24-TiP hr n ,! Ot cb, O ýýj, ICràssi led BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY MARY AW1 the original energîzer bunny Turns 90 Friends are ir anvaoed to an OPEN HOUSEi IRe-' icelebration 20 GELLERT CENTRE Oîht Liac Gcnca anse Sauth on Ssanday, Ocatoe 24, 2004 1:30 pam - 4:00 pont MU - V thUe gai, aha aimait -> as naased Hael" 7 >~50 pemr ago Hurrdcae Hezel anrised & elaag came ' Shan Banda-PhIllips (Mrs. Ralney) oct. 15, 1954 )E tseaiiagh weare mlesawey "Frleedehip hautes ne diatance"Q ~ToMy fasaurite Heescaad $17 Barbara Rbison p~ - I. - rn Bguoey8 100% 1 st 2ndi and 3rd Muriguges. Bad credîl06. Cati FOR tant 2200 sqt. Il. indus- Ontario Wide 1-000 307- triai unit amuosa t mm GO 7799. station, Main St. Pieuse oeil -OýR O 4.9%, Aise eguidy 905-875-900 mortgage prngseins regard- leus ut incorne or cradît. -Oei CHRIS O i 800-328- 7887 orsîni us ai wwwsn- cliscacitbsai.or Vaut Computer. Training Praurderi. F/T, P/t. Carie: n4. meuMsitisis --t.'---M EARI alExtra nsime. fuit or PT Oremide sapty/on gaîsg gmwIltsesceptna traininrg/no rîsk 647-281- 5471 100010G for sallti Iai de sirnp ltuitae iseepen- aise prerce & tm rires. Please Cati 805-795-8212 or fax saaip rets. 905-795- 2708 PROMOTE peur busines appeiaidto tavoie- 4 miluso edeit eedemsin Souai Cen- Iral Otrins Book peur ari- veAtsemenl in anar 60 Met- rcrianri samrsnilp r*seap- pers e-i sne phtonaeoeill Oeil id toafrntfrton se aieekiy aisri ari paakag- es (internt listings induri- erd) 418-493-1300 est. 276. - wmeboland. sam A BRAND ses kitchen ari baire n t Bs 2-bernta apuraient. COtsse pour own peint cousi Aseiale NOseeter 18.1 No saisi- ers/pets, $8850mnahincl/u- sine. (905)-702-3301 CAMP1SELLVILLE -large 2-bdrin iuaury pt. oser- sa/ring poend. Asaîtabie Oea tfat. 81000/mai ina. Seul. alt and nri el. te- quired. Oantpbeisuie Peut- 0-/sec. 900-8594-2294. CAMPSELLVILLE t-brns tîrîptece. dec/r parking. 451/Guelph Lut., 9895/mai utciudng attlitres Anaiale immeihaemo cati 905-854- 1005. COUNTRY t -brs, suit sin- gle peton, se peta/smot ig. 0070-mahinsclusiva, 4/S Lina. S Oms o or 40/. Oirst/lasi. Ooo lost. Ou/i 905- 875-0607. MILTON uarge bactretar api. fnt test. attitres unctuderi, S700/mai, avaitabie imme- draiey. Pleas Cati Jadp or Nîcit 0 905-87-4M2. MILTONd, 2-dm pt, usait- able Oea. 10 ari Jas, t, rate af 0920/mai, 8 allidai ssve, arisa tsar, ns riags, tnt appoinnient cati 050 899-1398 ar hease mes- sage ai 905-878-03450 010 Miltas 2 &l 3-brins epamtneals. 3-rns,mt fOer 91150/mai + ubtries. 2-brn, 2sd fOser 5950/mai , uldies. Close la dam- laain. ns smoking/pets, asaitable Nas t Cati 905- 689-9903 or t 888-213- 8784ý Aclea Aparimeela I & 2 bedranra apaismes avait- aide NOa andri tM aure. Fnidge & Stase, taundrit tfaies, Na rlags 518-853- 4374 open 7 days/aieek Sent riep pprosai. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mittamde Totems 82 Mitlide Ornve. 10&2 BedrmAsatls. Oms appliasees. Cose oc Doaisisn. Bus stop ut Frot ora90-876-1249 w e-ms ta0ca asaitebie. $945. n. Oteas ari quiet building. Cai Jack 905 812-0195 Aseit- ale imlanterl 1-BEOROOM apastment lot resi. Upper tiser ai Sasse. Deakious Pire- plaea 9/asate/Orper. Usi- tea ardluderi. S900/mnta. Aseiteble intneriiaieiy. 519- 853-0921. ACTON 1 -beriroant epefl ment, Asaitable Nonember iti Pleese cati atter 7 OCers 519-53-4903 ACTOBi 1-berrn, usait- able imntediaielp. Enrige, sloe urrites indluderi. o pets, Sitast. reteresces resisireri. Oei 519-853- 3877. ACTON. 192 Churchi oai. Souai. 1-bedrom. Nonember let 8780/mea sttes inctuderi O uit Building, ns-pets. 519-853- 1281t. ACTOBI, ses berrn aparteri., intmedîatety. 519-8M53-3309 or 519-853- 0719. STUDIO Basemnt Aperi- ment Pur Pesi. Oaip bseCt, close la, aie 401 andi dates- toma Mitse Tais cat perS- ing, large backyard ails 880 & pea set. iausriry tecîlîtues anri appliarces usai, Separareenirunce 8825/ails Oei 905-875- 8899 Asaibite Oea 10si eMapy (OhBýha COUNTRY bungalow,. t3EORGETOWN Rentait saurS Miltasn situas ai. 1. 2, & 3 bedruos Check staoo/mt, anaiiabliem- sut aieS sdie-w.ai atnii- itý ad atn4 stentata.cai diaey ad atn48 GEORGETOWN 2 bed- 562-762&6 rm, main fisar Suse Ait SMALL. bungalow Winstani appitances, gas FP, cable, Çsurctrii0/teeies, & iaundry, Separate an- irance & dnoveaay. $1250/annith + utîlttes. 81100/miS inclusive. Jae Outarde maintenance un- 90-7-39 claded. Gecember 1t Or. GEORUELUWR uais- Peteainces. 905-450-8030 main, 2nd tiser, baciresir api., OlOOimtS, usiaes in- MILTON 3-brri Sasse, ciuded. Pndge & stase, ana/teSte Octaber lti 433 aiasSer & dryuer. Asaitabie îmmedrateip. Oay-905-702- George St. No pets, non 9288, afier Spm & aiea smaitern, aider couple pie- kands 416-931-0030 lenrer. 01200/at irSat, ast, GEORGELWN orle 064 lssAtes, reterencas te- tanai basement apartaieni, ('Aril ati 9-98105 es, $50/msaai inclusive. ossembet lt. 905-877- 2993 PARK Ae Osier 1-beri- menai. front parcS. 9758/menai incluseve. Me- tare eduBt pretenrer. Ana/l- able Deaentbet ft. 905- 873-8 OLEN EDENI COURT APARTMENT9I veaienh- saois gan I ienS Io FSorJ aes-878-5375 iuiiairg Managets i.eanard & Paite Ssase ut tauser/Ontuns SI.. asaîtebie Nosembet 2004. Cati 905-870-2037. MILTON 3-brn toms- Ssase, gaage, eppbeaes. 01270/mai n at/iesM Oali 905-878-2997. OAKVILLE 304 Berrse tomatrses usai/at/e tim- meatly titrougtr Deasaiber, 4 uppliascas. Hspada/a Ma/il area. Lu/resitura Management. 905-876-3336, PHONE: 878-2341'# EAM 905-876-2364 Ewwcwifedmiltonnadianchapion.c om imm Ï_ý