The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 15, 2004-19 Date/im e -from DATELINE on page 18 Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. This is a non-profit, non-com- mercial weighi loss support group that provides motivation, support and friendship. A minimal charge applies. For more information, call Nancy Nowak ai (905) 878-4025 or visît The Fine Arts Society of Milton holds is annual general meeting at 7 p.m. ai the Milton police station on Childs Drive (park ai the mail). The guest speaker is Regtna Haggo, art crîtîc and writer, who discasses landscape painting. AIl are welcomne. Wellspring Haion-Peel, a support network for cancer patients atnd iheir families. holds uts dmop-mn Gentie Yoga programi fromt 1:30 to 3 p.m. ai 2545 Stxth Line in Oakville. For more infor- mation, caîl (905) 257-t988. The Seniors' Activîty Centre, 500 Childs Dr.. boids interme- diate line dancing fromn 7 to 8:30 p.m. The costi s $3.50 for members and $5.50 for non-members. ht also holds lils Evening Eucbre Party at 7:30 p.m. The costi s $2.50. lis Downsizers Weight l.oss Club meets at 10 a.m. The cost is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more information, caîl (9(05) 875- 1681. Wednesday Oct. 20 Hilîcresi United Charch. ai Trafalgar Road and No. 5 Sidcroa,id holds a beer barbecue lrom 5 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets clisi $ t12 for adaîts and $6 for children under t12. For tickets, caîl (905) 702-5322. VON Alzheimer Services holds a support group for care- gîveis if people with Aliheimer's dîscase and related disorders n the tommanity rtitm at Loblaws. 75 Nîpîssing Rd. lrom 2 Io 3:301 p.m. Foir more infoirmation, eall (905) 847-9559. New membhers arc wclctîme. The Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour mecets from 9:3(0 10 1l a.m. ai Mitonr Gospel Ha)lI. 30(6 Ontario St., e. ith a special lc,îarc on inusictolii yiiaîg t hildren. Admission is fice. Foc infoirmatioin or ir.inspiirtation, tati Nancy ,ît (90)5) 876-083 1. Halton Healilicare Scrvices and te Thyriiid Fiîtnd.iiion of Cantada pi cscnt a friee scininar ai 7 pin. cnlt iled Hypothyroidisrn: What You Need to Knom- ai 7 p.m. .11 the 7(17 Gal.isy Hall. 475 Norîh Service Rit. E ni O,îks ilic To reg- ister or l'or motre info trmation, cal) (905) 338-4379 or cenmai) elît- t lec( The Halton-Peel Chartered Accountants Association holds a dinner meeting ai the Mississauga Golf and Country Club with guesi speaker George Kempff, vice president of finance ai Staart Energy Sysîems. Cocktails are ai 6 p.m., dinner's ai 7 p.m. and the speaker presenis ai 8 p.m. Tickets cosi $40 for members and $50 for non-members. Advance registration is requîred. For more information, caîl Alan Munro ai (905) 607- 1915. Ebenezer United Church holds a book study on 'The Jesus 1 Neyer Knew' by Phîlip Yancey fromn 7:30 10 9 p.m. For more information, caîl Mark Rutledge at (905) 854-2423 or (519) 856-7303 or e-mail mark. ruiledge@ The Halton branch of the Canadian Mental Heallh Association holds Seminars for the Separated, a programn for men and women going îhrough a separation or divorce, in Burlingion fromn 7 to 10 p.m. each week. The cost is $100. To register or for more information. caîl (905) 693-4270. La Leche League Milton meets ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Ontario Early Years Centre. 917 Nipissing Rd. Women inîeresied in breasîfeeding information and support are welcome, as are nursing babies. For more information, caîl (905) 876-3322. The Women's Centre. 210-1515 Rebecca Si. lu Oakvîlle. holds ils Abuse Support Group fromn 6 to 8 p.m. To register or for more information. caîl (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Aciiviiy Centre, 500 Childs Dr.. holds ils Hot Lunch programn from, 11:30 a.m. 10 12:45 p.m. The cosi is $6, which includes salad, an entrée, dessert and a beverage. Sign Up ai the receptioq or phone in your order by Monday. ht holds Evening Clogging for beginners fromn 6:45 10 7:45 p.m. and intermediale from 7:45 10 9:15 p.m. The cosi is $3.50 for members and $5.50 for non-members. Cuntract bridge takes -see more DATELINE on page 20 Ais yen concerned about your ga.bllng? Mitn 0.9345 "rghs, games. treats, grearfamilyfiin" Memuorial Hall - Dundas Street, Histric Village of Waterdown October 22 to 30, 2004 Weekdays: 7-9pm; Saturday 3-9pm; Sunday 1-4pm 10F 50131(5 Ctsi VHSen 0Fc DiSAIRDOW Ford FA BO(.HA. Prced te nY Loalc'mntn & Proj ilDn laie t 9 IAMNEHMEIARDAR BUILDING CENTRE 385 Ste-&qweles Ave. E. 878-9222 HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00 am-9:00 pm, Sat 8:0czm-6:00pm, Sun 10:00am-544Om