Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 2004, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 1, 2004--7 Man dies after beina pînned '_ underneath six-tonne boulder OUe0 'KR EA E SW I .Ca N ALI Mill Mill 'or ai Nyg wîrl ras) for Nyg DAI Mill Col Fax Wr opri stei pair you Miii Cor Trli Ney Pro 'Tinte Capsules' are gems of information extrar'ted from pasr issues of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Milton.î pasr. Explanarory comment is .romerimes pro- s'ided tri plar e rhe situation in r'ontexr. January 1904 Last Friday Joseph F. Johnson was at work at Dr. Robertson's quarry, Nassagaweya. close ta the base linr (Steeles Ave.) and a jie over a mile from Milton. He was getting out stone, and a number of men were hauling it away. He was alone at noon. Il is supposed that he was eating bis lunch in the quarry, when a boulder weigbing about six tons and situat- cd about 101 feet up an the bank and about 15 yards ta Jehnson's lefi. suddenly fell. rolled and caughî tic unfontunate man. who tnied to escape but slippcd on a stene. The rock reoted on bis right leg and arm. Johnson was heard calling for help, but it was perhaps haîf an heur befere anyone went ta hion and an hour belote enough men were on band te pry up the boulder and releaoc bit. Friday was bitterly cold and Uic man must have suffered homrbly. After hie was extricated he was brought te Milton. He was quite conscieus. He did net complain greatly of pain, but aoked tor water and complaied of his heart. He died hall an hour alter being brought home. On Monday nominations were held ta ftll the two vacancies in Uic town counicil causcd by withdrawal of candidates pro- posed aithUi original nominations. The fol- lowing were neminatcd: W.B. Clements, J.W. Bews, John Somerville, A.G.H. Luxton, W.J. Dewar, David Hartley and Robert Rantshaw. Messrs. Hartlcy and Ramshaw have withdrawn and a poil will be held Monday on the five candidates remaining. Complaint is mnade thas certain young men of this neighborhood make a practice of ferreting for cottontail rabbits every Sunday. They are likely te gct into trouble if they do not stop it. The Gaine Act does flot apply to the case as cottontail is flot recognizcd as gaine. It girdles fnuit tees and is a nuisance. Many people would like to sec it exteeninatcd. The wurk of exter- mination. however, should flot he donc on Sundays and Uic Lord's Day Act provides penalties for those who do it. Messes. P. Sayers & Son, lumber manu- Chudleîgh's provîded an ideal venue for recent Credît Valley Hospital fundraiser Mtilton TIme Capsules facturers, Nassagaweya, have had their driving shed and horse stable demelished by the everlead of snew on Uic roof. The building was 70 feet by 30 feet, was anc af the aId-timers built frent the strongest tim- ber, and no fer wao eniertatned of tts col- lapse. Seme beams a fout tliick were braken. Tbree herses in the stable were saved by the pasts ever the stalîs. The loss ta the Messrs. Sayers wîll be about $500. The crash of the falling building was heard a leng way off, and as seani as the cause was ascertained many roof s wcre instanîly clcared of their loadsoef snew. At County Council E. Dewns addressed the council in reference ta damtages te bis traction engine caused by falling tbeeugh a defective bridge. He was gtven $30. 'Me result af last Monday's election, to fuI thc vacancies in thc town counicil, was Uic retuen of Messrs. Luxton and Bews. Messes. Clemcnts and Bews wcrc tics, and thc town clerk gave bis casting vote to Mr Bcws. Mr. Clentents requested bim tu do so. A.G.H. Luxtonts vote was thc bighcst (1l90) ever polled for a councillor in Milton and bis majonity thc largcst a councillor ever had. Hespeler plays here Saturday night. The teat comes on Uic 7.59 C.P.R. and Uic gaine will start as soon as possible aftcr Uic arrivaI of Uic train. Hespeler bas a strong teain this ycar and a good gante is expect- cd. Milton's lime up will likcly be Cole, Campbell, Pitcher, Little, Field, Lister, Campbell and Bradt. February 1904 Provisional 2nd Lieut. G.0. McNair of No. 4 Co., 20Ui Lorne Rifles is talcing a course of instruction at Uic provisional Infantry School, Hamtilton. Lieut. A. Momson, of No. 2 Co., bas bcen promot- cd. He is captain of Uic new company, No. 8, wiUi headquarters at Homby and bas enrollcd a goodly number of recruits. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Secietv bv Jim DuOls. isho ai be reached atjdills@idirect.com. must be raised by May 2005. Upon completian of that. the Krcsge Feundatian wîll release their pledgc af $1t million te camplete the centre portien ef the Credit Valley Faundatian's Capital Campaign. Te better mcct Uic needs af aur community, Credit Valley Hospital is undergeing a $300 millien expansion, wbich will double the size af aur bespital. Tbe Credît Valley Hospital Faundatien's World Class Rigbt Here $50 million Capital Campaige will support Uiis expan- sien - the largest private funding intiativc ever for a community or regional baspital. 'Me construction for phasc onc af our project, Uic CarIa Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre and Ambulatory Care Centre, is undcr- way and schedulcd ta open in May 2005. TMe ncw wing will be the comnerstene ef an already comprc- hensîve cancer pregram. Marc importantly it'Il bc the firsi and enly facîlîty ta providc radia- tien treatment wiihin thc regions of Peel and Halton. as well as Dufferto, Simcoe. Wellingten and GTA West -serving clese te two million peeple. Ail et aur patients are grateful fer Uic participatien aver twe won- dcrful days of fundraising ai Cbudleîgh's. Witb Uic support of aur world-class community, Credit Valley Hospital is able to pravide world-class bealUicare. Norme Bandier Presldent, Credit Valley Hospital Foundation Ban on pit buis flot the answer to dog attacks Dear Editor: It scems Uicre's been a falling out bctwccn man and bis bcst friend. Ncwspapcrs and newscasts Uiese days arc ftlled wiUi stortes of dog attacks, and now - in my opinion -man bas decided to get cvcn. lan response to, several recent attacks by pit bull terriets, many people have called for a ban on owning Ibis breed. Certainly we sympaUiize wiUi anyone who's been caught in Uic powerful jaws of a pit bull. But Uic cail for brced ban it wrong, to say Uic least. To begin wiUi, Uierc's no way to prove Uic brced of a dog, flot cven wiUi DNA evidence. Brceds arc essentially social constructions, much like hunt races. Consequently, a dog owner could easily challenge a ban, and there's little a municipaiity could do to, prove a dog is setualiy a pit bull. I facS, Uic terni pit bull docsn't even signify a breed, but raUier applies t0 a nunther of brceds, including Uic Staffordshirc bull terrer and Uic Anterican bull terrier. Furdhennore, Uic ides of banning pit buils stems - 1 believe - front Uic belief thaS only pit bulls arc dangerous. While Canada, unfortu- nately, bas no national database of dog attacks, a study by Uic Canadian Hospitals hIjury Reporting and Prevention Progrant looked at 278 dog attacks Uiat requircd hospitalization and found Uicy wcrc comnaitted hy 50 differ- ent types of purebrecd dogs and 33 types of crossbreeds. Germnan Shepherds were respon- siblc for Uic most attacks and rot- tweilcrs and cocker spaniels tied for second. Golden retrievers carne fourth. The point is UiaS you can't judge a dog by its brccd. By focusing on Uic brced raUier Uian Uic individual, breed bans could resuit in labeling many non-vicious dogs as danger- ous, while leaving many dangerous dogs free. For Uiese reasons, many organti- zations - including Uic Canadian Kennel Club, Antencan Kennel Club, Canadian Vcterinaîy Medical Association, Canada Safety Council and Uic U.S. Centres for Disease Control - oppose breed bans. C. Caldwell HoIIy Avenu. Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the writer included. Ietters con be e-mailed ta miltoned@holtonsearch.com, faxed ta (905) 878-4943, or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. Li Missing Cat m 4th LUne Derry Name: Ashton (microcbippsd) Colour: Soli Ash/Chavcoal Grey Age: i Tsar Sox: Male - Neutersi Cali (Anytime): 905-93-8797 Brosi: DsIE Dear Editor: On behalf af the Credit Valley Hospital Foundation, I'd like ta cxtcnd eue appreciatian ta every- anc wha paiuicipated in Faîl Family Days fer Credit Valley at Chudleîgh's Apple Faimn in Milton September Il and 12. We'rc grateful te the Chudleîgh family, wha welcamed families fretin Milien. Braruptoîî, Oakville. Mississauga and oiber cemmuni- tics in the OTA. We participated tn a number af actîvîties, including rubber duck races. AIl proccedo went to support the CarIa Fidani Peel Regianal Cancer Centre Campaign at Credit Valley Hospital. The campaige's current focus is ta mcct Uic Kresge Foundation Challenge. Four million dollars

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