The Canadian Champion, Frday. October 1. 2004-BI 'Studio tour has a littie bit of everything artistic FASM-run event held this weekend By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion ma ny Mihtonians have aready discovered, there's no better way tn enjoy an autumtn aftemnoon in town than by devoting a day -or even two -to the Milton Area Studio Tour, put on by the Fine Arts Society of Milton (FASM). The sixth arinual arts and cratts tour will take place tomorrow and Suriday from, 10) arni. te 5 aiîd will teature ibe o orks et 401 irtists at St0 loications tbrougbiout the Milten area. Tour erganizer Cocu Gent said it's a gleat oýay te get te kno Miltonu as oýeil as is artîsts -hetter. "A eti et people don't go îhrough the back i oadl and iiey're beautîlul,- said MIs Gent. whhe\ a petter andI a stop ou the tour. Visitoîs witt sec îvoik (on display arnd 1er sale tu diverse mtedia iuc luding original paîîîtings in oit. acrylic. pastet aitd o ater- celeur. and sculpture tn clay. stee wood. cernent atnd metats. There wttt aIse be pot- tery. art photograpby. jewelry, turniture. blessn glass and stained glass and even gar- dien tumtture.a -GEORGETOWN -Z CINEMAS q 235 OUELPI< STRMEET- 873-1b»»O SSHARK TALE Duîy 645 p.m &900 p.m Suturduy & Sunday 2:00 & 4:00 p.m. SLADDER 49 Dailyt45 pm &9:00 p.m Suturduy & Sunduy 2:00 o THE FORGOTTEN Daiyt4 pm & 9:00p.m ' ~ Suturduy & Sundy20 Nul recummnndect foryon children Tieair Parking A itable ai Rear "I1t's great to see the public, because when you put your work in shops, you don't bear their reactions."9 OWEN WUd Work is figurative and abstract, decora- tive and turnctonal, and of both landscapc and stl lite. li's fun te sec o hat's ont ihere.- Ms Gent said. addtng subject rnatcers range frorn race cars; te anîrnals. Thne tour is lice and self directed. inean- tn, participants eau hrowse ai tîneir desircd pare ai the locations îbey're îîîîeresîed in. Ms Gent said lots of parents take ilîcîr cîtîldet along. li's a gîeaî oay iii introduce veur chîl- dren te ail:" she saîd. Seirie restaîuranits have aIse becorne jus îls'ed. olterttîg sîtecial iceals l'or the weekend. TItis year's tour wîll guide guesîs te stu- dios iii rural and urban Milton as oeIl as neîghbourîng Kîlbrîde and Moffat. li eau bc, siarted trom amy ofthie 301 locations on the rnap. Enjoyable for everyone lits a good weekend tor the artinis as well as guesis, Ms Gent noied. li's great te sec tce public, because wben yen put your work jn shops. you don't bear their reactions.- Eacb location will be marked wiih bIne. yellow and white balloons and will bave a studio tour number posîed ai the driveway. Visiiors eau foîlow the arrow road signs te tce nexi location on the map or create iheir own route. Suzanne LaSaile is a stained glass artisi wbe's participaîiing te ibe toulr for the firsi lime ibis weekend. She specializes in gt items such as cani- die bolders aînd lamrps as well as larger iteins lîke panels andt cabints. SIte saîd slîcs nrvmous about bavîng peo- pIe look ai aîîd critique her work. but cxcii- cd aIl the sarne. There's nothing quite like the feeling of selling sornethîng she's made. she said. -Whcn they like somethieg aed gel it, il's tbrilîieg," Ms LaSalte said. She added ber îwo sons -six-year-old Michael and tive-year-old Jack - like te beîp ber wit ber projects by picking oui colours, and wîll bopefnlly be jusi as beîp- fuI tomorrow and Snnday. Marlene Kawalez is anoîber of ibis year's participaimg artisis. Sbe works witb polymer clay te make figures - kids, adults and Santa Clans among îbem. She said sbc's especiatly pleased te be îaking part in the Milton Area Studio Touar -ibis is ber second year - because she wauis ber serk te be keown in Canada the way il is in tce United States. *Nineiy-nîne per cent et whai I've sotd is in the American mnarket, sbe saîd. "Canada is a bard selI.* lits bard work getting lier naime eut, sbe said, and perseverance is a must. But lte studio tour beîps. "Sometimnes I tbînk, 'Wby didn't I lisicît te my rnom?' Sbe told me te be a secre- taey,- Ms Kawalez said. laugbing. Anynne, wbetber young or old, wîll enjoy the tour. sbe said. "Yen get in yonr car, get a coffee and spend the day. lits like an art gatlery. but il's betier because il's onidoors.- Tour brochures are avaîlable ai the Milton Public Lîbrary. the Tourisi Information Centre. the Leisître Centre. the Milieu Seniors' Activiîy Centre. Toîwn Hall. Halion Hîlîs Fine Icwellery, Zak's Pbarrnacy. Wakefield Dcntituy. the Hau-rop Restaurant aînd Art Galler, the Milieu Mail informationi board. Unique Frame and Art anal tber places arotînd îown. Stupliaiiîî ThIîîcî.uî acuair le teac/îed ai st/iessei@aiuiilteîîi îîtîadiaîtî/uwtîipîeioî.t. AJ'~RO<KTON wW~uWORLD'S ill, FA IR IioCr«ON THE CITY COMES TO THE COUNTRY - 2004 1852-2004 Thanksgiving Weekend Aw On- 8 4.10 pus 10-Wpm Sat amc 9 gr* am - 10-3#pws Emto &Iai',L$2 Suis. OCt 10 9:00 tM - 840»Pm A"Jsz$9 - Paig $2 Mon. Oct il 9:00 am - 50pm F ir more information caiZ (519) 647-2502 MN & wu)w.rocktonwor/ Bs Ride Pacag s 0Couon foP3 bN Stained gl1ass a rt lo9t Suzanne La Sa ll holda up her 'Man In the Mo on ' suncatch- or outal her Bell Street stu- dIo -on Of the m an y s to0ps along thîs w.loend's tour. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Halton Child and Youth Services Temporarily moving services from 443 Centennial Forest Drive in Milton. OUi WAI CLIIIIC wIl beted at ST. IAW$S CKIJfCH 123 Main Stoet East In Milton (parking anti access to church on Main Street only) Every Wednesday, 12 noon to 5:3Opm. /t1î;îîintiii'rtt finies anîd loîcationt oJiii?'ttigs .for iittti'rI cienîts to bc' arrigilî fltî hiiih ici, t/iciapîaas FOR FIRTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 905-875-2575 (Press 0)