12-The Canadian Champion. Friday. October 1. 2004 Volunteer duo's tireless efforts honoured by town council Tmo Miton residenîs mbo've devcrred plenty of time and insight ao the beaierment of the communiay mere amarded for their bard mork Monday nigha. Del Oxford and Jan Mombray mere pre- sented mith Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) Community Contribution Amards by Mayor Gord Kranlz aI a toms counicil meeting. Mr. Oxford received a certifacaie of recognition (five years> for bis voiunieer contributions, mhich inciode serving as a member of the communiay services advi- sory committee (CSAC) froin 1999 to the presenit, being a co-founder of the Milton Sea Cadets and past president of the Milton Brancb of the Ontario Navy League. Mr. Oxford nom sii s on the league's provincial board of direccors. Ms Mombray received the saine centifi- cale for her voiunleer work, which incinde serving as a member of CSAC from 1999 utail this year, ber voiunîeer contributions on comntunity safeiy initiatives, chairing the Milton Safety Committee, serving as secretaiy of the Nassagaweya Comcnunity Consuliation Committee and being recog- nized by tihe Haiton Safety Counicii in 2003 t'or ber comitiment Io improving life in our ctrmmunay. Since the Smo local residents were nomai nated, Ms Mombray bas become a Ward 3 lomn councilior and Mr. Oxford is nom the chair of CSAC. Each year, PRO recognizes and honours the achievemenis of its membhers, as meii as individuais an the parks and recreation community. 'Me communiiy amarda cate- gory ix open 10 volunteers or voiunteer comrmunily groups or organizations that have contributed to the enhancement of quality of iife in their communrities. Jan Mowbray Del Oxford Operations yard open house Oct. 23 Get an up-close look at thre Town's winter snom control equip- ment ait the Milton operations yard open bouse October 23. 'he event wiii van, from 10 a.m. t0 i p.m. and wiii include con- tests. giveamays and a free barbecue. 'he yard is iocated ai 101 Nipissing Rd.. just casI of Lobiama. Parking miii be avaiabie aat the noriheasa corner of Milton Mail. For more information, cati (905) 878-7252. exit. 255 1. n 0M e n- a lacesaeh clé. 1 The Ounio Breast Screeainq Program provides will deelop !buoai eoomination und a mammogom ai na tis ta wcames wha ari 50 years af alé or aver. BREASTCANCER Make yaaur eppoiainaeai lodayA For the contre nouoot ton (cil: I & ad Here's your opportunity to Save lives. Milton Blood Donor Clinic October 23 Milton District High School 396 Williams Street 9am - 1lpm Cali 1 888 2 DONATE for more information or to book an appointmrent. bloodservices.ca Yc Al, th, 4 -t' IIIIUO 34 ?111 l'h sel vIý8l ID'q't' 'Il!' "Il 't $49 tnd Hi, ýl, sp'd w Sq 9Iý %ndle C-, I, ".1t,1111 fi, 11- 116 I-M DI911ti Ill, Ill'Im t.11 it 'ilti OP - 111IM, 'n, M, l'l C 1 ru . h, 'th, 1011111 sý4 lfi 'hl Ilh'Ili -lh', ýh, Il $39 qý M11 1,.Mild Ml ýI, Il ý1 1 ýhI, 1 1 Pý,.q" N'. hh, IUI l'Ill a l"Ilth; CI' 7h, KIIP 10 il- M II,11 Iý jýI. 10 1 11,