6 -The Canadian Chamno v Tusa Ocoe a O ;') *Comment Search effort defines the word 'community We dpplaud ail the people who took part in Sunday's massive search for a missing nîne-year old girl. As reported on today's front page, the girl was visiting Andrews Scenic Actes with her parents when she wandered off Sunday aftemoon. An estimated 300 volunteers gathered at the pick-your-own farm afier word got out about the missing girl. Amnong the volunteers werc members of several Neighbourhood Watch groups, as well as members; of the Andrews' church - Boston Presbyterian Church. Volunteers came from as f ar away as Kitchener and Hamilton. The volunteers joîned the Halton Huis and Milton lire services, Halton EMS, the York, Toronto and Peel police services, the CN police and the C nledon OPP, plus police canine teams from Halton and Hamilton. The search went on to the wee hours of the momîng yesterday and for- tunately had a happy endîng as the obvîously-exhausted little girl was found sleeping under a tree. It just gocs bo show that when the goîng gets tough, our comtmunity is strong. This effort actually defines corinunity, and it confimis what we already knew - that our community is one to be proud of. *Our Readers»,*., Write There is lndeed the need for a three-bus Da eosdiîgpaticehaerly transportation system in thîs communîty gotten out of hand along Brîtannia Road Deaf Edltor. This tetter is in reuponse to tant Tuesday'n letter te thse editor seitit regard t0 te Town'n three-bus transit system by Agostino Gatioto. t think it's great tai Milton fmnally got tItis tranasporlation systemn in place. New residents of Milton whio don't drive seon't have te rely en others t0 gel around. There'n many Milionians who don't have a car to gel around. Ansong themn are seniors - norte of whom can't bike or walk far - and teenagers, seho nase won'î have to rety on titeir parents 10 drive them everysehere. So in reuponse. yen t betieve titere's a need for three buses tai mn everv half- hour. t tbink ii's insane for titink ihat one bus running on lte bîtur 10 cover tbe sehote iown seul do. 1 don't mind my tax doltars gaing Io our transit nystem. lits seortit il. And as for te pollution ltai Mr. Gatioto says the buses are causing, 1 bave la ank if ite's realty neen ihese buses. Karon Sizer Bronte Street *The CanadianChampion Box 248, 191 Mais Si. E., Milton. Ont. L9i 4N49 (905) 878-2341 Ediiorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adverliuing Fax: 905-876-2364 Claasified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Astcnaaite Pnblisher iii Davis Editur- n-Chief Karen Smith Managing Editor Wendy McNab Adhrn-sing Oneectur Tim Cotes Pi odinien Manae Charlene Hait Oosiriinniîîn Managen Teru Casas Office .44anaet- The Canaien Champion, published every Tunesay ana Pnîaay ai 191 Main i E. Milton, Ont_ L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is une oi The Meinnianu Pninting, Pubiisiing & itiiutint Ltd. untat ni nubuîban rumpanrins winch tinituen Alaxohrkeint INiws Advertisen, Aliîsion Heiaid/Cutîn naine nAvanoniBolton Entnnpiise, Brampton Guantian, Buoiîntun Post. lantînnion tShoppint News. City Parnt, City oi Youk iuaiuian CollingwooaWasaga Contention. Eait ok Mimao, ii AunucaneîCountiy Rouins, Etubicoke ituandian, Flambonouuh Rentîn, Puinene Young, Georgetown Inntependeiioiuiion Fine Pness, Halut Business ie, ilins Business Tintes. Lindsay Thso Wenit Matiham Econonisi n un, Mîiand/Peneuant nîsieone Mînîti. Minuon Shouppint Nens. Mssissauta Business imes, Mississauga News, Napanne Gaide, Nassagannya Newos. Nnnnianiinittoitna Ena-Bante, Northuamberland Nens, North Yoik Mmiro. Oakvilin neanni, iiaksiiie Shopping News, iinangeaîiie Bannen. Oltimers Hoiny Sews, Gnilla Today, itshoanlitblCarintiont Penny This Wee5, Petenbornugh This Weeo. Pirton onunty Gud. Otosmonu HiIifilinniiilttaaîan Lîbenai. tien- innongi Mmiro, nlnuMiioemnennidte Tribune Soloninisint ns accepoed on the conditiion thain in nnnin oi a typo- gnamîkca ennon, liatrio of0 nihme adveiinu spase uocupeli by ihn enno- nems ment, intetien nuS a neainnabe atiowanre for igntature, nul noiSbe cnanteol foi, sut ihe balance oi She aitinsemeni nil be parti for ai the aptti camatin naihe pubtiiiher ininnanith lin ht no cainnnnîin atanisemns or dec r e Editorilanaduantiig Content henCaniannCampliois mfflcrm d boyihtnnh iauioind use is riStinu'l Trie Moion Canadien Cinanon n a Oncyclable Pnnammemi l Dear Editor: between Fifth and Sixîh fines. ing traffic, because a cyctisti s ni Has everyone gone crazy? There are people who toot their their way. We've losi îiack of the number of horis because the school bus stops Itîs oniy a mnalter of' tinte befbre cars ni tlic ditch necar 0wr oar bouse too long to drop off or pick op small someone is kilted. Let\s hope ttsý due to ait ot the moior vehicte acci- children. the idtiots and ttot sorte poor tnno- dents crver flice tast six 10 eight years. Ttiere are truck drivers btowing cent person or small chitd. They're mosit>, in our opinion. thetr horus because the farmers are Life is so prectous. Please be due to speed. rnovtng tractors from faont to fan. careful out there. Then there are atso the drunks. There are people drtving on the Bruce and Donna Sharpe And ibis ts jusi on Britannia Road wrong sîde of the road. inia oncoru- Britannia Road Councilor's attempt to include retractable leashes wrong Dear Editor: dog teashes. 1 woutd tike to ask Town Councittor Jan Mowbray to t betieve tis is wrong. A 25-foot teash doesn't pro- use Tite Champion's tetters ICI the editor forum 10 vide enough controt over a dog. explain her reasoning behind an antempi 10 amend te Scott Bon animal cons-et bytase 10 include 25-foot retractabte Laurier Avenue Letters welcome The Canodian Champion welcomes lefters ta the editor. We reserve the right ta edit, revise and reject letters. Lefters must be signed and lte address and Weephone number of the writer includ- ed. Letters con be e-mailed to miltoned@haltonsearch.coi0 faxed la (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at191 Main St.E. Pud by Steve Nease a ffTIN" A lu LEASH ON MY