Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 2004, p. 20

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20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 5, 2004 il Il1 vCelebrity instructor Worid champion figure skater and martiai artiat Elvis Stojko works with 12-y.ar-old Desmond O'Doherty, a hockey pi.ye, durlng the recornd ona-hour martial arts session in Miltion tha hia parants won at a recent silent auction In supr of Eat York Uightning So Th. e ession - heid et the future training g round of local mar- tial artist Gien Doyle - aliao Inciud- ed Deamondsa sister Christina. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE 'Hawks net third OT win By STEVE LOBLANC The Chaion The lceHawk are oo longer uebeaten ai home, but remain per- tet in sudden death. Reborindmng fromt ils first suh-par performance of the ycar -resait- ing in a 4-1 loss to the defending division champion Oakville Blades Friday nighî ai Memorial Arrîra Milton improned to 3-O in overtime ai Bertîngton's Centra) Arena Sunday evening. Shandor Alphoniso scored jusi 29 seconds into the Cuira session. sîab- bing in a Jet) Caisier rebound 10 cap a îhree-purînt nîght and salvage a rock-sotid performoance by Dug Groenesîege. The 3-2 win -ihe second in eighî days over the significanty- imprrrved Couigars - tifîcd the lceHawks to '7-3 o16 the ye.ir. wîîh two of lthe lursses comîng by a sin- gle goal. Not tour shabhy a start for a team that with seceral first-lime Jr. A players bas a mach steeper teaming carve ahead thon its fiel- lors conterence contenders. "*We's'e been in es'ery gaine. Wr don't have the experience of Georgetown, Oakville and Hamilton, but we're capable of competing with any tram," said head coach/general manager George Dupont. Also assisting an Sanday's win- ner was local rookie Mai Price, who's n0w helped set up iwo over- lime tallies and no doubi raised a few eycbrows wiîh how heus farcd during kcy ice time recently. Nine points in 10 gamtes certain- ly hasa't hart rîther. Noîrd Dupont, "Mati's surprised me, and because of that he's geîîing opportunities ta produce lunder pressure)." Alphurnso and captaîn Adam Pilcggt eacb noiched their ibird goals oftihe season en regulation, whiie Caîster ligured in Ptlcggi's tally as well with hîs ftrst of two wctl placed point blasîs. Two nighîs erdier ai Memorial. Milton was cither unable or unwill- ing ta make the physîcal sacrifice necessacy 10 prevail accrua term as aggressive and tundamenîally- souîd as Oake ille. Groenestege was sharp bciween the pipes and Breit Robinson con- nrctcd on a daarstrp jam te, crase an early deficit. Oîherwîsc. high- lights and intcnsiîy werc practical- ly non-existent. "Il was probably our worsî gamne of the year in terins of ihings like jump and ftnishing checks," said Dupont. Former IceHawks Ryan Angelow and Ryan Sîlvera siuck i Io ibeir old trammates. Silvera assisîrd on goals anc and two. whilc Angelow sank a second-peri- od insurance markcr. Milton closes oui a short raad trip îanighî te Streetsvîlle and retrîms home Frtday ta take att Missîssasîga. IceHawk notes: Alphonso has figured ta Miliotîs last lice goals. going back to un assisi on the Sepiember 26 Ut winner agaînst Burlinglon ... Former goalteeder Trevar Battaglia has been braught on board as an assistant coach.. The IceHawks have tradcd the rîghîs of Breti McCully ta Mîssissauga for future constdera- ttons. Sr. Royals destroyed by Irish lIe RayaIs' Dicisiont I groscirg pains reached amn agoîietng cccli Frtday. Ulitable ta bsîild on a credible season-apeniag effort agaitrst Hcsly Trinity. Bisltup Reding's fotroball seniorrs seere aninililaird 59-0 by the Notre Date Irish ai Bîîrlingtîrs's Nelsont Stadiain. Sbsruldering nmuch ofthe bNaine for the eccaing mas- sacre scas beau) corach Joe Juinîs. 'Whcn yoii oîtly gei toce lîrsi ultssî att gane. that's bau) coacltttg, he ,idinttd. BR ke1îîtlîg tairly respectable ihrsugh tihe initial stgi t'play befurre aî lîtîtble îîpeîseu the titirr lii a 30- poit secornd quartter. Msakoinmalier î% orse us as the uits prstiithalfback Chack Allenî. ush loolskeul ouicd tbrtsugb the e.îrly going but ntrcseu tIse ast îbrcc uuciers se tit a bitigeul up atikle. TIhe Irisb tous'ercd useer Reulîîg pltystcallN as us el Il oit file e slct Jinis sais) the ttus ituss t.îlls usî ruts ta sîîrt genîer- .îtîng isîore offenise and geîîîrrg tmoire plavers inothie lîncup te order tur gîce his siandouts more of a resi. Thiîsgs don't get aîsy casier lor thte Rîsyals. wba Isosi pawcrhuruse Nelson Thursday ai 3:301 p. Meansehile, Milton Disticî's Divsion 2 seniors împroced 1o0 v, iul a 2 I -0 blankiîsg of hast Lester B. Pearson Thuirsday attemoan. A purieut air-strîke and salîd osetutîl uletense futcled the decisise vccory and o%,ecshadors'ed anoiber penal- ty rtich oîrîîng by the Mustangs. Qaîrterback Aaron Alstoî cuînaecîed ssîtb .ay Prîce ftîr tes itruchdursn thrîrss s --the latter a 55-y ard pass and uln -s It ile Jesse Rashurîte looîk a sîtisel tracs tîerly 90 s arus inia the eai-zoae us its abuout (tsar miuîtes reîîîaîîsng. lilai l .sDlîtîsteul ils sss tus lise tîrsi ultise u thrnks ini litrge pat to lu rosnti iritiide contatîttîent andsu a pirof interceptioîns by u tir Paîtrick Brisebsis. TIhe Mutsitngs-.hiulultt huise asi i îssîle itiaktng tl tlsree iît . rous totiorisse .atmon. \s lien tIses ieuos honitte ta taLke osa (iirgttrs Chrts the Kin, Grainse tinte is 3: 3 0 pi. GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct. 9 - 8AM-NOON 509 White Dr. GARAGE SALE Sot. Oct. 9 & Sun. Oct. 10 8AM-2PM 307 Kîngsway Pl. Brand mais iierjackeu & cltaiftgm, vrtires coerse ie & appuief, tape & acceeeanea THANKSGIVING WEEKEND GARAGE SALE I 8460 Guelph Ln. 9AM (Campbeiiviiie) axltfmte otpairrtgs, glaaarare. MOVING SALE Sot. Oct. 9 * 8AM 1 Galeage in the Champion way of vr 112e? i Fia las- 1 CflIsîfi ed CONGRATULATIONS I I I~~ Wa Io Go aeyoruiiulll BDOrcev DUWODtLMIE Liquieter t Sal tordSeuedChild eCetre 1er. INVTE OFFES TO r r URCHASE LANDr ANOet BUILDING.e" DAYli CAE QUMN eqaîmen an oter dycae iems Thre ae tu lcatons th are tsr sa f w ithth andanabidn ofir aprunmd sîzesnc as talluws. luadtu es andr Liquidat fSa le , ane Soluwn terms na Cundte app alaenu î 4.O DnOlt iieasLqiaoisivtn ers lu purchase eands arned me buidns ausite separasecyr hai esasn urnly "nb ue a lle un twodycr prtoshe chattel aseets unndaitepruperluwîll bu cunsidered c. Ile' aete i) eud"s l q p e, gahes r s upis co ptes endg nt, eeiin, os ice equipmen and o Fer uie r ieTere ae tu plocton te t Lrefoae F t ht elnndbidn 1) 07 ineStretMilonOntrio- o 6x12wt ,2 q Deeee . L bultd ig They re redy fr immdi 33 Cossity ocpac Centr Dr e r ite s 680, otmk ayrprsn tios r arrnteswit rspct o heaM ilbileug or Otriser Lof th 2 itN g acr ies5

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