Date/mne NO PAYMENTSUMNTLMARCH 2005* FLOORH MDLT5 B~A LOWO U W %okd Off 250,O nFlo oe Lnetr Mus &0 Uqide SOR ANke F UR 1 U Roo fo NeG A rias R hi s a O ES T One-flme ~ U opprtuit 0 bu Genuin LA-ZBOY a unhear M of avng! T"adY&- from DATELINE on page 17 Sunday Oct. 17 The Children's Houe presents World Sounds with Giovanni Ruiz and bis ensemble, a hblidren's concert featuring instruments from Latin fluies to guitars and percussion. Tickets cost $10 for adutts, $7.50 for the first child and $5 for each child afier. It takes place ai Mitton Bible Church. For tickets, catI Kymin at (905) 878-7962. Kilbride United Church celebrates ils 144th anniversary with a service at 11t a.m. featuring Rev. Roy Hardwood, fol- lowed by a potluck luncheon. Att are welcome. Monday Oct. 18 The Milton and District Horticuural Society meets at 7:30 pi. ai the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Chartes St. The OakviIle Osteoporosis Group meets at 1:30 p.m. ai St. Michael's Church, 181 Sewell Dr. in Oakville, with a pharmacisi speaking about medications and supplements. For more information, catI Phyltis Spillone ai (905) 829-4863. Tuesday Oct. 19 Halton Healihcare Services and the Halton branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association hold a free seminar entitîrd 'Just a Phase? Recognizing and Managing Mental Illness in Children and Teens' ai 7 p.m. ai Southside Comntunity Church, 2850 Derry Rd. W. To reserve a spot, cati (905) 338-4379. The Halton branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association hotds a six- week anger management course in # aM for your support in the recent Kinsmen "lToonie Drive" held at Loblaws and won by S. McLeod In the Kinsmen "Car Raffle" the winners are: 1962 Saratoga M. Ricker $1,000.00 K. Hoto $500.00 A. Parchem The Kinsmen look forward to your continued support -~at our upcomning events - Kmnsmen Annual "Festival of Trees: à, for our hospital at Milton Mail, Lt-ý1 November il to December 4. -Salvation Armny Food Drive for our comnt n eebr Kinsmen "Toonie Drive" for our charities Op at Loblaws on December 10, 11 & 12 Finally the Milton Kinsmen Kazoo Band looks forward to entertaining you at the Milton Santa Claus Parade, Nv beSanta Cla usPrae *Cmberlvi28 December 19 s 19 M L Georgetown from 7 t0 9 pin. The cost is $95. To register or tor more information. cati (905) 693-4270. Improve communication and leader- ship skitts with the Milton Toastusasters. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting at the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. (upper level), at 7:30 p.m. For information, cati Allan Laitue ai (905) 877-3441. HeIp for Parents Halton. a parent sup- port group. meets in the eveniog. This non-denominational self-support group helps parents of childeen who are in trou- ble at home, at school or with the law or who are ahusive or taking drugs. The group tu a member of Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario. For limes and directions, cati 1-800-488- 5666 or visit Calling New Parents, a free prograin for parents and babtes aged 6 monthu and younger, meets with a public health nurse to discuss parenting and infant care. The group meets ai the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., froin 1:30 t0 3:30 p.m. For more infor- mation, catI (905) 693-4242, ext. 7899. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a certifird lac- tation consultant froin 9:30 to 11:30 s.m. For more information or to make an appointinent, catI Jean Galten at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. St. John Ambulance meets froin 7 to 9 pin. at the community centre in Norval. New volunteers are welcome. For more tnformation, cati (905) 877-7658. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at 6:15 pin. at the Milton Seniors' -see more DATELINE on page 19