HIGH SCHOOL REPORT "THE ROYAL REPORT" Katie Nadalin Siobhan Dearoches DISHGP REDINO HISE SCEGOL BR students spent the long weekend filling up on turkey, Now they are back at school feeling refreshed, awake and perky. The Thanksgiving food drive was definitely a hit, We reached our target but we still didn't quit. Ms. Marsalek's class earned the right to boast They hauled in over 1000 cans to contribute the most! We had 3500 as our final count Now isn't that a great amount? Meanwhile ail the faîl sports teams have been going hard, A few have fallen short, but they haven't put down their guard. Senior boys football played Notre Dame in an evening game under the Iights. Although they lost 59 O they Iearned from their mistakes and will reach new heîghts. Everyone at last week's varsity boys volleyball game was on the end of their chair, They put in a good fight against Georgetown High and only lost by a hair! Hey guess what! Theres something new to BR this year, lt's a program that allows grade nines to receive guidance from a peer. They meet with their grade 12 mentor a few times a week, To leam the ropes. and to get the advice that they seek. So if you'd like your problems solved, Speak to Anna Massari to get involved! We hope you enjoyed this week's edition in rhyme. That is ail for now, we'I1 see you next time! Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Changing your body can change your life. Curves 30-minute fitness, commonsense weight Ioss program can help diminish the risk of breast cancer. If you join the week of October I 2th and make a donation to your favourite I C' ,..~.- Du~enurae'.l, rh~ritv The power to amaze yourself. Over 8,000 locations worldwide we'11 waive the service 905-875-9246 327 Bronte St. S. Unîts 10/11 Milton, ON L9T 4A4 nOffer buued ou tirut nmsti enroilment, mmommnm 2 mn. cd progrant uem membres oniy. Bot saitd mttb aoy other otter vaitd ooiy at purttt.pattog i attoos tut i luth "DATELENE DRURY" a Kim Mentor Kotie Bangoy Enka Sirome E.C. DRUET HIGH SCHOGL fIne Soc siay mhtte vîrîriitng brîtugit the Lutcher Bty. Ktm aod K~ttte stumbied tottî Mr. i "Heito gtriv." he vatd "Chech t outt We'rc hastof the Itattie ot the Rapt" "What's that't" Katte ashcd She isîsthed artrnnd and sacs the Spartatt grappiers vtmtttog thetr stuit fttr ail o sce Mr i handed the gtriv a shtry goid ensetope wtth the Spartan seai. Curtous. Ktm opened t to itnd an antnymonsnttte that read, "To the Oateimoe Orury teant, mho correspond rom the E C. scene. Oo the gytn to itnd pour neot nue, t miii be fioattog ou uomethtng bine" "I got îhtv rom a mysiertutus cioa hcd Spartan. She toid me to pays itou ttr yon." satd Mv J. "Wbere shontd me utart" vaîd Katte "I dont hoom, mayhe me shonid ask Mo Honidcroit." satd Kim. The girls mode their map domo to the H.A.L ofître, mhere ihey fonod Me. Houidcroft aod Mo. Sheppard recordiog the Spactan teams' stats. "Hey Mr. Honidcroft! Looh mhat me tonodl" enciatmed Katteaushe hauded hîm theenvelope. "Wom gtris, îhts v esctttng But rot nearip as euctttog as 000 jouror boys soiieybaii team' sstctory a gatout cross tomo ovais Mtitoo Otstrtct." be vatd. "Watt a mtoute! Ooo't forgetour gîris fteid hochoy îeam. Whtch piaced second to the astroturi toumameot at Lamport Stadinm o Torooto ou October bthl" Mr Sheppard sard Frustrated mtth tht iach of assîstance, the gîris teit theofftcetosearch tîf themo ocut due. Snddeoip. Katte had an tdea. "Ktm! mii be o the pool' The cine saîd 'ltttattog on somethtog bioe'." fîfi thcy tan ttr the ptrtri mhcrc tut th~'tr snrprtve bey bond a toy boat mtth aotttber gttideo cosciope. Atter dtstng n. Ktm and Kattc opened the set. ord due. "Ttt bu Oateitne Orury crcm. thts tnt. lue oumber tmst Oo o the piace mhcrc dances are hcid, ard the shtiis ol actorsaod at.trcsscs tocid" i hoom mhere thts 00e tut" satd Ktot, "Its tn the andttstonmt" The gtrts mshcd ou to the st.tge îtoiy tut ftnd that Mm Robcrts aod the Orama at Dmrp teant mere rehctrstng Itîr Bats o the Beitrx. Kattc ioohed np at the t.cmitog aod vtm another goidt.'tt cnseitrpe Shcrcached np aod yaohed t domu "Ktm and Katte tbtst s yonr ast t.iut. tut vcch Hutpe yon'se coîoyed ret.'onottog bts paut mceh Oo bnp pour dance ttt.het for the 2ist ttf fictuther. Yon mtii ftnd mc aod yonr search mtit be tuer." Esctted to itod ont mhur tht. tnystery persou mas, Ktm aod Katte spout' cd o the ttcket boutth aod there bey sacs a mystertons cioaked person stt ttog behtod thecutuoter Ready o bny thrtr Itchets, they viomiyapproat.'bed tite booth Snddeoiy, the mystertonu spartan removed ber hood "ERIKAt" Kim aod Katte satd tonutuon. "Hey gtriu i thttngbt tbts mtgbt be a mo tdea or tht' meeku Oateitne Drnry Nttt bad, eh "' She satd as tbey tanghed and meut tut mrtte thms meck'v atlmt.ie Dehada Aimer Ashiey Cierici Julia Pyper HILTON DISTRICT 110H SCHOOL "MUSTANG MESSENGER" W o ebahM aI,. Vuebop ryo d a dbapy tday Nou ~15~tmetogetbachtntothe5Otngtttthtob~tfteta lOOh. meehend Football, Football, Football, botit out 'entor aod tontor football teams have been teartng op the fteld On Monday, Octoher 4th, our tstntorv sported the mustang spirit obtie playtng thetr game at hottte Tttey t.ante throttgh short atter the third qttartct bstt piayed .t great gatne They are nov, otte and tmo 0 titetr season They re ttext gante is Wedoesday, Octobet t 3 at home agatnst Burttugton Centrat Out sentor team ptayed on Wednesday, October 6, they aiso ptayed at home, agatout Chnst the Ktng Thcy bnyu shomed strong deteemtnatton on the fteid mtth a fan clob ltke no other The boys piayed a respectable game. faiitng through short tn the end Ont mustang football teamu shom an tmmense amount of schooi spsrtt Ail ai the boys can be seen meartng thete îeam Jerseys aroond the uchool every game day' Way to go gays' Ont Cross conntry teatn mas very succeustul mhtie attendtng thete thtrd meet of the season Thomas Ntghttngaie placed 4Sth out of 700 runners at the i ona tonttattonal, Octoher 5 Brati Hoy ftntshed 22nd out ol 400 moners n a stmtiar race A good mtî by ail, and good iuch ttt the near fitttîre Beiteve t or tot. MOHS hockey bas aiready started thetr tryottts Wtth the tseather geotng cotder hockey season soon approaches Both boys and gtrls begîn thetr tryouts Tuesday, Octobre 12, brtght and eariy Thetr season does not begtn unttl Novntttbnt To ait MO H S asptrtng unters. we are holdtng a pityortttttg festtvai stndentsurttcaooe-at.t piay betmeen ten to tbtrty nttnuutev o length t tnay be selecteti for performance neut May if yott are tnterested. see Ms Orahaîn M O H S has great eotrac orttcttiar otttvtu. prograttts 'i hrottgltout the year they put on a sertes ot perforutances Jazz band ttteets Mondays at 3 30ptn, Or Concert haod neets Tstesday at 3 tOpm. and chotr meets Wedoesday at 5 OOam ifyon are toterested ttt ountnganyotoor bands. me encottrage pou to come ostt and sboo us mbat you se got Lant Thnrsday our grade tenu. meive s attd stafi retttrned from the Wtlderness North trtp Thts tnp gave the grade tenu the opportuotty to iearn leadershtp and tram hutldung utrategtes They ail retorned sate mtth smties on thetr tares The top mas a great sucunus attd the utaff and studentu lnoh formard to nent pear s trtp. M D H 5. mouid alun Ithe to mtuh a good loch to ottr grade twelve utu dents mho have aiready been atiendtng the nntverutty coliege presettta ttons for vartous tnutttnttoou. Orade tmeives begtn appiytng to schooi November Oood Loch' That sali for nom, Mustangs heep np the good morh o y our classest