Chmpo Country Tuesday October 5. 2004-17 Forum to address Aa~os issues of interest &Wsono to rural residents By ROBIN DOWNTON POIRIER Speciai ta The Champion Halton Region w il hold a meeting, entitled the Rural e e Community Forum, ta addres issues that impact rural residents. e eo ?0% Scheduled for nexi Tuesday ai Halton Rt1, on Museum ai the Kelso Conservation Area, the meeting w il be a joint eveni between Halton Region ad tbe Halton Regional Police Service. *To receive a free copy emaflyour requeslto ht will discuss issues of security, safety. speeding, illegal parking,.a « 4n rQm t ii.o traffic and road maintenance as well as ways ta enbance commu- nication wtth rural residents. "'Me meeting will deal witb moslly police-related issues," said Haltan Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. "We will also be di s- Oai cussîng ways that we cao develop communication systems that rural residents cao depend on." The idea for thîs meeting originated with Ms Savoline during election trne. She said, having spaken ta, su many residents in the luub weeks prior ta, election, she becamne concerurd about the commu- ~Bogtryub nication gap that existed in certain rural areas. am OUdPIIIgîIMùgW DwiUIg Led 'Halton Regian is committed ta, the open flow of information between govemment and the communîty," sbte said. "i is always aur practice ai I-lton lobe transparent and accessible. Public con- sultations assist us in meeting ibis cammitmeni by allawing us ta hear tramt aur residents about tbe issues meaningful ta, them." Halton Police Cbief Ean Algar will also be in attendance ai the meeting ta anssver questions relaîing ta safety and secunty in tbe rural communities. Vandalism, sncb as destruction of mailboxes, speeding on ruial roads, and road maintenance ae just a few examples ofthie problemrs affecting rural areas. Altbougb the meeting is dedicated ta the primar issues tbat base bcen ouilined. any questions residents bave about otber issues wilI be noîcd and responded ta by eitber tbe Regian or the police alîerward. -Comnmunication is very dilîcrenti n tic rural areas," empba- siLed Ms Savoline. "I urban areas. il is very cut and dry. In tbe cural areas, oltentimes residenis are remaoteand separate fromt tbe rest af tbeir community. Some rural residents do nai get informa- ilion tbal pertains ta îbetr acea. Media wîtbin tbe municipality does îlot always cosci tbe camers af tbe miinicipality and we are bop- ing ta engage tbe media ta, try ta fOs tbe system ta reacb rural pea- pIe. hti s nai bow many people are affected. it is if any people are aflected.- Ms Savoline said tbe meeting is tbe first of Iikely an on-gaing projeet and would like ta see lte meetings beld twice a year ta l l keep residents informed and communicatian lines open. The Rural Cammunity Forum is apen ta, everyane and its boped tai many will attend ta discuss lte issues of cancern. h wîll be beld at 6 p.m. in lte Hearlt Romi ai lte Halton Regional Museum October 12. 1-0-MDIEgowec.maaecmtOfr o vial nhne aýF Fran e Dnyd..nj a ay a ny~d Knora Othe, particpatiagGM Dao8ihip: .a e n4ilWcil LOr,ý îaqui.1 feeç Vo stG ei1-é -1 @ -" J "