Th anadîa bamoion Tuesday O tuber 12 2004-7 Government Access 'entre 1ANWAR THE DEAL MAKER1 well-llused facility at Region By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion In marking Cusiomer Service Week October 1l iii 15, the Region s strtving Io ralse local assareness ol its (jovemment Access Centre __a one-stop shop lor es erything t'rom stctial insurance card applica- tions tii social housing informnation. The centre. whicb celebrated ats grand opening about tsso years .tgo. can provide residenîls with inlonnation front ail tbree levels of pose rîîtett. Antd, according to Access Halton Manager Ron MacMaster. it5 a service that's ssell used. "About 3(881 people per montb corne in (to the centre),- he saîd. -We gtve them as mucb informa- tion as we possîhly can. Il e don't hav e tl rtgbit fi hand. 55e investtgate where they should be calling." The centre is a resîtît of' a part- uersbîp beteteen Halton and tbe provincial goverument. Mr. MacMaster said the Region etas the ltrst municipaliiy to paniner wîtb the Province on the access centre initiative. lits stalfed by 1l0 full time and teti part-time employecs, who Mr. MacMaster said receive training from the Province. Local informatioîn that's provid- cd tbrougb the centre includes things like etaste cotllection calen- dars and bîîusîng assistance. An înîerestîng feature the Province bas added In tbe centre is life event bundles' -Tbey are groupings of informa- itou on a partictilar subjeet matier: Mr. MacMaster saîd. sncb as the lost etallet package. wbîcb pro- vides people wîtb the applications and information ibey would ueed iii get their personal documents back togeiber. He added ibat the Region bas .Halionized'tbe bundles by includ- ing îbiugs lîke information ou serv- tees tbe Region provîdes for preg- nant etomen or new parents. Since tbe centre opened, Mr. MacMaster said tbe response from tbe puîblic bas been positive. "Tbey're ceustomers> quite sur- prised abouit tbe information îbey eaui pet bere.- be said. Examples of federal documents provided includes social tusurance card applications or more informa- lion ou passpots. And, if ethat you're looking t'or isu't on baud at tbe centre, Mc. MacMaster said staff eau access tbe provincial govemnment Web site for more foris or will point people in tbe rigbt direction of wbut îbey sbould be contactîng. For tbose wbo prefer a self-serve envîroumrent, tbe access centre bas a computer available for tbe publie to surf tbe federal. provincial and regional goverument Web sites. Besîdes tbe access centre. Mr. MacMaster pointed oui that aniotb- er important initiative the Region bas undertaken for the public is a customer service sirategy. il sets some standards on bow to respond to customners." he saîd. One part oif tItis strategy, be saîd. s Ioi provide a guaranîeed lise answer everytime someone calîs the Region. meaoing il a person is put îbrougb to a voîce mail. tbey eau press 0) to speak to someone else. If someone sends an e-mail or leaves a voice mail foc a Regional staff member, Mr. MacMaster saîd tbey bave bu respond to it by tbe end of tbe neut business day. -Halton Region staff' are very committed to customer service,- be saîd. "The important part is tbe customners bave a consistent experi- lu terms of better servîng tbe public, Mr. MacMaster uoted a big cbange Halton bas made witbiu tbe past feet years is ereate one pbone number to access ail tbe Region's services. To use tbe Governmeut Access Centre, visit 1151 Broute Rd. or cal (905) 825-6000 and press 0l. Melauîe Heneî'sev -at /e t-eai lted ant nihe'iitiesseî-v@.miiltoni canadiau/tanfpion.cotni. Johnny Bower coming to dinner Hockey legend Jobuuy Bower will rollinmb îowu Friday as a special guesi ai tbe United Way of Multon's annual dinner and auction. Mr. Bower piayed for tbe Toronto Maple Leafs and New York Rangers during bis NHL career. He belped tbe Leafs wîîu fosur Staoley Cup cbampionsbips and eamed a spot in tbe Hockey Hall vif Faine in 1976. He will belp tbe United Way raise fonds toward ils 2004 goal of $450.000. About I(X) items dîîuated by local businesses wîll be Scmettay yeu'I be uSfe ed a cigarette cr Se tenptett te coe Y ua ed ii Bec re you stint, thinS aboutit tr u di n eeny daga yu tiSe scew 06p yec o r ag s Sokinencan cause per minent damage coycur bud. D ntt k Once a persun suaris, h n e h ibecemet extrcmelY ccivh to qi.,gern1 c a Aend tt ec mection ai ihat cash yec Il lie Siceîngi n the Se, tf yee te temptett te sut.rt îsh yecrsett, ..Whal.s the peint?- This message breught te 5ieu bY: auctioued off. includiug tbe use of a condo in Hawaii for a week, dinner witb Milton council, art prints and gifi baskets. 'Tbis year's dinner and auction promises tu be a lot of fun, witb sometbmng of interest for ail," said United Way of Milton Executive Dîrector Aune Eadie. Tickets for tbe eveut, te, be beld ut Granite Ridge .Golf Club, cosi $60 per person and are stli available. Cali (905) 875-2550 to reserve a spot. Chrysier Leathet. cinunruni. V6. auto, air, seaus, pet. pdl. tilt. euise. M cd, Si#66807 '26,888.. Dodge Caravan a r, PW, POL, tilt, vais. deep tinted etindew - 40#12 Chrysier Blak beauty wth t6, air, PW. POL. tiltP. irru s, P. moonteet, altey hees, CD& cest. wartu ec Sty #853179 2M04 OtS'y 25000ok.. Chrysier Intrepld '> 5 atI SXT Rm00 3ei VýVO, actao, crse, c, teaherl, ramr npi s f . 2 ny 51,,km 2001 Dodge 62.000km Grand ' Caravan Sport Like iret muS ail the eptittis 33 V6, autoe air, pet pdli tilt, P slidiq due., teat air $ leDn. & heatquads, d, bal ut tactoty etaît Sit 5 706we at Milton Chrysier are committed ta build- ing a 11f etime relation- ship with you. Your complote satisfac- tien measures sur suc- cess! 2003 Dodge Ony22,000kmn Sport Club Cab 3 .L V6, auto air pw prttit houiee c as truk. Sld& se ed aMiltn '« eWto Chtysler 4ryt. ~ 4 ace a. y00 toy6,00 Dodge VcO, auto air, cgbars du 905i878-8877 81YSE ONTARI ST.EEPITO OC-taIl oîShIaiEEL 9SOOu A SF TeOJ- onlteit loc e o thieaes iltonei M3ualia ................. ................ cl Oc asî pc acu tc ~ u Invites you to corne and check out MiIton's Finest Pre-Owned Vehicles Buy with confidence! (7 Day Free Exchanget) Ail vehicles are fully recondltlonied and E-tested by Factory Tralned Technlclans. lrlrt:-wuncu Car Manager aiIjqe~