__ 16-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Oclober 1, 2004 Your local Supplier i ~ ' of Furnace Oiu, a& Stove Oil, Gasoline & Diesel Fuels 32 Steal.. Ave., Unit l5, (905) 878-4188 MILTON 888-284-9937 191 Main St. E. Milton 905-878-2341 champion@haItonsearch.com www.chamber.mnilton.on - - -1 President's Message Douglas Francis The Milton Chamber of Commerce beld ils annual New Members' Breakfast on Fridav. September 24 at the Gleocaîrn Golf Club. The breakfast is always a greal eveol as il provides an opporlusily for Chambr staff aod direclors 10 meel the representalises of the businesses Ihal have soîoed the Chamber durîog the pasl year and 10 learo more about Iheir busînesses. Tbe Breakfast also prosides an opportunily for the allendees bo meet the representalives of other newly-joîned busînesses. Sandy Martin, Execulive Dîreclor of the Chamber. reminded the new menbers Ihal the purpose of the Chamber islto promole the interests of the Milton business community - partîcularly the inleresls of ils members. S0e dîscussed specifically how the Chamber helps ils members aod boss memlsers can gain tise iss beisefil frosîs Ileir vieoslerssips. Tbe sîseciat group heneiis and hsome assd austos ins 0Oce Plas- avaitable solvo iiieers -s'5'ru ass disciissed bhlie sdiiiislr;ilors M the plais. The timinsg of our breakfassl s imiportant because iost of ous sce% nsenbers ai e sciait busissesses aniset is held duriisg the tead sui lus Sîisîtil Business Week. Of course niit ail Chausser meisibers are sma il busioesses but by sbeer oumhers the ' du compriîse isur targesl sicmobershîp category bv far. Small Blusîiness Week ssill be hetd Ibis fear durîng tbe week of Oclober 101h. Those of us who are assocîaled wîlh small busînesses doolt have much lime to worry about the grealer business communîly or 10 take prîde i being parI of the sector of tbe eeoîîsîmy thal we are bold is su impsortantl 10 our eommunity and 1000vr country. We bave lo be so focused on vue businesses in order for them 10 survive, 10 grow and to lîroslser. For ose week Ibis year small business wiIl be extra special. Make sure pou attensd oue special Small Business Week Recognition Breakfast on Oclober 20 wîlh Keynote Speaker Rick Knudson of Sîceman Breweries Lld. 1 suggest lu those assoeîaled with small busînesses thut you feed and show pour pride in being onbusiness -il's the onîp place pou wanl lo be. New Members' Breakfast s.s The Milton Chamber of Commerce hoshed theîr New Members' Breakfast on September 24th at the new Glencairn Golf Club. New members enjoyed the beauhiful sehting and warm hospitality of the shaff at Glencairn and were able to netwnek with cither Chamber members in an informai sething. Ail new members were given the opportunihy to present themuelves and their aýet business bu the 45 Chamber members in attendance. MILTON METALS RECYCLING P.O. BOX 1017, 8645 REGIONAL ROAD N., MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 4B6 905-875-4800 Fax: 905-875-4808 - industrial - Pane! Building * Commercial *Pole Line *Troubleshooting 7 400 Morobel Drive, Unit i - ________________Milton, Ontario 1.9T 4N6 ELECTRICTel: 905-876-2519 FJ£c776.A£CON7flCVRSFax: 905-876-3903 ELEC~A~4 COYRACORSwww.arthurelectric.com