat. Readylto go 060 rag. 2-yeo hath gearantea 519-949- 0567 l aI st, $130,000 km $2000.00080. 1907 Pn- Sac 6000. Loadeil, 00maist 121,000 km. $3S00.00 OBO. CaI 905-804-9409. 1901 Capice, S.OL, nom tas, 235,000km, munv gonil Aolaog $500 as es OBO. Col 905-877-1305 1991 Cavalier, greal lot parts, ram bres. M00005v Caf f 905-877-5010 aRter 6 00 Pm. 1903 Honda Accord FX aurlo, dt, aihite, air, amIfri cassette, keylee antry, liromo pro0fed yady, nom micheline, off mince. records, seond vaiser, mint condroli mnou, nersi- lied, amîssions, 212,000/hms. MUSC SF11. 96,500.00 905-69n 8221, p Theank you for coniosg ansd speosciosg thse day -k'PclYoau Uremi. tisere is stili apples $eft f &ReaypIced We're open September to, May UMsm,I Rdoelclaaa/i NO ADMISSION CHARGE wInIIaIa J Wedueesdays Seniors 10% Off Weeknnd Wagon Rido,/Candy Apples Wc ua hase chcet pics, frazo firuit, cdr, muffin ban, jants, heney, pcar& Huttonville 905-455-8202 Conte Vit The Cern Maze IMon.-Fr. 9-6, SeL, Sun., Hoidays -9-5- 8605 Heritage Rd. wrerebuttille.cofealfiauaonu la

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