*Sports - ~- N vr 3,Hawks gro unded Winterhawk Nick Cragg finds himsif outnumbererd in front of the Arthur net, and (at lait) jockaying for position against s vlsltng oppo- nent durlng AE2 peewee action at John Tonelli Sports Centra Saturday afternoon. Milton kept thinga lnterestlng until the third perlod, when they surrendered two insurance goals for a 3-0 lotir. Mitchell Turner and Tyler Curtis splft the gositendlng dutias. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE T1ý .imeiDo Fnday October 15 2004-21 siebtanç@haltonsearch .com IceHawks walk over Mississauga By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion O ne rneasuring stick of a team's potential is how it resportds to defeat. Te ibat end, total bockey faits bave cause foîr uîpîimism. Tbe tteHac'ks base titI- tic cd tir eaeb o îthieit four litssesý se ft'r ibis season. tîrc toiimg by tbe narruicesi et margîns, wib wbat tan sately be cbar- acterized as an above-par perfoirmance. Tbai trend contînued cîtb last Fciday's 10- 2 pastîng of tbe Mississauga Cbarges. - tbink ibat's a signofe a gîîed ieami. cben yen cari boutice back qnitkty trîîm deteai:- saidt seteran detenteiuai Jet t Caisier, wh c bt thie btiisxiii rîîltîng c tit a leîîîby oeetimier in tbe lîrsi and cas itning seven bnîsi players ntelivertng teutîi peint ettforts te ibe pre-Tbaiîksgts îng leasi. -Atter lesing ni Streetsviîle cýe sat hic t antd bad a liog talk abotut bec% wes e goi Ioi tctoie prepared te play esery iîglît. We c ere ready tottigti t (Fridayt and t ttîîîk it sboc ed.- Tbe cmn cbîctî buniped Milîton t i8-4 -martsed tbe sixib urnie in ses eîî siaris ttat tomber one neirnînder Deug Grocîtestege beld tbe oppostition Ioi tbree geaIs or less. Tbe former Mississauga tceDogs back- up admits be's stl got somre adjusimnents te make ai tbe Tier 2 level, but bus ceriainty been appreciatîve of tbe support be*s received se tar. He's yet te trait afier firsi- peried play, due ai teasi in part te tbe leeHawks' usual strong start. its alcavs gond iii go into tbe second c îîb ibai type etitîsurance. It allîîss yoîî te play a bit more aggressîve and cîtb sonite confidente'" saîd Gyruenestege. "Wese been otîuîsbeoing îeamos pretty geîîd mosi nîgbis. and ibat's wben yen need yiîur goatie iii play well. Yîîn sure don't cani tut tise ibeuse games (c% it a tîeavy sbîîi ads an- tage). HiiiîeIic ri rikie Mati t>rtce toitned te mnake tans and opponents atike âit ut and take notice c ih a five-point shesýi u Fridav - tallying te tee and adding iliic belpers. Fetloc% frcshmhan Kevin Morrison tIso siood oui witb ic %o goals and a pair et helpers. wbhile captain Adam Pileggi and \like DeMarvtti had tbree points apiete. The explosive nigbt came without bete- ft of elîber a poieni powerplay camipaign -jusi 2-for-ô or the services oft tirsi fine centre Brei Robhinson, wbîî contiuies t() nurse a spraitcd ankle and is questiton- able for totiiglit«, clash wih Streetss îlle. White the 1cet-tac ks had jusi otue Lainie last c cekenît. ibes ,cere quite bnss on Ille player inox emreit froînt. see PLENTY on page 22 ;ame time: 7:30 gmn. ai Memoenat Last meeting: 5-4 less in Sireeisvîtte Who to watch: Louis D'Avine - a 6'2". 21t5 pound defenceman îraded last weekend for Winger Jutian Saruino - niakes lis teeHawks debut, adding mneh-needed suze te a solid but som-ewtiai sniall bînetîne corp. The skinny: Thic tcettawks wîll be eager te avenge a 5-4 loss ai Vit Johnsieîî Arena Ocieber 5. Expeci them te junîp ahead early and capital- ize en mlore et tlieir tîpportunities ibis trme aronnd. Champion's pick: Milton by 3 niaddawgs . * f iports.ca MILTON MADD DAWGS MAJOR MIDGET BOYS TRYOUTS (Grade 9 and 10) Tuesday, October 12 and Tuesday, October 19 8:30 - 10:00 Bishop Reding High School Coach: Mark Clough Tryout Fee: $10.00 per session Website: www.eteams.com/miltbnmadddawgs Make choque payable to MILTON YOUTH BASKETBALL tClarke's Golf www.clarkesgolf.com Sun Ice Typhoon Pull Over DEMO SALE Reg. Price $139.95 250/o OFF ýg& 999 PING Cleveland HUMi Hi loch Golf shit Lodi" Clsp Wflso $405 3G09 ie- 35% $et Msckofm C *'afomd 1 IýADN 90I8811 (;i -i