The Canadian Champion, Fnday September 24, 2004-25 ClIass if ___ BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY 19__ 170_ 34BEDROOH apataîrs GLEN EDEN $1,100. 2-tadrnem base- COUfR ment $800. Appliances, APARTM!NTS teumkry, parkdng. Na anoli- 12Rn 8bau t N, mgypeta Aeatlabe Octontr Sauti, MItai ».t 905-877-7697 90e are nom accaçdîeg 1 - a0&t2catesorm :a v;2ez75monhdils Aitarttnnts large i-bedmomr apt, Far niam $600mttîv Cati 519-853-1 aaiaui1nalaemi 5080or 519-53-5352 DoOWNTOW eorget~ , $700.fimol pion hydin. Na Leaani A Peat vrxrgdoge, reteirencen. 905-877-7461. HAYFASR Apts. Mikon 2- ERIN, large antque 3-ted- bdmin apt availetie Dec 1, -ni aparent in Centay 5925/mt, 1t-tdnn apt avalt- Home. 0005101 iv large go- abie Dec 15, 9790/miS, Sa., dintngrmom, eat-in lotctt- aduh foor, no doga. Foat en la.ara paiviment aei 905-o699- ,00rmnhplspata 1398, or noava message ai asin.Cu5-3-28 905-878-5345. ERIN- 1-bedror apari- ment loated mn quoal HILTON t & 2 Sadismen Street. Neely decorated omelale $945. v. Cleat i mt large sondent, ted- and quiet btilditg. Cetl iom han custnm baCf clo- Jackt 90 812-0188 Avait- ais. Inclodan teatlryedm. able nmattately - Firnitost, rêterettees . e- 1-OEDROOH martes, Lppei tpared. 519-833-2316, itoor ni hou66. Declt- l6 GEORGETOWN DOvn- fireplaca, AIC- UtSitn- tom, 250 fivor. tocitalor cioded. g850onttt Avalt- api» 9755/mat. aufitas in able NorambraiDaeirter oluet. Finge & stave, ltt eeraroraa. 519-853 aavr & drye«. Avadott 0921. armedait Day-905-702- 2-1BEDNOOM tanamant 9M8, oai SPr & êf non-smokintg, dlean and kandi 415-931-5030 spocrous. Saeratsean- GEORGETOWN Mo nto tbames, parking, Walkn9 ipeonn i & 2 Betlrom destance le Mati apimnint nom. No pain. 5900/morth iusivnîe 905- No-irotis. Cal: 905-495- 873-7804. 1350 GEORGETOWN South, one lerge ted-nom taie- fmvapt, dathepavate an- trance. No petsisnoking. FimtAavt, retarancas. 9780/mt plia asiiian. (905>873-2617 OEbettrnom tanmn apainnant iootvhiere toms, nu iai dean gev- tran, pivoas home/en- brancs, leonrt9 voatlile, Pa4rig,! Oireploce, retarencan. 5750/mt inclusive. John 905-702-0582 STIIL AVAILABLE Gevrgeton 1-tedînor, sottatia single, mai er vn, saeratseantranice, AC. ce- bic, vre-pothvrg, iirtlast, reinrercen, no vo- ingipetn, 9675/mt o/i indu- vive. Octotar tnt. (905)873-3069 3-totos bungaloin the corntry Mintetl te 401. 2 car grage, trige/vivra, ide for cao- pie/nvH amidnt. Na tarot ems/m pain. 51200/mith v abiliOtea. F/iruant cr64- 4l/reteranca chacka re- ired. i 5-nm Sot. Seo.t 25 10-12, Son. Sept 26 1 3. 710185 SidaRd. 1705e i-ly 25 N, tuai teea ding Hal 1#5 Site Rif1 905-878-M99.) 40 0 OFr. atad, dry niorage anit Tratal- ger/Stealesa ueo- 90"-75- 4&12. HILTON 3-bdin, garae, oppisettas. $1250 v/vnti Cal 905-876-2997. prr9ppat5 10 vin tram Guelph Lr. & 401. Ameilette immediteay 51150/mt v attîttan. Coil Petar MoColtor O 905- 828-6550. ACTON 3-tdrm Sonne, S oppliarcen, teoital tencad yerd, $1300 + ufii fesaomelette tmmettately. CeSi 416-801-9012. MILTON. 4 todravm Somte. Central locton. 51600/maot îndoig utii Sas. Ca/I Tory 416-89 0046 HILTON nemty tnild exca- ttoa 3-tdrr toanhouse, 1720 vsq. 0t, S eppttdroea, 51600/miS + at/mbev, woti- ig dastantoio lGO station, eit emndom oanngv, 2 102 bttis, yo pain. Cet 905- 580-0671. MILTON upgracded »-dr 2 1/2 Satin, ennuie, fin tovemeni, gorage, oy pionce, C/A. Watt in GO & Laîvate Cantre. 51350/mat Celi 905-878- 6682. 10590 & Edmscet"massuis- tant). Spacas ovalale fual & part éma. Hlawthorne Vi- lage, ritoe meals & nactka, asecetional acti-i baa & hetp. %latenen Jo- die 905-878-3423. HOFFAT toend- dish- mattar, Entrtdainait TV atanrd, Commetn beetti veoin, tamis humidifier. Cal le sui. 905-876-4130. 880 Aasthabc white loarigor, odîastle $250.00. Uned Motoonva toble bltt 4 droeer $200.00. Matait conmer unit glone nhaiven 5150.50. Cetl 505-875-1342. POOL tetle. 4'n8' renfleS $500.9505-875-0120 A Dînîvg Ronom, Chearry- mood, double Podestat tabla, t chairs, tuflet, SotcS. dovetoîl construc- tion. Nom ssifin vbones. Cont $11,000. Sacritice $2,6W8.905-567-9459. A ingo totp Motives Set. New in plasoic Cari 91600. soior $450. 905-567-9459 BED, Amozîvg targoin, qneev atttmpedic ydloetop, set, reo/inplvt, weariny $150 905-567-4042 wai de- 15ev. Badream Chamryeood, Ced, cest, dresser, 2 vigtstandn. Onvatal Cor- stuivons Neyer npeved Cit $8.000 Socrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 ;COUINTRYHEART5 -.9AS RE-LOCATED TO a 26 MAIN 5/T. E., UNIT A MILTON, ONTAtRIO V 905/-864-68611 W JOI- 00/ FOR OUR W GRANDNREOFENING V V & *OPEN HlOStE & REGI0/TRA11ON*q FOR OUF POLI 5510N OFt S ECOKAIIVE FAI91100 CLASSE5 FOI. OCT. 10/T - 1100 AM -0 F1,4P V 5/AT OCT. 29 - 11:00AM -O5:0OFMV -GIfi Shoppi- -has ralocataid ta- 26 Main St. E., Milton V ;VNDR WANTEDCi are look g form ware in the following areaam- -FLORAL DESIGN -QUtLTtNG- *CHILDRRN'S TOYS -COUNTRY STYLE SRWONG - STAINED GLASS-V V -PO'ITERY & CERAMICO- V V If yoa spectatizo in ory of thnsc orV h anc a unîque prodoci lto offer 9 S -Please Cali- 905-864-6861 &Ildedones g I I I I ' I I' I OPEN Nose Satrao Soçeimbar 25 Unit 37.,341 Wilseon Dr. Nion 2PM-4PM 908879-08 FOR rei 2200 sq.9f. indus- final onit amrose fron Go station, Main St 'Plean cati 905-875-9900 PRIME realtnlfice lncaSion, 775 sq9f. toRly tintwallad, prévaletasonnom, anait atte imetataly. Comer af ilsonc & Main. Cal 905- 875-8242. FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES Canadian Franchise Formula tor il years ait 41 Oetaio loca- tions. The Beaaty Suw pty ODlai o Open t ie Publio ai oidtetl pece Raîdîed in the top 200 nf die tags grommtg orepanies in Canada. FRESE francriise ac- âge. Callltfraiel-877- 899-0509 5-PR O 4.9%, Aien aedp modgff ga rn repard ea i nomme or oradit Cal CHAIS O 1 -800-328- 7807 orniisatwetaiin- clawcaddaon nom aparlmet i esitars, irg 2- tdr,prden, fimeplae, te maie pratarred, ara/latta Oct or Nov 1lsi. 5500ft CoNi 905-693-1129. GUEtLPlH LN. (N of 401) npacinee t-tdiirt. ex- trame/y dlean. fall bti, padrig 9645/mt v asiies. Co)! 416-701-9410 or 416- 787-1125 MILTON 3 tedrnor epat- me for rani. Downirn. $1100/moth + attîititas 905-875-4201 Acten Apeulisets 1 il 2 bettrois apartmient avat- 1able Nom and tor ltre. Fnidge & Sinna, laurdry tacittien, No doge 510-85>- 4374 open 7 ayn/mee sema day approrel. DOWMTOWN MILTON Mitraide Toaies 82 Milde DnMe 18Q Badmoir Ats Now appteancea. Clese lei Domrtnawn. tan amop ai Front Domr 90"-76-1249 ammaeaitac