8--The Canadian Champion, Fniday. Octobar 1, 2004 /,Walkie taikies stolen in break-in Hatton Regional Police are investigating a break-in at a horse farmi in Milton. Between August 26 and 29, seven walkie-tackies and two chargers were stolen from an office traiter at Touch 'N' Go Horse Faim on No. 5 Sideroad. A small quantity of cash was also taken. There was no sign of forced entry. fyou hiave anv inforiiation thai Ieads t0 ait arrest ini dis or aits otiter nter. You înav be eligible foi a cash reward. Yo tl e er liaiet' gîte vour nanie or lesot' in court. Crime St oppers of Halion doesn't substrvibe t0 the rail dis- !ilav teleplionefeature. Please rai 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800- 222-8477) or isu www,.halton(-iîiestopper-s.'on. Tailer, refin.içhing prdVssoe A traiter carrying refinîshing producîs was stoien from McGeachie Drive early Saturday moming. Police report Usai an area resîdent witnessed a man pulting away in Use $1t5,000 Waba trailer -which had roughty $5,000) worUs of materiais in back - at about t a.m. He fottowed Use vehicte east- bound onto Hwy. 401 but lost him a short time tater. The suspect is described as a short white mate between 39 and 45 years of agi, wiîh a baid or ctean shaven head. The trailer is described as lighî blue wiUs a three-inch stripe on titi fender and Use number 5i16 painted on the cab. School vandalized J.M. Denyes Scitool was iargeted by vandats on two separate occasions last weekend. tn one case, unknown suspects smashed the front window and iwo doors wîth a sioten spced 1timit sign. 'he school was aiso bro- kmn into in another incident. during which a ciassroom was eniered and paini was thrown on the isalls. A sterro wortlî $150 was aiso iaken from the classroom. Police Blotter Public mischief A 29-year-old Richmond Hill man was charged with mischief in confection with an incident ai the new Milton Wal-Mart tasi Friday. Ai 1: 12 p.m. a man was reporied to he aftenpting to look up women's skirts with a hand-held mirror. He was charged wiîh mischief and wull appear in Buriingioii court Ocioher 26. Man assaulted A Milton man faces an assauli charge following an altercation on the path along Mill Pond Sunday evening. At 6:21 p.m., a 22-year-old man was walkîng aiong the paih wheîî hi was juiîped oit by anoiher maie. isba aiteiîtpied to siiike hîm in the face îwice before flcing the arca. A 211 year oid was cbarged wiih assauti and srill appear in Burlingioiî court Octoher 26. Dangerous driving A 48-year old Milton man faces a dangerous driving charge in connection wiih an incident in the Maîîamv Homes suhdivision last Friday evening. Police responded io a report of a car being drîven erratically in the area of D"rr and Trudeau roads around 7:30 p.m. When siopped by police. the driver iîîadvertenily reversed the vehîcle, causing the officer t0 jump out of the way. The suspect wilI appear in Burtington court (ictober 26. Vehicle recovered A 2004 Chevy Suburban valued ai $60,000 was recovered in Mississauga Monday aftemoon. The vehicle - which sustained no damage - was stolen from, a Field Drive resîdence September 22. -Corrections Ttiesday's editorial contamned incorrect information. The editoriai stated Usat three years ago Ed Wbittock set out to become Use world's firsi 70-and-over runner to compuete a marathon in under two hours, and has n0w done se, twice. It shoutd have read ner Usree bonis. Alto, in a stoiy in Tuesday's Champion, Use name of Mitton's new fair ambassador was incorrectty spelled. Vincenzo Carito is Use correct spetting. The Champion regrets Usese errors, as wett as any incon- venience Usey may have caused. Freshen Up For Fali Naw that tte ada ara wattl inia chod and wa aie dalinite- ly intu fait Il a tUma lu mate sure aummer plantera gel lreaitened ap. Tranaifanmnig #mea plantera itl titeïr luI tat aplendeur ns ltae laico tais iaeels TOMRATrend. Catm. gauenmng cintituea ta aWm in palatl and citang- dm lt plantera teili eacit net aeasan a it M attea cinteeter gadaiang anmucit luit For lte fai aeaan lthe meat pagalar . plant tatid taitintumafr sageat l clur Mianaaoen'l ait ltera ara taugit Aaters, purple tauntain grea, panale and a teintier af pereriels and amananal graaae oaa itelp aid lteI apenat fiara ta yaou taaauaite container. Try soellitem diférent by addîag crnt sata, IKndent oa graps aina wratas I 1