1,wnt daims 'have now been filed against daycare By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Although it's been over a înonth sînce Safe and Sound Children's Centre closed its doors for good in Milton, many former employees and parents are clairning the com- pany still owes tbem monry. Ontario Ministry of Labour Spokesperson Belinda Sutton said 201 daims have now heem filed against the centre by former employees and are being investi- gated, up from the six reported ear- lier by The Champion. -These dlaims, ranging from $700 t0 $4000), were for unpaid wages, vacation and termination pay," she said. The daycare had tbree locations n Milton -Thompson Road in the New Life Pentecostal Church. which shnt down in Jnly. and Pine Street and No. 3 Sideroad, which both closed in August. Letters that were disrtbuted to parents and staff ai the centres from Executive Director Peter Doddtngton and former adminis- irator Teresa Lister indicated the daycares were shut down dite t0 the divorce between Mr. Doddingtotî and bts wife attd the subsequent freezing of the centre's bank accounits. Jane Irish of Milton had her daughter enrolîrd wtth Sale and Soutnd and alleged tbat she was only given one day's notice by phone that the centre was closing. "Fortunately, 1 was able 10 change my hours at work to pick my daugbter up lrom sehool." she saîd. -It's jusi the inconventence more than anytbing else.- She alleged that she's still owed $175 for a week's daycare, plus ber original retainer fer of about $100. "Wbile $175 doesn't serm like a lot, it's just the principle," sbe satd. Local couple Roy and Karin Ford. who bad their daugbter enrolîrd at the Thompson Rond location, allegrd that Safe and Sound still owes tbem about $375 that would've covrred 10 days of daycare, along witb tbm retainer fée. Despite this, tbr couple stil bolds a bigb opinion of the staff and rare their daugbter received wben she was there. "Our daugbter bad a gond tbree- and-a-balf years there," Ms Ford said. "The wommn tbat worked tbere were wondrrful witb ber. Our beris go out to aIl of the employ- ees wbo lost their jobs." The Champion lrft a phone mes- sage for Mr. Doddtngton and also delivered a Intter to bis borne on Friday seeking comment on the Ministry of Labour investigatton and the allegations from parents svho usrd tbe daycarr's services. By yrstrrday at press time. be bad- n't responded. Safe and Sound is now subject to a Superior Court of Justice order winding up. or closmng down, the company. "flic court order stays any proceedtngs against the rom- pany, such as an order tc, pay wagrs," Ms Sunton said. She addrd thai alter the ministry completes its investigation, BDO Dunwoody of MiEssissauga, tbe liq- uidator appointed for Safe and Sound, will be notifird of the amounts in question for any monry owutg. The order states that BDO Dunwoody is autborized *'to pay any debts, charges and expenses of Safe and Sound as the liquidator considers nrcessacy or desirabîr for the purposes of carrying oui this order." Safe and Sound bas a long and complicatrd bistory. ht was initially oprrated by Edwina Doddington, but the business was put in ber bus- band Peter's naine. Wben the cou- ple separated, be krpt the daycare centres and took over oprrating tbem witb several other business people, said Ms Doddington.. The No. 3 Sideroad and Pine Street locations arr still up for sale - a process that bas n0W been taken over by BDO Dunwoody. Purchase offers for the buildings, land and daycare equipment are betng acceptrd until October 15, witb a closing date of October 28. Melaîiie Hentessesv ion be reaîlted ati înheninesse.v@£niiltoii catadianchantpion.con. /ký<9 If G> '-" The Cqnad an chamonor T'esday Oc!rober 5 2004-3 $1 É%n _- - - ý 1