26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Oclober 12. 2004 . ______________ CIMHM I Il 9:0aul*p MILTON 5ft Mattamy, 2725sqe. 4-bdcc, waik cet bvsemest ccic creek5 S469,900 9050876-0841 Oaaw prîvatesale- FOR tact 2200 hq i iodaus- triai unit, acresa item GO statin, Main St. Please cati 905-875-9500. LOOKtNG for steati lent & die shep In mako neoapoc- sica pirco & tim dies. Pieuse cail 905-795-8212 et tue shey icte: 905795- 2708 A WeAk at Home Job On Yent Computot. Ttaicnn Prevîded, P/t, P/T. Code: PCJeS cem PROMOTE yecr bvsicess eppeeiueity te nvor 4 mlioen adait coadors in South Cee- cral Ontaro Book ynuc cd- vertisement ta ver 60MetI telacd ccmmuaity aewspe- pers aîth mne phone ccii. Caii ieday ner infomation onweekiy word ad packag- os lîniemet listings îcclad- adi 416-493-1300 exit. 276, www.metraddcm $SMoney$$ 100% ltI, 2nd aad 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK. Cali Ontario 0/ide t-888-307- 7799. meatgage ptngrams raeard lmosse mne et cradit. Cali CHRIS 0 1-800-328- 7887 orcvisitus a www.sin- cciaitcnckbumcn OLD M/lIna. 2 & 3 bdrm apuimoots. 3-50as, main lient S1t50/mth e atlitfies. 2-boas., 2nA lient 0950/mt e utîlttes. Crase ta clown- toea, nv smoking/pets. cattiable Nec 1. Cati 905- 689-9963 or t-866-213- 8784 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Neaiy roreovated apant- monts ta Sîstenicat building in Raskaned. t & 2 bed- renm scites. Oas Seat, ex- caltent cammatreg te Guelph, Reckaned, Actas, Georgetown anA ntrer major cencIres. Penibovse availabte. Occuancy cent- able eatty Detoear. $725 - $925. Cati Lic Den, John- son Assenratas 905-877- 5165. 2 badrenm lacndtyiperking 5906mentit Graany Saite scîtabie ior 1 persan 5600/menAh Cati 05-854- 349. DOWNTOWN Mlon beau- sitar 2-br ba t for leftant, appt. Stt00mtrit, ail cnclu- aive. Ccii 905-691-0994 MILTON largo 3-bdna ein cludîrre appincesncely deccruted. parking, no pets Ccii alier 6pnr 905- 693-078& 170 RENOVATED taim Scase te Milice 0025/mente cn civdîcg utîtîties t bedreen 1 bute, apuetmeet. close In 401. Waik dcantone Avaîl- abie end et Ocieber Pieuse ccii Wecdy 519- 58t 7537. Anton Apartmfents, t & 2 beittvnm uparrmeet accul able Nna and futnt e Pndge & Sve, iaandry tucîlîtios, No dega 519-853. 4374 oen 7 days/aook same day apptevai. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mîlisîdo Tnors 82 Mîisîdo Drie. 1 &2 Bedreete Apte, Nea applîceces. Close te onantean Bus stop ai Ptont Dmc' 905-876-t249 eue reaIstur nu GLEN EDEN COURT APARTIMENTS 122 Braele Street, Sentht, Mitn me are oea acceptîcg applications etr t & 2 Beom Apartmoats For more information andior te milie an appiniment, Pieaae cati 905-878-5375 Building Managera Leenard & Penny MILTON 1 & 2 bedraste avaîtabte. $945. e. Clean ccd quiet building. Cai Jack 905 812-0195 deuil- able immediateiy 1-BEDROOM suies, uppot lIent ai hease. Oeck, gcs t/replace, A/C. Ublittiesin ctuded. $950/menAh Avait able NaeemberiOecember laIt. Referecas. 519-853- 0921. ACTON 2 bndrcem apart ment. Anaîlable Nnvembor ltI 200 ChuchiSll Read, 853-0087 ACTON Lacge 3 badrom ceaiy toneectod analt ment. Hardweed flents, 1. baiSrnnms, lais nt parking, masSer & dryor, cloe te, ail amendtes, propecoy weii kopi $115O/moath n utîtîties. Avaîlabte Noember ltI Credit check. Ploase cati Sawn @ (519)853-9592 Selon reoevcted bacheor aparimeet te quiet A plea. parking and iacedry on promises, Inctades atititias. Acaîlabie îmmadîateiy. $540/mth 905-877-38a2. ACTON. tac bedracte apartment, îmmedîataty. 519-853-3309 or 519-853- 07t9. Please run eortwon weeks 0/8/12/15 GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1. 2. b 3 badrome. Check mdi web arte e.ww.haftohillsrentais GEORGETOWN 2-bad- cenm basemect apartrnent, penvate enîman and iacci- dry. Avaitabie tmmedîatey. 0025/menih plus hydre. Cali 905-877-7910 tnt ac apponta0ent. GEORGETOWN 2-bed- rente condn AC, Sa/case. 2-ucdorgrecnd parking. maik co GO Acaîlabte No- vember 15th. 5900,mecth plus utîlîtros 1-905-825- 8258. 170 GEORGETOWN DOne cwn, 2nd flient bacheor ulpt- 070e mth. utîlîties in ciudod, Prîdgo & stece. casher & dtyer. Acaîlubie îmmedîutoly. Day- 905-702-9288, uller hpmn b mookends 416 ý931 5030 GEORGETOWN, 2 bec- reen main meor. Eut-ta kîtcheni living rente, 2-purS- îng, patin. $770r.hydte Octoea 30. 416 888 0767 ROCKWOOD, Scîgit oe Sedrente Sasomont uyt., Necembor ltI Close te ait umenîttos & censervatien park. Prîvate entîaceo neN smoking/pets. 5575/meeth citiitiOs iecluded. (19)856- 9854 DOWNTOWN Milten 3- boas condn, 4 appt., & 0/C, 2 parking spacas, ireshiy paînited, $1300/tt in- cludes parking, cable TV, Seat, hydcv, mater, semer. Cati Jîte Kart, Kart Reaity Management @ 905-878- 9924 ton tuOther detaîts et ieaing. OLDE Mîlttn,5-bdrm home te the best neigebocritend, $1500/mtit + atîtîtios. Cati 705-457-4017. 3-8EOROOM heuse ta An- ton. S1,200lmantb pics clii ties. Asaitobte mid-Delebar. Cati Uiz Dasit, Johnson As- sociates 905-877-5165. MILTON Nnn/t, 4-bdrm, 2.5 batis; tcmîiy rente, laundry ceea. ait breadiaca, $1895/mth + clilities. Cati 905-854-2357. SMALL bungalow 00înslea Chu rci ll/Stea les, 91200/mentit n utîlîtîns. Outsîdo maintenance te- ciadeA. Dacombor 151h. Rotereoces. (905)455-8030 MILTON 3-bdrmteInt hease, garage, epplianes. 51275/mt n utithles. Cati 905-876-2997. FOR RENT - Georgetown 3 bedrena tnwnhvuso, $1,200. Pîîst anA last, ceattable îmmedîateiy 905- 877-5424 OAKVILLF3&4 edrnmF tvwnheuses avaîtabte îm- medîatly threagit Oecember, 4 appliances. Hepedate Mati acea. Lakeshere Management. 905-876-3336. LOST. SA/aer bracel etwit Seart ctarm. Chadesilsary St. area. Sentimental. 905- 659-5607. RAINBOW Village Oaycare Sas a tew spaces for child- tan 31/2 te 5 as. 905- 878-7552. VMi us aI mei- bowuiiagedaycare.cm A Hybid que an sica w a ter0/0, S buffes, taises coq ular sîco sheets Very cloe. aslsng $175.00, cati 905-876-2201. u~s -à St-Pleine - John and Kimi (nie Simpsn) are pleasndi Io announce the birth et their dauaher Chine Isaheila weighieg 6lbs 15 t/2nzs ai Milice District Hospital on Tuesday, Sepiemnber 28tin 2004 et t l3pmn Chine is welcemed be big brother Edi and big enster Jaiia and grandparents Annette and J.C. St-Pierre and Jean and Franks Graen. A big thank yo te oar DOle Heath- ar Whiney for aIl Set sapport, we could flot have gonnen thtnugh Chines bî0th aititeut yoai WOOeN ay stle,2 95$ iot atas 2ito DstideHsia 2n WATErda AItoe Chin.S se0in toiseth der 2 tae ceyta, ea Capsf lod.toi mke ofSarsua, yi nutin, Diane, Stnh e w o8 box. eil te- an ass1 we it , ndcidrinys Fl n $50 Weereb sali nrorBll etes, adsites.Ct Ll tn $650on Pieeased aî Jnhstrand a53 2477d- dA Dînîo Srahm Chrry-aAn ain Fml n Hoe14 MonSt. Meieton9588452l h uea serie 8a edi hefn lhm chairs, bonet hc, Annotat doains he nain ie iodton w su te Spexc91CaeoSO, e So. Nn plashe Ccst 02 $$$$$atralnii $1600 saits tn $45 3,0 /ks, tTD-allip nae, te[ fat or500459 eslf ctake s bsas orCali 850. Amaor $ ara5 p lease ca rtIay 905-332470 Beitrdoubl Cieryd, uoig rdrNed tabl, 8ch ai rso, 2bauffmet.y nr nittts vta Ocostrc-n$0000.107 tion Ne yerli oees. 1951 apie u " Cosi $11,000. Sacritice tires Toyat, ii aat , dt 21.900> 905-56794042 gooc, 200,otn $3000. i CARPT IhavesencalONO. Cali 90587781056 A,0 ytdg io oea Otain- 199psoge sr a me.N npaster c.00 ny t02Tytancretcd dtSaste net-d hall0 tnt 00 Snc50d. carIrn00okms, fu05 877ed pepa - insailtio ral 0 9 058410 BEarAsi in Steve, n 059- se,29 n lsic 2 r t 1999 Ptymortginase black. $150~~~~~~3 90O6-02wild-200JSms, geds cnd Bad, Toit: dreser 2i OPOn, inne b/ oy CDk watnfatt Ozanatr Re 1996ra ooae &uo da $1,90.d cabinet ne r en ed ,0k .S00 unREd, 1 s ait n eea OO Cati (90 52978- Ce000 5999. ofnSelir 985000. e sto a pet iAN o Rehisbedr & Se de-etd rtcni heiallr d1f. Iemcdet ca- to.1K ,0ks.9587 616724 pnae-n-a apprtlltiov(0ed6 PadO)Stgn eleta stadads W639ay-e 29der 193K Pvlymoel ueeest hee or back- Cati Tu: 004 905l3 6200ins, (9505)8772006 codi hatal Cceseataty tin3031 /C on D nase rtiIngl pea . 10 0 4 neiANS: edîcnisd Rcd oorado, Vama <deai q -P! Samlls tho 905-6310 es 958726 9259nCnsratr 33 Sel i toa ith CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE RUMMAGE SALE Sot. Oct. 9 * 8AM-Noon 139 Martin St. Holy Rosary Parish Hall Donations acceptait on Pn. Oct. 151h 8AM-SPM GARAGE SALE Sait. OCtober l6th - 8AM-NOON 581 Churchill Ave. Something for everyanetflain date Saturdap Octat.er 171 GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 16 * 8AM-4PM Sun Oct 17 * 9AM-3PM 7520 McNiven Rd. (Corail Park) Antiques & coltectibtes and so math muret ALUECTION PERSIANRUS Saunda Oct7th 16pm Prvewam.4 Otelo Banqut Charll, 27oail WindsoroDr, 1112Il corN. of MaFord RdRrDr., thorgetwn2 Nersa rugs, oolis handkntted. anmt.,e Ardoinew faroes dr5xlO s ta2xigh enbtyes, almo c.g.- naru, BVidrmareTCri aesigneresn vua.Rners ton 0eces WitI aseai lut. V, soC. tabebit Cash. n tbles arealadr Lunth &lîc strndas Pioae fornd Fulrro adgBacinear racs actione te an05 uer94 uc298 re MANICNT ANTIQUE AUCTIO Sun Oct lth lpt Pr3Oev ie-am OtositBranuet Hume,227 AuclWindo aim 931495Eqente UneofFrdD iton Ont.25 Ceaipen indîcaoo TrePna ice, EsentVîntae Lîgitîn, Ocdaratty cDigerc A.Ja. Cassan, Ctîo M'er it aiVetageOil st, 2C Cipîde PRNIICEHAR ANIQUEON AINC. AU3ONPEREr I-lchi S TeL. 6h i 90-69-0215 9a Shermeada Haits 9uto 90-85 87 Thi rmus ash Coleoque isa, MC. qu 0% yr premîinae Glasind. 1t pca anA ofqc Chi ine erh& Deitiseois aîtabte GaipoeSeci Detc.a i Aee.uci70NE indRiom/vePrichtard Ur PRO41i WITH THE ~SSI FIEDS SNW-L'N .a. - * -R %ees - e a Mus hvevald rie rs lies.i DRIVERS NEEDED Puti-Tîne Taadun Sandet Ptow Drivet Dz Lîceniso equited. Drivers needed lot upeomito 2004-2005 Winleî Soason. Cali 905.1177-1307 Ryder Canada haa immediage permanent positions tor AZ and DZTtuck Drivera throughout aouthern Ontario tor locat and cons-barder routes, Rydor offors: *campettvo pey - dîrectly deposîted in yncr baak aeekly *company-pard camprehiensve boneits and cetiremnt package *saine warkiag envîronmoat *toam and singleccuns drve drarning anA vpgtadîng progcams avaîlabte Join ns todr and g.t yeur $1000 boec SCHOOL It pays VAS To2e,5 DRIVR îequîîed patt lime fnhe or Chitdcare Cnr ~~ BcrF USlîsuies license required 905-332-3971 CHALLENGER MOTOR FREIGH ýyu are an6fenAZicenseddflveand ditsh to O3nourawardwonning eampkatend ou[ropen housat w Hus4yTwckstop 90am-20pmn 6625 Kennedy Rd, Mississauga %Sn on Bonus Equipmt Job StabiliY Phn 1-0033-54 Fa 1-888-876-:87 ClYissi fied M M 1, - 50 M SUA" ewoosýW-ý »,Om DrNm , CLJ