The Canadian Champion, Friday. October i, 20014-13 il1ton set to take part in breasttèeding challenge Event aims to promote benefits of declining practice By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion JlI Hicks is hoping Milton momi will loin her tomorrow in trying No set a rather unusual world record - a record for the most babNes breasi- feeding at one time. Today unttl October 7 ts World Breastfeedîng Week in Canada. Its in honour of this week Uiat the Haîttîn Baby-Friendly Initiattve and the Quintessence Foundation are promoting the Breastfeeding Challenge 2(X04. The challenge will take place ai the Milton Communîsy Resource Centre. 917 Ntpissing Rd.. lrosm 10 arn. uni) nîson nvith the official stanting ai Il arn. Ali breasifeedtng moms are welcome. "We hope itîIl make people amare of Uic good- ness of breastfeeding," said Ms Hicks, an inter- national board-cenlifted lactation consultant in private practtce in Milton. Local moms wiul be competing agalnst moms and babies in communities acroîs Canada for the mosi babies participating as a percentage of Uic birUi rate. There wiii he retresbments and door pnizes. Tis is Uic Oirsi yeae Milton bas participated in Uic Breastfeeding Challenge. -It's goîng to he fun and a celebration of the work hreastfeeding moms are doing,- Ms Hicks satd. "Ifs an oppontunity to conneet witb others and receive encouragement and suppon." This year's World Breaatfeeding Week mes- sage is that breastfeeding is safe, sound and sus- tainable. lIts safe, Ms Hicks explamned, because il doci- nit carry the same risks as baby formula. Il's sound, because "lt's al Uic baby needs in termi of quantity and quality," site said. And if's sus- tainable because Uic mother produces for as long as shte continues nursing. 'ýWe're trying t0 promote momen to breastfeed exclusively for six montbs and No continue up to two years," Ms Hicks said, adding it's one of the greatest gifîs a mom can give ber child. And, shte said, uts also bealtby for moms. Public awareness of breastteedîng is impor- tant. Ms Hicks said. Worldwide, only 39 per cent of babies breast- feed exclusively, even in Uic fuist four months of life. I North America, 49 per cent of momen quit breastfeeding atter two weeks. "North America is a bontle-feeding culture - that influences in an unconscious way bose we view our bodies," sbte said. The Halton Baby-Friendly Initiative is a com- munity action group sebose mission is No protect, promote and suppont hreastfeeding in Uic com- munity. For more information about the 2004 Brea.stfeeding Challenge, call Milton District Hospital ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Step/tsie Tlîîessciait he îeus/ted at ,sthjîsse'nf.niiItoissaniadiatssIianipioi&.intý -Funding approved for library's lSOth anniversary e vent Town council approved $30,000 in funding Monday night for the Milton Public Library sesquicentennial celebrations. The money will help the Iibrary mark its 150th anniversaey nexi year with projects aimed at promoting the local facility to users and non-users. Some of the tbings planned mnclude a quilt conteit, a libraey bis- tory bookiet, a commissioned painting by local artist Marion Detior, library shirts. various small draws and contests, a banner for the library facade and participation in the Santa Claus parade. The major event of the year wiii be a celebration beld next October, which wiii include catering and entertainment. along with the ttnveiling of the quit, booklet and painting. The funding wiii come out of the libraey reserves. We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. ~~5c.FiooI of in the words of the child: "I hear and 1 forget" "I see andi1 remember" "I do and 1 understand" The school has opened newv custom designed facilities adjacent to it's existing school. Based on a child's natural desire f0 Iearn and develop, the Mont essori School of Milton offers a structured environment catering to ages 2-6 yrs. The school offers haif, full extended day options, wvith warm meals &playground facilities. The program encompasses Ian- guage, maths, sensorial & cultural activities along with French & music. M=>t.330d 3cimqo Of t*So 900 Nipissing Rd., Milton mas *% - 905-876-4001 I t~x 416-508-5502 ----7V- Give yoir QhMd th'e Montessori aàdvoàntage