Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 2004, p. 17

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àe DaFaOne A 'shoe crazy' experience. Just somne of the new stores Oakville Place welcomnes this Fail.0 NINE WEST MetaIsmiths' FARIR JACOB Caryl Baker Datefine as a free listing of coming events only. Thie cofumn is available ta local community groups ta assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit communîfy groupa may use fhia service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicify closest ta the date of the occurrence allhough more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed ta PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed f0 (905) 878-4943, or e-maifed to miltoned@haltonsearch.com. The finat deadline fa noon Friday for Tuesdayas edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edilion. Dateline items aren't accepted by lelephone. Friday Oct. 15 The Canadian Fedieraiion ni Poeis hiisis a poetry appreciatton eent for alI iembers and noiu-mcibers ai F spieý Yourselt Cafte. 2201 Main Si. E.i i 7 .îi with an open iei formai. Caine a Ii early Io regisier if you ai ta read. For more information, visii www.federa- lionotpoets.com/balion.htm. Donations are accepted tramt 8 a.m. ta 8 p.m. for Salurday's Catholie Women's League's rummage sale, 10 be held ai Holy Rosary parish hall, t39 Martin St. Wettspring Halton-Peel, a support net- work for cancer patients and iheir fami- lies, holds ils dmop-n Relaxation and Visualization programi from 11 a.m. 10 12:30 p.m. ai 2545 Sixth Line in Oakvitle. For more information, catI (90)5) 257-1988. The Milton Seniors' Acivity Centre. 500 Chitds Dr.. holds contract bridge ai 10 a.m. The casti s $2 tfor members mnd $4 for non-menibers. Il hotds euchre îi 1:30 p.m. New players are weleome. T he coti s $2 f'or ineinhers and $4 for iioi- members. lis Campbellsille Eiening Euchre Party taies place ai lISe ILions Hall je Camphelsilfe ai 7:31 p.i. tI lie cosi is $3. For moire information. caîl (905) 875-1681. Saturdav Oct. 10 The Milton Curling Club holds ils 401h anniversary celebration from 7 ta 10 p.m. for aIl] carrent and former members wiih refreshmnents and a cash bar. To RSVP, catI Loiuise ai 1905) 878-0197. Euchre is held ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Hornby Co-operative Nursery School. The Women's Centre presenîs Discover your Soul Contracta, a seminar wiîh Darlene Montgomery, who speaks about specific tessons we're here ta leare, inher- eni talents and limitations 10 overcome. I lakes place aI the Oakville Public Library, 120 Navy St. The costi s $10. For mure information or ta regîsier, catI (905> 847- 5520. The Caihiilic Women's League hiilds a rummage sale from 8 a.m. îa nîîîîî ai l-tofy Rosary parîsh hall. 139 Martin Si. The seniors' building ai 40 Ontarioî Si. S. holds a fundraîsîng craît and hake sale ai the rear of the building tram 2 iii 4 p.m. The Noîrth Halimn Goîlf and Coiîniry Club bolîls i golf scholarship seminar irom 9) a.m. 1 filon Àu îîh registraion ai 8:31 p.m. is' open iii ail junior glers and iheir parents. I he ,.isti s $41 per iîm- ilv. Foîr more infuirii, ,,,ýn. caIl Ti R'isers ai (9015) 852-111 i1. 22 ie mail Iish ris erst( gaîi.ia. see more DATELINE on page 18 rwr--m--" ýà w w w 0 A K V 1 L L E P L A C E c 0 M 0 E W & T Fi A F A G A R R 0

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