We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. I M SWI$$(HALET ~ ROTISSERIE & GRILL Mîlton Team would like to express our gratitude for votîng us FAVOURITE FAMILY RESTAURANT IFREE! SOUP OR GARDEN SALAD WITH PURCHASE 0F DINNER ENTREE SwI$$(HALET ROT iNERtE & OR Lt. 50 Market Drive Milton 905 876 3313 Du C pupup N uC~ bu Nb tu,~ N lu i----------------j 150cm Assld opooky characters on fou mesh OurReg 1098-14.98mNOW599m * - - Siaucial Selecion' SHINYMETALLIC SOLIOS 107-115cm Large aset ni colore Reg 698 m NOW 299 t Our Entre Stock 0f FUN FURS Sohds & same 5km prînis, plus * - long shaggy. 0cr Reg. 14.98-24 98-39.98 m NOW 33% OFF Our Reg Pece SouciaI Selection' Costume Fabric f.'.. $1.44 - 5.vlags lai .vwy dep.rfm.nfl e' i j f nu SPARKLE KNITS 197 5-lîSemmîde Lofe 0f colonre uncktdîng plain kehl & epangle. 0cr Reg 998-1098 m NOW 299 & 399 m Special Selecton' VELOUR ENDS 150cm wide. Aesld cobre &teoluree OarReg 898mNOW449m Qir Entre Stock' BROAI2CLOTH SOLIOS 115cm wide, polyesier/coiton blend Huge range 0f colours b choone from OarReg 244mNOW166m OirReg 398mNOW222m Specual Setecton' BERBER FLEECE ENOS 150cm wîde Aseorted desîgne & coloure. OerReg 1898mNOW1099m Speemal Selecton' CRAFI NOTIONS Fancy up pour costume' Asoorfed types & shapes lndîsîdaally pruced Now 33% Off Our Reg Prîco Sale n effeot October 4-31, 2004, on selected n-stock merchandise only. Sorry fa special orders. Look for the red sale tags. e : : o, This year's Screamfest said to be the scariest of the past five years By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRiER Special to The Champion Ghuuls. ghusis, corpses aed witches wiii be plentitul at the ced of Ociober but noce as creepy, scaey and grotesque as ihose fuund ai ihe ftfih annual Scceamtest pre senied by Afier Daek Productions and being held ai Whiie Rock Osirich Facco. Spine-chiliing muNie. hiood curdiing speciai ettecis. and anythîng your imagina ilon cao conjure up milI 011 ihe seven-room haunied house ai Whiie Rock Osicîch Fana on Founh Line je Rockwood uver week- ends îhcoughouî Ociober. A tew new scares have been added in ihîs year's eveni. and îhey're said to make Screamfesî 2004 ihe besi in daie. We siacied working on ihîs year's eveni around ihe ced of May," saîd une of Aller Daek Produciions' omners, John Piait. We have been workîng every weekend and usually tour io Ove hours a couple of days a week. There is su much work ihai goes intu making ihis whaî o is.' Mc. Plati sîaned ihe haunied house many yeacs ago ai bis Missîssauga home îo enter- tain the neighborhood ebjîdren. When ihe children grew up, ihe haunîed house creaitng mas taken over by his nephew, Gordon Goss. who had bîgger plans for ihe eveni. Mc. Goss and his triend. Richaed Gehees. creaied Afier Dark Produciions and made ihe haunied house mm a business. A more suitable locaijon was found ai Whjte Rock Osîcich Fana. owned by Don and Debra Sinîmons. arîd Seceainfesi bas grume je populaciiy ever since. Atier Dark Productions nom bas four panners ihai creaîe ibis nighimaee toc ihe public to enjoy. Mc. Plaît is a freelance anisi and is cesponsîble for planning and building many of ihe p ece n the hou Montessorl 1' 5cF~ooI Miltori In fhe words of the child: "I hear andi forget" "I see and I remember" "I do and I understand" t? Liiiiit.4~ The nehool han opened new custom denigned facilities adjacent to it's existing school. Based on a child'n natural denire ta learn and develop, the Montessori School of Milton offers a ntructured environment, catering ta ages 2-6 yrs. The school offers haif, fuli & extended day options, with warm meals & playground facilities. The pro gram encompasses Ian- guage, maths, sensorial & cultural acttvîtîen along wtt h French & munie Monte~sorI ~chooI of Mfitor' 900 Nipissing Rd., Milton ~ 905-876-4001 416-508-5502 Give yow1 cMd the Monte~orI advantage Screamfesi 2004 s guaranteed ta scare. Mc. Gehres s an elecîcîcian SO lîghiing tbings up îs bis job. Mr. Goss and Paul Clînton ace jacks-ut aIl icades and do a bu uf evecytbing îu make the show as scary and creepy as can be. h takes a minimum of 14 people. some je cosieme and some behied-ihe scenes. iu uperate ihe haunîed house and the surruundîeg gcaveyard. Mr. Plan saîd that ihey hire matnly local youeg talent tu Oit ihe needed rotes and the teenagers love iu get uuî and give sisiiors a goud scare. "Thece aie seven iniecior cuolos mtîh naines such as the Nuti Su Living Rtîtîîn. the Auiupsy Ruoco. the Nursery aed ilue Black Maie." saîd Mc. Plaît. "There s also a gcaveyard and vartous ouisicte monsiers ihai mander around. Thece mtll be a con cession siand and a campHre ibai visitors cao use iu keep macm." New ainracîtues ibis year include a jem eilery vendur ihai selis Goihie style baubles as well as face painting and a Henna iaitou anisi. There miii also be a Viciorian-siyle sîdeshom called 'Professor Orbax's Museum ut Naturat and Unnaiural Cunosities'. "Everyone milI be te period costumes for ihis show," saîd Mr. Plati. "There ace both mythical and real anifacis such as ihe World's Smallesî Unicom and Alliguior B" Each year, atiendance îo Scceamfesî grows as more peuple leare about it. Many ceium year afier year for theic annual iccror fis. Because Afier Dack Produciions employs snobe lîghts and lîquid fog te their special effecis, ihe show îse'î cm.oiîi meeded for ihose sîîtfecing fruco epîlepsy. As weil. t soi cecommended for peuple wîth hean condîttons. especiant mothers, or chîldren under ihe age ut g. Pacenial dis- cretion is sîrungly advîsed. 'I have always been inieresird te sci-ti, faniasy, and huccor." said Mr. Plati. "This is giiiid. hannless fue and me ceally eejoy scaneg peuple. Everynne eejoys a guîîd frighî and a guod iaugh and we detînîîely prîtrîde i for iheco.' Scct..tmft.si 2(1114 opened Saiecday and cîntînues raie or shîne October 15, 16. 22. ~3~9 and 311 trum 7 iii III p.m Adtnisstiitî cosis S6 tir aditîts 12 y ears muId aed tus er .iiiul «i liii t.liililree Xiii Il y~'acs uîkt. i-tu mitre ieliurnî.iiiiuu. s su ihe St. re.imlesi Web site ai 'a ssss .st.ceamlesi.îetiu uic t.ail (9(15> 1121) 3274 i~I