lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 5, 2004 HIGH SCHOOL MPORT1 '&,TUE ROYAL REPORT' "DBATELENE DRURT" *f &jBelinda Alzner Ashtey Clerici Julia Pyper Katîe Nadalin Sioban Desrochos Enika Stronie Kahie Bangay Erika Strome MILTON DISTRICT HI1IH SCIOOL DISEOP REDINO 9I0E SCHOGL E.C. DRURT Bien SCEGOL "IIMUSTANGmr MESSENGER", The Bîshop Reding school community is back into full Happy Birthday Drry' Weloni Sack f ut S th yara E.C. s c e he evenîsîin Daiefine Orury. Tiares excîtemnt aheunding in the WSai is ibis 1hear' Ih sournds ait awtaI l like the mommg class-tinte sanîg, swing and ready to face the year ahead. A new school Sali and Lîtcker Bay asestudiîts gel back tu the routine utdastes. So etci William Teil] Oterture, This cao oiîly niean 0ne thing: tl s lime for yei year brings new classes, new teachers. nev. faces, and gel the bail relling by tntreducing'our trtSh laces. Our wrîîîng team ibis Cea, anoîher year of mutîaang tusanîts ai MDHS' Already, Septenîher Sas coine new friendships. Upon return. students wasted no time etînsit et rookîcu Katte Bangay and Kin 'tester and is rounded eut St Vet- and gene. exen thotîgh tl seents lîkejit yesterda hbat vie ceiîtd laze aroitnd in organizing the many extra-curricular activities avail- cran Erika Steome cho istîakîng one last aiitos lap fins lear wite haskiig in She srmiier tan. fable ai our school. Speaking et mnning, E.C. Dru,, 't aihictiat depariment lias rektndled the Ild ntaklogorhist e on itucMtngs>eJirad Cross (îîunti'i Team's tiame. This vear't cachsc'arc Mr. Croweand Mr. ddiiaeoitrhnlgleîtetrio,îeiiîî n Last Surîday, the Studerît Athletic Association held a (îehîît 'leaett eSn lu teîuis eii e nie Setior fo'otball began îeîtoiedael>, cîhith atal jamboree Seiiig lioted at carwash in the Bishop Reding parking lot that raîsed sports cntiusîast. Me. t'ttutd')fi. tcad thetvarsity girlst Saskethaît îcaoî ao MDH5'onthie tiraI Frida, upeîtreltînri Ttetsenitrs teate lied te Michigan to over $M0. The club plants to use the money to fund vitr in, te Se orgettiwn ReSet, tectiatienat Tornamniît. Yet go girls' plat a local highschoot teaii chere lte lucre Itii Sted. althotigh She geit future student acîlvities. such as a fashion show and Our junior St,, vtîlcybaîl tearm anoetaatey did net ince tuctttaces, era co'nsensu ofet etrpne inseted cat filai itîaaii aitazitrip,11 Noc. tettngtSet, fî,,îgame et theteascto WeknLxiii, lt ie i ottienrh huIts SetS teain, tîate tarted thcît seasou' tth taihe Jiors sianting tie tar off other fundraîsers. duot corry. Then îheec sMr. Sheppird whu, t vert cxc Oedl ahu'ut flc eeai wt ibtlsn atwe oCrs h igtiGogtwSno The annual Thanksgiving food drive. run by the stu- tumut Iîrjunît, girls field heckey, Wiitî 20 girls, Dnt,, tias flic laeges[ funat t ett aiuekt Siilt in itreeeSne dent goveoment, is already underway. The goal s t0 toi teani ce've Sud inycet's We exfieci acetenie reslts îrtîm ail eur atli boys are rppin il opi eut ithere ton She field. ataît talîtotitei iSet, gaile of fraise 1000 cans or non-perîshable food items. They have lecttttes, 2t Spnn"i etenp ihe Stnkt LetBbeoeys'Ott Tîrdy eît Aetther acsnneddtintt Dru is tO ie hrand spatiking necteotcehai l epîchtt given ,îdded incentîve for the studenîs to reach this tar- table te She Liieker BaN. Il c'a, purcltascd cîth tsit set,', prefits front The ceess-cuntry teaoî alsîtaried traitîtît ai She tîrt sib,le tîppeotîtît get hy playing annoying miusie each înmitg. until the Htct Scnie',. oudi.s carrentit Selîte put t" eeutd ase St flie studenoî, Il, 1 betean coii1ted ot grade, 9-1 iTîate particiiiated fil twce otets fr goal is reached. Studenîs cati bring in their fans until Remember. toosebait, ca towc ebuught for, $2 ai Hutîtesi Emic't And cuti iitming tisoiie tery respec table perteoriatcet ai Selt Btrad ltey piiced Octoher 6th. lte change iront yttur temi. yt can puecitate an SPCt î,I foir$i th e Lîmeke 1 tit atid 1ItS te thete iteet, and ix cetiteqîent1 ratiLed at oe of flie top tîbee Secy tii% toîtîlie cesen tînlarie l'useneri miurniî retmat ad S The football season is already in full force with our Th.lt, vaîrs Sinuleut Govcmiitcnit, iscad hvamoitie, E.C, acter."' Pretîdent itebosnsuh-serOtaoFvcioemeltnatadte tirsi junior teamn since 1997! The new team did extreme- tuiciLairt Te 'etictotdtAdeaihntîSuaRik Musiangt îîîteed te gîte ilthliu ait twhite curLing tîcard fle Halien tilAC y well in their exhibition gaine againsî Mississauga's Dîntetie Prttîî and Kîim Bîthb lThet- 'ire tirada rut1 triziîig sctiit ite tt ieee 2it Si. Joseph's. Their home openier cas on Thursday evenît anti tuntiraiter, tut Sri our lita nge tir Lîtîtete Parkintg tir )citther Alte Iteard titretgtotthSe gînît dîtrin îîîomîeg and atler-.ehitl practîse, against Sc.T'homas Aquinas. The senior team made their Sutý Sitîdeti Gîîîerrninîeît itti alorgatieing a barbescue iii benetil aî Drait tflie hotiiciog el île,bai, atd haîketbails. The boy, teilehalI teints debut in the tier one division ai home on Friday. agaînst slitd>v cho u'ii itot an d ii, ou tBrSut B hriable eiritwai ak titi ou ire l, bai eaitiealtîreîl paî îiei nîptu i Holy Triniîy. The senior boys volîcybaîl season is also straled ih uit itilseiiietit in e l err, Fousti tit Septenîber 19. off to a strong siari. winning aIl three sets iii their firsi Eaer >ii wcliii picîiie tiati c irctîetd loit, (i ititet î t rieti tir trd idttti l~ ttrdt atatitiidtei eîtfdtiat glumeagaisi Cristthe tng.canceresearch. diti iiteraits Matit a notter etititti e teeit iandertng flie tebmel dtiring gae gintChit h Kn,'rst ai îrîtr\ irca'iso tiin titt i pli i eîa'nî sia fin t T'î e ý i tiierediitattl'.otiiiigt Flîpelîîit: etertoiteitas ableitt e tiieii- The searcb for nev. tulent bas beguti aus Bishop tîttîtî tiepilt ccii1 i ilt ittit iiitg tutti mian\t tppîtriunîîtiii tiei tettet ai cteaîîîd tîîii it i loi flie tîrti tctttii danie ot flie ieiî but lick Rediîag's dtance îeam bolds iteir auditions for ibis year's înieaîtaîenî ittie Suit iý it Iiit 'cuite eei SScttî,dtîat itrtîi'u al 7 t place [iler fii iligVit. iti St Sttîteet ( in îtci t squacl. The group xxill cottisi of the regular bip-lîop andec chie cotncet buaitd ii il telbtir he t i e i tetutit 3:3 i aitndu stuuetilia noti îce an certe e aîîîî botî the hiti, il tilt) tit, ueek jazz teams. ats well asi a cxx acro tean1! Titttiririie.iittiii tttttettitetii tttti liziio uottitite,. aitd'tiOo il Miiiil'e tu ciitFiiectîde 10',ettinhrk tit ani Platns for a trip Nec% York City tire in progress foir twii plicet ci ittibte ii ciiei îeîlýite t ic me eniber,. Dxruumiç perth aeîc t' îeîuemîhe \ a .itietNIn great 12' %il lie coîîdî,iiiavi SStdc'rion senior students taking Canaditin and World Stualies deparioîc'îtîis taiastu a ltunchi titi tîher bihi aed plunto havtie a mutsc nia m ait.tlte rie1 tt ea'ttiat i courses. Students isill witness the culture and see the mrathoni ii flie atiioing ceci, P'rostpective acîrs and ictresset etîglît tht, trip. a, the leider, eif cabtits The grade t's t iead up f'ittidaît iide taLe ntice liii Drainina Diii, tîeld audi tinsi ti t'taltiiceeo plît Bait, preparatiiis. atidttle grade lIi's willin îîîîeîni ftetucda tutil llbîîîdaN sîghts of the Big Apple iii ibis comprehensive expert- tn flic Bell,, titi relite.rsal it bc ha'dimoieccg tion. te reaite retîgit ni titt knet.tSe tîstia tleeping tri ice 'sorti cahSti, and eaî ence. Some of the actîvîties will itîclude Broadway the- Ftr ur parent reider,. lucre ts un îîppotunî, leor voit to gel iia'ised te îug pre .paîcd ieai, frontiaacafeteria, Teait buîilding aîîd leaîderstlip, ati titr, a ouruf te Ltittd Naions th Staue o Lieri> ttur eiid's eiîîeaîî,îr Dru,, 't Scbeel Cîtancti tîeld thair lirti meeting oin tirs ciii Se îakîîg place ihrîîgtîouî flie ceek le, ltote aîîeîîdîg For buose and the Empire State Building among others. Octoer liii. Sut tuat cari ttti get inselsed teni niimth on Noeonber ti in rd sntgîm.a ieaetoetheci egti aîî aiymî the libra, gae,' o ona afri ieal ilbcg\i oýu aky It bas been a busy Septemnber for Bishop Reding asibsssuetbcarptoenmer Students and we ook forard to te many oportuni And heu l.y i îr ail mît, humigry Spartins. Druryts Brcakfast Club ciii l b ag.ttcssr oeatpt emehr eperiioossoixa pattdf Fît mere tnfîioaite conac Me. Tascsprtn Thatist ail for fle L'tck'utt ceek ofthSe 2iit4-2SO'l Mutang Mestenger. ties and activities in store for us. Who knows what the wertin la toda sil. tht, ceadîîmore Dnoratein. mr cmacte Tailot En oy She shert ceci. aîîd loue ceehend. as tht, Fridar is a [it) Da. Happy comning year will bring! Have an texdselient Tbanksgiving ceekexd. and dentI eai itm, mnueS urkey' Thanksgisixg' Th One The__________ a YOUNG DRIVERS is the one you've heard amazîng things about., Here's why: 1. Our copyrighted programi teaches nothing less than the secrets and skills Ask us how DriveFit Computer Based of lifetime collision-free driving. À&Training will help you pass 2. 'We teach our life-saving emergency maneuvers behind the wheel, flot just - 1 your road test in a classroom.MT 3. We're the Canadian standard of excellence. 900,000 grads in 30 years oan A YOUNG DRIVERSof Canada Teesol n D VYour licence to survive. 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