9maigh Presbyterian Church MChurch Bazaar October 23, 2004 1:00 - 3:00am Country Baked GoodsV -Tea Table - Raffle at the Boyne Community Centre (Britannia & Hwy 25) MISSING Shingles, ready to re-roof? The Worlds Largeat Permanent Raafing Manutacturer & _ Installation Company lias deaelaped a new permanent shake ta go with aur already polar permanent strîngle and tile r"fin systemsa Wie are loakîrg now for a limrted number ot homes n yaiur area ta ahowcase tara amazîng new praoct in adoance aI aur opcomiag adaertisîng campaîga. Battre tiret in yor aergtrbaurtrad and receine a $1,500 Pactary Rebate. Alan. if yoar trameras lacated in a welI-travelled area and yasr Poob IAKRMN home is used in aur strowcase plogram, yo wiii recerae an additional 20% sanînga./ i w n e Ontarioas aaly Litetime Wrttan Non-prorated Beer anow hmeofau Wairst Royal Bank of Canada representatives (from left) Jennifer Mollison, Melissa Steadman and UM SeD Ite shFeR SPerne etN yeur CIN ares. Melora Parker present grand-prize winner Simon Granat and his grandfather Bruce Rothwell of UMITDTIE OFER.SPEIALBAN FINNCIG OA CMilton with their winninga tram the Take-A-Kid-To-The-Course event, held recently at 1-888-999-6902 Millgrave'a Pinelanda Golf Club in conjunction with the National Golf Club Owners Association APTER HOURS & WEEKENDS 1-7772-22 (NGCOA). Also pictured are club ownera Ted and Marilyn Clark and Katherine Nelson of the -877-722-221re NGCOA). The prize included a deluxe golf package at Taboa Golf Resort, the home courae of Ask fr MararetMike Weir. Working together, the Prime Mînîster, Premiers and Territorial leaders have sîgned a 10-year plan, supported by $41 billion in new federal funding, that will lead to better health care for Canadians. Better Health Care Shorter Waiting Turnes id Reduce waiting times The federal, provincial and territorial goneraments hiane commîtted ho report clearly *Improne accesa sa0 that Canadians don't watt an long for key testa, treatments on ttre progreas we are makîng an healttr care and, for the fîrat trme mutl report and surgerea on progreas an reducing maîting timea. là More Doctors, Nurses and other Health Professionals [id Comparable indicators ..so we can measure -Plans f0 train and tire more health professionala while alno deaetoping faster -Federat, provincial and territorial goneraments tarît use comparable information accreditation for foreign-trained trealth professionals to report their progreas in improaiag acceas f0 doctors, and tu diagnostic anrd àd Expand home care treatment procedures *Pronide botter support for people being cared for or recoaerîng ai homeid enmrk wkow haweretiinfr 0Improve access tai family and communify care Federal, provincial and territorial goveraments wîlI set medîcally acceptable i malt ing tîmes -based on adaîce f rom medîcal expertso startîng wîttr cancer, *Increase 24/7 accesa to, doctors, nurses and ottrer trealth profeasionals treart dîsease, diagnostic imagîng, joint replacement, and sîglit restoration 56 Baffer Access tai Needed Medicines L4 Targets ... f0 drive change *A committnrt f0 manage drug conta andi ensore that no famîly is forced f0 choose -Provincial and territorial gonerameats tailI set their otan targets and report between needed medîcines n îaca i annoaîîy î0 cîtizens on progress an redocrng waîting limes id mproved Aboriginal Health *Newa innestments and better planning to close ttre gap between Aborîginals and Canadians will see for themnselves where their health care ottrer Canadiana in terma ut trealth money is going and how it is making a difference. To obtaîn a copy of "The 2004 Health Gare 1O-Year Action Plan at a G lance", cati 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232) or, to see it on the web, click www.Canada.gC.ca/healIth planl. I** vernment Gouvernement of Canada du Canada Canadïa