Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 2004, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion Tuesday Ornber 5 004 .-New park officialiy opens TOWN 0F MILTON/TOW 0 F OAKVILLE LOWER BASE LINE CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY Trafalgar Road to Reglonal Road *25 (lncludlng a Section of Fourth Lino) NOTICE 0F STUDY COMMENCEMENT Lower Bas Line beween atalgar Roaci and Régional Road 25 (inlciulg a section Fourth Une) te a tWO li" rural road and le designeteci as a collector road. The roadway crosses two main tributaries of thse Sixise Me. Croelc, one between 1FIfth andi Sbdth Lino innown ae Bamstable Bridge, and another one Just oaci of Regional Road M2 known as Honclerson Park Bridge. The section of Lower Base Lino botween Regional Roaci #25 and Fourth Lino serves an a boundary rosci between the Town of Milton andi the Town of Osinvillo. In order to address the existing needs in the study ares, the Town of Milton together with the Town of Osinville la commenclng a study 0f'Lower Base Lino (trom Trsfalgar Road 10 Regional Road #25, lnciuding a section of Fourth Line) in accordance wlth the Municipal Class Envîronmental Assossment (Ciss EA) procese, which la approveci under the Ontario Environmental Asseasmont Act. McCormicn Rankin Corporation has been retaineci 10 assiat in carrying out the study. During 1he study, hl la proposeci t hoid two public Information centres: one in osrly 2005 to review the collectn of bscingred Information, Mue probient belng acidrosseci and 1he alternatives; and, orn lni Sprlng 200 f0 revew the prelorreci alternative anci associsteci mitigation measures. Notices of the public linfrannres 0* wl le sento property owners wlNthéM study ares and any ochors who request to lue added to Mi sbty alflng HM, Il you wouid Mie to lue added 10 Mie study mailing Wto1 raeove notices of Mue public information centres, plees contct ons of Mue foilowing: Proict Ooorinetor Town Of Milton 43 Brown Strest Mmo, Onterio L9T 5H2 Pthone: (905) 878-7252 ext. 251 2 Fax. (90m)8M 5M2 e-suIE phg.antnowOmllton.ce Mr. Erik ZtiM Towmn of OeJnvlle DepanenMof Engru a nd osnoto OsInville, Ontario, L.6J SAM Phono: (905) 84500l ext. 3312 Fax: 905-338-4159 e-nii: ozutoanvMe.ca tu Lemli Semt McCorniicc Rancin Corporation 2655 North Sherian Way Mlssssaua, Ontario LSO< 2P8 Phono: (905) 823-8500 Fax: (905) 823-8503 e-mail: iacott@mrc.ca 11ia Notice Wia issueci on October 5, 2004 Ropreentetl froc th.e. le» vai of govensentË i nser reepon- $M IleorMthe mw DlatcPaiwuvSe on hmnd ttuday mo&M for ti.0ffi cie openln cf Mie .xpmnded t$cUht. Aboya, Hlton MP Gacy C*M Mayor Gord ICratg, MPP JIm Sreiqy (MInhle c orler) and Hlto MPP Ted Ch ~tlll hold Ou offide rmicasr plque ccenmemorein the new pot Aboua WR thM mn dlgnatrle mm*c the officli cpenlg wlIt e rlbbon Photos tb, GRAHAM PAINE liere is just ci souple: Specoal Selection METALLIC HALLOWEEN MESH PRINTS - 150cm Asstd spooky characters os foil mesh. Our Reg. 10.98-14.98 s NOW 5.99 m - p -Special Selectios! SHINY METALLIC SOLIOS 107-115cm Large asst of colors. Reg. 6.98 m NOW 2.99 * Ott Entre Stock of FUN FURS Solds & sorme skin pinis, plus - - long sllaggy. Our Reg. 14.98-24.98-39.98 m N0W 33% OFF Our Reg. Pnice Costume Fabmkc fi.. $1,44 m Ofler va ide4l, 2004,' plst aer. ccl ot ii ih c r dei s. ctr SPARKLE KNITS 107.5-ll5cm wkle Lots of colours including plain knit & spangle. Our Reg. 9.98-10.98 m NOW 2.99 & 3.99 m Special Selecto! VELOUR ENDS l50on wide. AsstI colors & textures. Our Reg. 8.98 mNOW4.49 m Our Entre Stock! BROADCLOTH SOLIOS 115cm wide, polyestercoton blend. Huge range of colours lu choose fron. Ott Reg. 2.44 mNOW 1.66 m Ott Reg.3.98 mNOW2.22 m Special Selection BERBER FLEECE ENDS 150cm voie. Assorted designs & colours. Our Reg. 18.98 mNOW10.99 m Special Selection! CRAFT NOTIONS Fancy up your costume! Assorted types & stuapes. lndreidualy pnuceci. 1, 547ly Sorr no. speia MITNoders Infoine 1-88-80-033 ebsLe:ok fbrro ltas. mumaý - 0

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