132-The Canadian Champion, Friday. October 1 2004 MVe -shtawk' bail? - nuol un yüuï hfü, OÎrC C~iI& i Normally. this lime tof year I'mn husy with NHL prevîews and such, but wîth the lockout, l'm ni. t thînk players havîng t. live mîth an average salary of $1 .3 million. and havîng a valary cap on top if that, is lîke a crime against humanity. lnstead, l'm working in Foxhoro. Massachuesetts ai Giltette Stadium. where the New England Patriots play. Massachusetts is nîce, but l'm bored out of my dîm-witted mind at the moment sit tîug in my hotel. whîch is sshy t'm wntîung this from here. I was watchîng ESPN Spîîrtscentre for the l6th ttme wheu t decîded tl was lime to sssitch the cliannel. I hear this classtcal music runnîng during the credtts for a movie. and at the same time I notice leaves f alling gracefully f rom trees. as if 10 the music. When you're bîîred, lt me telf you, thîs cao bc a lascinatîng thtng. So. t tumn on the radio and fiud a classîcal music station and watch leaves fallîng from trees t0 music for the nent hour. Then t match Sporiscentre for the I 7th ttme. But. that's not what t was goîng t0 tell ynu. t'm ni far from Cape Cod, and Fve neyer bren there hefore, so I thought tl would be ntce 10 go and dip my 10e mbtc the Atlantic Ocean. if ouly so I mouId say I'd doue il. 1 go off, as prepared as usual. l 'Il jut follow tIhe sigus. But, what £ they have iu Massachusetts are these thmngs they like an intersection, but you go around in a circle. five or six exils. it's confusing if you're unt used to, it, and wh Cod, 1 keep going aeouud this rotary and getting spot. Then 1 have to drive a distance, tam arouna the rotary. Eventually, 1 get tired of that gamne and back to the hotel to watch Sportscentre. The big news in Boston, apart from the Red Yankees, mas this great white shark that got ir FR EE ENTER DUR REVERSE OSMOBIE FREE PURE WATER BY9TEM O A rhUICM WTU UFrfl RON A WATER ~ ~ I COOLER INCLUDES 300 LITRES 0F PURE WATER 1 A $34000 VAW.E' simatt town calted Woods Rote, and wouldn't leave. Thai was dlef- initely one place I ptanned to stay away trom. The next day. I headed back to Cape Cod. This time. 1 asked someone whieh way to go off the rotary, so I was extra prepared. On th Iigured I'd just fottots that highway untit theAlni Teprobtemi wtth that plan was that you couldut see the ocean loose frr ht ghway. Eveniually. hlowever. 1 came to this beautif ut lit- le hamet. pîcture perfect tîke in a mos le. anti 1 could sc the Atlantic Ocean. Wonderfl. I'm gotng in. Itisa busy litîle town, whtch doesn't surprise mie in Cape Cod on catt a rotary. It's a nîce weekend, and t can't find parking anywhere. Plus. the roads and there can be are jami packed wtth other people nrying to ftnd a spot. 1 have mny window down because it's such a perfect day. and 1 .en t get to Cape can hear people îalkîng as t wait for cars in front of me to more. off at the wrong You kuots how a Boston accent sounds -îhey don't pronnunce d, and go back to the letter -r" il it doesn't sîarl a word. Year becomes -yeya" f1; our il's dark, so 1 go hecomes -fuma"; and heer is "beeya." You get used Io tl helowa ton long. Son playing the One word keeps popping up, but tt takes me a while before t ito this inlet in a catch on. They're talkiug ahout the "shawk." The shawk? Wby are they talking about the shawk? It occurs to me at this point that 1 should check to ser where 1 am. Sure enough, I've landed in Woods Hole. The first time in my life that t can siep inc the Atlantic Ocean, and there's a shark wait- ing for me. t didn't like the odds, and somne people say there's no such thing as coincideuce. 1 saw Jaws, and t'm nobody's lunch, so, I stayed in the car and Ëk& went hack tn the hotel tn watch Sportscentre. If ihere are any NHL players association union people readiug this, I'd like 10 recommend a nire spot to hnld tomne meetings Woods Hote, Massachusetts. Don't forget ynur swimming trunks. "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooiner or later finds itself immune to business.t' Derby Brown