If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: 'Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 .rax2 fer 878-4943 GREG J. LAWRENCE B. se., D. cH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Miltion, Ontario, LOT i P6 (905) 878-6479 IS1..~I 1 A Prtnceaa Anne Dr., Georgetowen, Ontario L7G 4W4 Greg J. Lawrence ~ , (905) 702-1611 8.se., O. Chn Afambee ofihe Ontario Soiety~ oftChleopotiisia and Tihe Ontario Collagle of Chiropodlia Q. Winat raines an ingrami lainait, and nom ean il itn treateti? A. agron toenails arrîaaîrtby împtagrment ofthekîn aloag thseargin of tisartait iy lte nuit plate. orme tagroan mrentais are chrrac mis repeaed rpisoateîofpain andinfectionraiantcanhre presentaihotîinfionant otcasîrnalyîinfetion is presrntishot pain. The saîaaignsoftnfetion inciade: rrtneti(eeythriaai, smoaiir etai,larinrOae rti(lt)taran pair italari, Causess aImpropert oimmiap ai tSails. -Tigist finîng titras micis camprent tise tari togriher. -Aharali îsaprd tait plaie. -Outreanait dermities r.g. rvcesiivriy tick rail piote -Trauma ta tise rail plater aiuie. What thte Chirapntiist May Dos lagroanîtuerait treaimeni may neet to betonc or a routinr bacis. Vote tiopoaist mas peffom any ana oritombinatira ai tise foltowing procerrs: .filesate therendfthiearailplatertu ptevrniimpiaaeentoun thsesoft Preitaibe anahbiotict or ipeciat foot trahi. *tirgcatty correrca cioictinrinai What siax Con Dos *Cal tise renraît ciinigit actait, art reave stîgists ranger titra tise rat aftis tir. .Asoîtg iingifoiOear. If liimfort eselrps, iry soaking the foot tna bhasin of mammair2-3 tmsa tay. - If youareetiabelic or hoa poattcirutation,ithermateetsatita everrbc more iisaa95 drgrert Fahrenhist. *An tafettet angras nat teqairet prompt proieiiioai atientio. Contact ynar cisiropatit ai pitysîrias innitatrty. SDRU SSMART Open ta midnight, 7 da s a week Carnage Square, 265 Main St. E AW 905-878-492 ROSS5 Question: Hon dot1 knom if mY Dati has Alziteimer's Disease? Alzheimer disease is a progressive. tegereratise disease ai the brain thai tesirrys vital braîn celis. ht most otien occars in peaple oser 69.5 but coni occur rariier. One ain 13 Canadiaits ever 65 yrars of agr bas Alimrer's sorarelaird trmnîrtia, Tht totioninge O one sîgas ai Aliuiner's 1. Mentor> ions thal affects day-to-day fonction. Forgeifotness tisat ra ot ai the ordînary. 2. Difficrnt performing famitiar tanks. They oîay have iroahie mus tasks tai base been tamîliar ta tisent ail ibeir lîves. sacit as preparîng a 3. Proittens mitit tanguage. Havîae dfflîcalty tenttog morts. mtisiting sentences or rrremenarg people's naines. 4. Disorientation of tinte anti place. Tbey oea> becamo los( on thoîr oma street anti not knam hait ta ge borne. 5. Poor or tierreaseti jutigement. Rhey mno rercognize a metical prablern titat orotis atentian or mear benvy claihing an a bat ta>. 6. Proittems with ahstract thinking. Tisey rnay hsave troublr halanctng n cietea braik. ant not recogncee mitat tise nambers meant. 7. Misptacing things. Tisey rnay pot îings ta inapproprîie pilace sncb as an 0001 ib te freezer ar a mrîsi hast in tise sogar bomi. 8. Changes in meoti anti hehasior. Someano mush Airbeimee-s tan esibît sariet mort swings -front cairn ta lears to aoger -for no apparent reasax. 9. Changes in personatity. They may becarne canfaset. saspecîons, mîitdrama or fearfal. 10. Loss of initiative. Tise> oay beceme mort passive. ont erqaîre cars and pronipting ta beirme inseterd. If tise et morre i hese statenimots appi>. yoa probabis sisoaid be tntiitf lionN nvs leAzeie' oil biea tsîr ateiiera sssittsr HatisWotti i'iaroaci't 1nrrag yri ehnTn para or eaala r a y& gi s 0c i a aiea? A: itpegem e aE naynarer vir. andneratt tievies ah rngi te ta: nd me miii otscattot peatiaitrns iaci sgmntw.iret asoliffen hsco meta t:iM rrlanship proets adshows. tem reognihesinegis phaes an oecren pebu rtt dntwt eandt liner as ttmay t y peon ta matre n fern roadef opes. Yo an mprrive tmeamtntton A:de'Mtand:gandi ata nat aciver greteritmayd Wrmil ora ahe tssar sduit atst.p arewsi jeatras . nd comiltmn coples otn tediveos for ncmasgh ttmay dsseang w mitl itcs omer ingt pad eing at dferni. acc sges expoet ier r t ae frm tis thegmeatingsaehip romsane.ow ttoagi tie oer s:mgl tit pasesetop lenotag rperesa age: ta tatthas and increair tntimacy n on itye cypress g onts. nierds art teemn tiad men aci i tavon ptruitip asd fmet clas. eu btto gn paians From ctitrer me iii lner tadeeenitmc and utmel hivracit ti rrtattonsit:pool air riauessuhp ys: titr adgeom Jaous an laapritonait yoe are Rs s a er postttr rgeant iterey eryne mii fe sale. mlom and accrpted Yowii titarnces ho mtitr tfemaion yrvfon tare t WHEN: S Cxpeanca in e Ttirxday, begnnincraeitî ayb WHpeRE:n wats Enes Taner A aea eannwetea &rn t u Catesia enlastee Cetonte Ue t pecta cain. romteevewl lanhw etcpn iet.mc 1nd minale tram ltn. hp nago (Directipyo sonnd apan ein nî fllepsioofw yua. RMrs is emy apgstiea gai tntre ev in titis cane tapleas wergîste ary Forped Ioniser coseho m informatoaniarersplctfor yosar nti oa WHR:A lyeTanner & Assciates la. ndmale a Ela Tnner R& 1 RocioteOnt Centr oK n NOTE Thes Womesnport grnapl strigi sond 6 mnth Att minten rmtom.Nanril fl75 Main St., Ste. 10 Mîlton Medîcal Buildings ~ 9 ri 905-878-0800 Jilian Stand Catltee McTaiîi Stlan tanian Ryan otuaxar (Hors)l0 St. U RMT 0<5 MS ttc, RMT Q: What <s pxeudo-sciatica? A. Pseudo-gIatia or ffufermsSyundroefI 5s o compression syndrome af te situt nerve. pradacmpg symptams con axly tefered ta oas scitîca. lthe stialit neeve is tise iarprst nerve tn Use lady and t5 die main itrancit of te stiatît plevus. Il descends from tise lamitar sptne anierior ta, Use pelvis and cats. passing itween te ptriiannis masc and tise lamer pelvis. Tise nerve titra trarels ta die pasieriair sarface of te ihigit and dama te ieg. la samte peaple, tise sctatit nerve atally penetrates and passes tlsroag tise piriforasis muascle itely. RMis ts an unsnal variant iypicaliy meqaietng catctive sargeey. If tits, tise pîriformîs tan squeeze tise stiattc nerve agatosi Use pelvis cnnsatg paratiesia and pain tn Use ittacks and rotiattng pain damn tise leg in die tsigis and ealf. Tise pato is nsally intermittent mit vatying inîensitics. Presentalian t5 asaly ia axe ieg anly and acarolagital dcfiis are ascommon. Only if the syndromse is af long daratian wiii die sciaiic nerve irritation develop inothUe asue inflammation af sciatica. Cammon canses af pirifoassis syndrome are occapational anti pastual factrs (ptnianged sitingi miit tan sitorten and mtcrease taxe as tise Mascle. 4njries ta tie satradiat joiti giateals. oe laierai mta:o mastcs witt snitseqneni inflammatton. itaemnaloma, and stamrng tan ieeitatc tie mascle. Treaimexi ai pîrilarrots syndrome tavoives deep ttssue mark ta the laierai mitators af the itip. mrgper poimt iterapy, and passive stretching. Eduatiar witis respect ta pastoral coîrrections and a rednction ta casatise foctors mtill follow. Cnic Hume: Mo.-t 0- al. 10-2 a &"u y nm AvSidU AttItiated wllh N.F. insurance Ageney Inc. L jwM . R Tel: (905) 876-0940 Faxt (905) 876-2934 n MiC II 420 Main Street Eaat, Milton, Ontarlo L9T 1P9 <j: 1 arn 69 this year and I have ta do îornething writha ry RRSPs. Witat are rny chaires? A: This is important. If yan. a frtend. or parent are tamîng 69 tits yeae, hy tite end af the yeae yon tant 69, ail RRSPs and iacked-in RRSPs matare. Titere are titrer options availahie ta yaa. Option I. Da xatitg anti therefare caliapse yaar RRSP. Yax miii pay tan an ail tite vaine in it For most people, this is te teast desiraitte chaire and shouti ite arnadeti. Titre are atiter chattes that miii aiiaw yaa ta driay and erdace tite amaunt ai tax ta ho patid. Roese rter optioxs are as fallaws: Option 2. Transfer yanr RRSP assets ta an Annxtty tit starts ta, pay axt nom. Witie better titan Optian i, anxaity rates are vee lom and thts is a vety 'final decisîon'. In the annnaty, yan lase yane flexthtiity in encitange foe a rate gnarantee. Yra sitaaid tiriay drtng tis axîtil xterrst rates are ta yaxe advantage.S Option 3. Canveet yaar RRSP itt a RRIF (Regtsteeed Retirement incarne Foot) Tits affrs thte mast paottai Ilrn:ity and is tite bey: chatte foe mast peaple rtgitt naw. The RRIF chatte aiiaws yaa ta krrp mast af yaae assets tas siteiteed. RIFs aisa bave mare flevtiiity. Thtv ts ta yane bexefit. Yan tan swttrit yaae 881F ta an anxatty later miten tnterest rntes are mare advantageaas. Canfaseti? Far salutians titat are easy ta andeestant, piease contact Maney Concepts at 90t5-876-01940. Doalor Sorsvicos Canada Inc. XHalton His Speech Cenr "Your Caring Partners... " Northvtew Centre, 211 Guelph St. ,Suttefl5,(Georgetown (905) 873-8400 - www.haltonspeech.comf Q: My toddler it very hard ta undertad. When thoxld we expert hinx la îpeak elearly? A: Talîing doesr'î jasî liappen. Cliilirer liaie Is learr speech - gradaall. and leartttng aIl tle speech saunds soies tinte Ilhildren masier sjpeeclh sourds la a specifle seqaence. according ta nîaînraîi .aî of sheir oral struîctuîres and îisililiri of île sottnds. Some soanel 1e p, Il, ir, i. d, an) r are assallt mastere) hY age shree while sîhers 111e r, th an) s mat' roi le correct anîil île earlî sciosîl-age Years. While learnîng îo speak. ail children maie misiakes an) prononce some sonAs incorreclsx. You max heur x our chli sulsîiîaîe axe sonA for anoiher (et., "wablii" for 'ralhiî'l, omit a sonA (e.g. "han "for "haxd"î or dîsiort a saumi (e.g. "shlip "for "ship"l. Alihough ihese are common errors an) tll probablo A isappear as a chili) gets older thex mîghî as be signa of articulation Aisorders. Simpîx' sîaîed, an articulation Aisorder exisis sIen a du)l coxsisîentls' maies speech sonA errors that are not usualîx made lx children of île samie age. Disîîn.uithirg ltetseen simple mispranunciain an) articulation ilisitert tati îc Aijficuli, if - sio feel îtawt saour chili) mighî haie an îîrtîîlatîîsr pioîilem. 'voni shlî:r traie orl appsîîîtreîît for, an et alsasios 1v o (pets h-Longoage Patoilsgisi. For fnrîher iiiîtitiiîui. stttitii'iîtrii ii (sS tii.pliait, il o ur Cei utc M MMET7,7 - ý"1----3R 30 -T, ý 1 ý, 1 ,