A METROLANO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 145 NO. 62 -!7FRIDAY OCTOBER 15,2004 $1.00(GSTincluded) 48 PAGES -UM,îsg Conmmnunicatbon to Build Betu Conîmin zlties ~Workers grieving mandatory flu shots ordered by Region By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion The union representing Allendale employees is filing a grievance against the Region after Iearning staff have been ordered to get the flu shot or stay home from work during the upcoming flu season. Terry Moore, staff representatîve with the Ontarioi Publie Service Ernployees Uniont (OPSEU), said the mandatory immunhlation ai the loîîg-tecm care facîlîty operated by the Region is -tio broad and tue, heavy-haîîded. "The Regiîlî bas substantialiy iîpped lthe ante. We sec thîs as heing an unreasonahle work cule'- he said. "The proper %vay Io address il is n011Io put people in the posi- lion of geîtîng the vaccine île îlot ssorkitîg ai ail.- Mr. Moore, who's appeared betore regional coiîîiil in the past on behalf of the 300 -pins Local 261 mnembers enîployed ai Alletîdale, was quick 10 point ont OPSEU isn't trying tu downplay the importance of infection control, but balance employees' interesis wîth il. What the union wonld like 10, see. he '/Ail cars Mlanle Marlow l"son Intnty durin famlly atorytinme Saturday mornlng et Milton Mai. About a dozen youngsteis and their care- givers took In the avent, whlch was preeented by the Milton Publie Ubrary. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE said, is a continuation of the previous sys- tem, with employees being encouraged 10 gel the flu shot voluntarily, then those who opt flot t0 he immunized be sent home duriog an outbreak. "We're trying 10 find a middle ground here«' he said. Mr. Moore explained there's a variely of reasons certain enîployees choose flot 10 gel the vaccine. such as solfe have had a baci reaclion 10 il in the past. or others believe il's jîîsî n011 iteir besi interest. "Sone people jusi simply dontl want t0 have a vaccinationl loi somelhing that may or may flot happen, he said. -They see il as an invasion of theji medîcal privacy.- The grîevance will be filed wilh Allendale*s adminîsîralor and a meeting isili be arranged 10 discuss the maller. Mr. Moore said if it's nol seîiled after thal meeting, Ihen il will goî b arbîiralîon. The titi shol orcler affects about 3501 slafi. see REGION on page 16 Comment ........ 7 Dateline ....... 17-20 Classified...... 24-28 Real Estate ....... B15 www.miltontoyota.com 7ORUDISO www.gorrudsautogroup.com F LOW , R 'SI () P