M Heres just a sample of over 350 vehicles we have in CEAS MME0 0500 'auzu 1lm louan Rodeo 13E 4x4 HONDA 2000 Hondo Accord EX VONLKSWAUNM 2002 Voikimagan Jette80.5 1.8 Turbo 2840 Vnlkswagen Neorell 6000 LS TOI LEXUS 2084 boxus ES330 2084 L:ous 50X478 2084 Lesoun 01338 2002 Setro U200 1995 Saluunt SW2 GADILLAC 2001 CadlIao Danîlîn 070 2008 Codillu Soutille 010 2883 Pontiac Grand Prix OT 2 63 Poohimc OSrol 2:03 Ponolox Sumfra 2003 Pontlao BusiOns 2882 Pontlax Grand Am8 SE 2882 Po.so Grand Prix OT 2002 Poali:,x Suntire 2992 P plia Suoir 2011 P090iU0C 58896 2881 Pontia Grand Prix 8T 2081 Pontiac Machana 2001 POnti:c Montant Exlended 199 Ponla Grand Prix OlP 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix St 2882 Ka Sedooa EX 2002 KI: Spectra OLDBMODaLE 2003 Chdoani Al:er8 2002 Oldmubile AI ru OLS 22 Odmia liboae GIS 2001 Oldamubile 80810 OLS DODOE 2003 Dodgs Grard Carevan Sport 2003 Dodlis tien SIT Crew 4x4 2002 Godln Daoota Cros Cab 2002 Odtils Grand Caravon Spord 2001 00till Carêaon SE 2001 Odtiln Coration SE VOLVO 2092 Vnlio S8 AWD 2002 Vo lu 978 Cr59s Country Xi JEEP 2084 Jeep Grand Cherns Lara 2901 Jeep Grand Chemoies 104 2000 Jeep Charolles Sport CHEVROLET 2004 Cheoroet Impola 12 2004 Cheoroiri Trolibiazer 2003 Chveore Iitpaia 2003 Chevoniet Sunoma 0-Cab Etra 2002 Cheoret Soal rche 4x4 2002 Chnoroter Coaaier 2002 Chorroiet Iitiala 2002 Cb:oruit Malibu Lt 2002 Chireoe Morte Carln St 2002 Cbevmoiet SiIv oer LI 0-CaS' 2882 Chevroa Sioead IS S-CeS 2002 Chevrolet Tube@ 17 4x4 2002 Chnnroet TrIiSiearIS 4x4 2802 Cheoroiet Veoture txtended 2081 Chevritet Blazer 17 4x4 2001 CIvnroe :t Ma900650.0 2901 C.:etrie Mante Carte S 2851 chevrotet Tubes . 199 Chevrotet Ventura 10 CHorteLEa 2884 CryIler 3600 2094 Chrslair Intrepid 2002 Chryolar Sabrlng 2008 Cirryaier 3000 Que 2084 OC Jimmyr S15 4x4 2004 OUC Jimmny S10 exil 2884 OMC Savane 314 Ton Carg 2094 OC Sierra 01 25006K. 2084 CRMC Marra BIT X-Cab 40 2003 GMC Yukon Conatr 8950 2803 tOIC Yukon SIT 4x4 2002 SOC Sierra S10 X-Cab ea 202 OMC SMarra OIE Cma Cal 2801 GNIC tonorna 0-Cab 4x4 200 MC Jiraro S15 4x4 s01930 2083 Bue eeedeonaus Ct Plut ted 4x4 10 4x4 4 b815008... 2ot o W0 72470 $27995 112516 $13995 37325 $17995 9%080 $1899 112347 813895 009 $57998 49584 "195 114327 V7995 8512 $2399 7268 $1989 31035 l1em9 03178 $11995 54169 $1199 57900 $1191 7457 $12998 90757 $1508 5811112 31899 5001 $18995l 100791 $14995 59987 $18995 84891 $13095 85823 $15885 105859 $13995 100380 $ 8995 29292 $10995 26575 $12915 50883 $1 5991 57602 813995 71474 $17995 91581 $13995 3390 $19995 5163$ $27995 70359 $19985 54501 $17995 92080 $13995 95544 $13995 79720 $29895 79732 $12995 21743 $29995 69398 $25995 112408 $13995 30227 $23995 33530 $25995 59887 $14995 23069 $20995 01879 $2995 31703 $11995 90240 $11995 63314 $14995 79033 $14995 87412 $25595 48793 $23595 70337 $21995 184360 $18995 80550 $14995 06000 $19995 Juat Avrived 3707 $05 952 327995 129293 $ 9995 29849 $24995 36384 $14995 Boue8 $10995 105408 $15995 21219 $22995 13593 $26995 17720 $25995 23660 $299 18674 E9195 33000 $7995 7192 $31995 58547 $27995 69763 $28999 79099 $18995 183190 $12995 78521 s19gne 2002 Buick 2801 BoOtS 2000 Bik 2884 Nisoaot 2884 Niat 2094 fusan 2094 lisaon 202 Nissan 2801 blissao 2801 Mison 2881 oruan 21 eanon 1995 Nlans 2002 Marda 2899 Mazda 2080 Mazda 2000 Mazda 2 Me Frde 2004 Ford 2004 Pord 2003 Pord 2002 Pard 2002 Ford 2002 F014 2802 Ford 2082 Ford 2002 Pord 2002 Pard 2001 Ford 2001 Pord 2881 Ford 2001 Ford 1999 Ford 19571 Ford TOYOTA 2884 Toyota 2:04 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 T0y50a 2094 Toota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Tayote 2004 Tapota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2084 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Tuyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2094 Toyota 2004 Toota 2003 Toyrota 2003 Tyota 2003 1 101101 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyoa 2003 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2501 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2801 Toyota 2081 Toyota 2080 Toyota 2000 Toyota 2000 Toyoa 2000 Toyota 2880 Toyote 2008 Toyota 2000 Toyota 2000 Toyota 2880 Toyota 2000 Toyeoa 2000 Toyota 1999 Toyota 1998 Toyota 1997 Toyote 1993 Toyora Century Lesabre Limiai Aima 2.5 'lma 2.00 ZOma 2.50 Altima 2.50; Patbtinder SE Altina 2.50 Maxima OLE Sentra 80E Mtarre 4x4 Patiffn. OSE Prateve ES Millennia t Protegae SE Escapa Ilied F130070X Fiaresida WindaOar OI F-156 OIT S-CaS 414072X Explorer EddIe Rouer 4x4 Explorer XLT x4 . 0Crow Cab 4x4 King Rsanch F-150 XIT S-CaS 4x4 Pacus SE Foxus 275 Fucus Wagon SE Rager t-Cah Windster SEL Windstar F-150 S-Cab XIT Caory LE Carory 1SE Camry L Y Camry LE Camry LE CarroiE Carol aoyf CoralaC Corolle Ct 'C Package" Cfoiol CE Corolle CE Corolle CE Coroila CE Cuoole Ct Carollo CE Corolle CE Corolle CE Sienne CE "S Pau." Sienne CE "8 Pas*" Salera OIE Soiera OIE Tacoma S-Cab 4x4 Tacomat Crera Cab 4x4 4Runrar IimtSed Cavrry LE Corolia LE " Package" Echo EcSo Camry 01196S Cur r LE Corlle CE Plus Corolae CE Plus Sienne LE Camny LE Camry Ce Plus Highlander Higlolader Pr is 4Runner SRS Vli CararyCE Echo Sienne CE Sienne LE Saler@ Corolle CE Avalon X10 Tacoma X-Cab 4x4 ,stock. 44347 10995 85143 $1898 6084 $19995 71219 $14895 26193 $20M9 2548 $2099 32578 $20965 27972 $20095 48113 $2881 78741 $1999 71608 $2399 88337 $11915 28619 $1299 66072 $18995 82799 $19695 196471 $ 8995 147697 82429 $1399 95786 $1499 128021 $1295 ,oe11 $ 7U95 50826 $1299 38813 $2»U9 288 $299 784#4 $1 599 41888 $2599 65775 $23995 72799 $21995 80427 $2299 77333 $2999 57726 $2599 68933 $13995 62297 $11995 75426 $11995 22931 $12495 59463 $15995 88248 $16995 110386 $ 9995 124642 $ 995 38459 $22795 20972 $23995 37399 $25995 18738 $2295 40027 $20795 35791 $20795 45670 $20795 29709 $15995 19700 $22995 30521 $16995 34658 $17495 52431 $15595 46265 $15595 46640 $1559 53721 $15 5 48716 $1 5595 47052 $15595 47960 $15595 48215 $15595 23456 $16995 22000 $19995 40338 $26995 23902 $28995 14500 $33995 14080 $23995 49 $32995 12405 $3499 40003 $36995 41332 $19995 41395 $29995 619763 $18995 3848 $16995 44089 $19995 38597 $13995 58819 $1199 19535 97273 $22995 62678 $16995 72369 $13995 77729 $13995 50 $21995 ust Andoed 56567 $18991 59248 $16995 60929 $26995 84958 $25995 86,810 $25995 91992 $17995 99934 $17IS 148387 $1998 53767 $15995 52711 $17M5 84311 $1299 684017 $ 899 87602 $ 8995 06562 $0995 899 $1999 54280 $17995 1118812 $1769 0845 $1599 114583 $ 9995 78196 $15995 130000 17995 119924 7995 laur ,4x4, 201 Mlitnt2863r b65 Ravdazroao nCX Piu 898 2884 Toyota Corolae CE #M tOnlylt4,000 km!!"d 6600 fr!Oly70OO m OT7 $C Ef011 uhnm s RU 2 5 8 Atar ,PL reUR&mr Auo air, P PL&more Latos19er iWu tov 2alhaveofoyotaoce dmsow erst M7 $195.#162 $10995 eM8 $19995 O $14M 15859 wiv $2M95 AlI payrrsts bsd o$200.0t0 downpayC0vl5 t ~or uvlttrade in All tuesand administrt o eeinldd inpaymns.Lc tee etr. 0daownpaymentfoptionooavlbIOCAC. lnîovs rate7.45 fo lsIl vehcles 19599ad15ewe 9.451/ o iCl leoSds iu198ad pr1Aor tio50T fro24 t72 m0015s dpd ing o vehicl yoC Subîuct to re adomssions. For the past 44 years, wo'vo been »RIing quality, reconditionied cars - without ail of that usellingr nonsense. GO 0R RU DS AUTO 410 STEELES AVENUE, IN MILTON 905-875-2277 gorrudsautogroup.com v CH receives $100G for Mountsberg centré 's expansion MM Some councillors criticize approval of such a large grant By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Despite opposition front somte council- lors, town counceil approved the targest grant ever given front the Milton Community Fund Monday night. The Conservation Halton Foundation was approved for $100.000 througb the fund.' whicb was created so that local resi- dents or groups can apply for money the Town reccives from Slots at Mohawk. This amountr, to be used for expanding and renovaîing the Discovery Centre at Mountsberg Conservation Area, is well above the $40,000 project grant maximum amount 'guidetone' created by staff. "There arc gutdetines, however they are only guidetines. not upset limits,- said Community Services Director Jennifer Reynolds, adding that the uttimate funding recommendation cornes down 10 the com- munity servtces advisory committee (CSAC). Wards 1 and 3 Councîllor Barry Lee was vchcmently opposed On the large amouni given to the foundatton, belicving that the Discovery Centre witt lic used primnarily by tourists and not Miltonians. -1 just have a great deal of difficuliy sup- porting ibis when il's flot somcîhing that's used by our taxpayers,- he said. -I think wc're getttng milked here. 1 think we're bcing had." He said Conservation Halton is strongly ftnancially supported by the Region. but Ward t Councillor Brian Penman was quick rt point out that the $ 100,000 is for the foundation and isn't included in Conservation Halton's 2005 budget requests. Ward 3 Councillor Cindy Lunau also voiced bier concemrs on the large funding amount. "l'mi concemcd about thc level of spont- sorship the community fund is bcing asked 10, support here," shte said. "There are many, many wortby projects in Milton that dcserve funding. I'm very concemed thai CSAC would fmnd themselves withouî a batk accourit." Ms Lunau added Uiat she's sure CSAC acted in good faiUi, but she would only support a $40,000 grant. "We're talking about depleting the fund for everything cIsc that's comning up.' 'Mic generous grant takes Uic communiîy fond down 10 about $158,000 to spend throughout the refit of the ycar. The Conservation Halton Foundation previons- ly applicd for the Diaçoveoy Centre fund- ing, but Uie application was deferred pend- ing Uic receipt of more information. CSAC received tbis information ai its mecting tast month. Typically, grants Uirough Uie fond are only given out in Uic spring and faIt after spccific deadlines. Monday is Uic dcadline for groups; or individuals applying to dip mbt the remainder of iis year's fund. Ward 4 Councittor and CSAC member Wcndy Schau stood behind Uic commit- tee's dectsion t0 fund the project ai Mounisberg. .'UVPUNDI on oovage 14