lO-The Caniadian Champion, Fniday, September 24, 2004 Saturday, DEW~ Septeniber 25, 2004 10:30 amn - 4:00 pm 10 year annireraery sak Everig gown tm s0 15% onf Martîoitnda Design dcik au C.,i..ig-d d-,., beworpa f,, 'ddi.g - pi« -. cime eeyo 790 Cabot Trait, Milton gimup tism (905) 693-0122 '- C1pjpi e search copçhwed 'ifter i4 .and la in ei salety. ing and nothing bnings greater inspiration than a spring garden fmlled witti fabulous colour from tlowering buibs. With a huge aelection of vanieties ta choose fram lte spring gardon cati be lled wifth a rainbaw of calour or with a few of yor favaurite calauir combinatiana. Mming red and yel- lam, purpie and pink or blue and wthite are just a few tradi- tional combinations, or let lte bultia inspire ideas of yaur owo ta make a very bold atatement in yaur gardon. Planting youir tulipa, hyacinths, crocus and lte like ail in tfe same colaur la anottier great way tai croate a stunning apring gardon. Stop in and see ua now, ttiink spring, think bultis. think colour and let your imagination aoar with the inspiration of a new seaaon. Listen ta AM90e 12 break-in, but suspect stili at large A Metizies Court home was broken into Trafalgar Road business parking lot. ovemnight Saturday white its owner slepi t.c B o~ e TIse 2003 Pontiac Sunifire was damaged Police said unknown suspaects enîered P o i e M t e by unknown suspects with a blunt object, the home via thse rear kîtchen window. causing $ 1,U) in damage, police said. Once inside, they took a purse and a Dell ting on ber front porch ai about 9:30 p.m. laptop computer from the den. last Frtday. Stolen vehicle found When the owner woke up she called Tise woman reported to police that the police after discovering the missing prop- man was crouched behind a bush on ber Police recovered a stolen vehîcle lasi erty. A canine track mas conducted 150 property. Wlsen she approached hîco, he Friday morning. metres wesi of the home and the purse was fled. Just alter 9 a.m., police found a sîlver found without the wallet inside. The suspect is described as white, six- 2003 Honda van sitting in a facco field on No suspects were located. foot, witis dirty blonde hair, a fair com- Boston Church Road. The esiimated value of the stolen proper- plexion and a medium build. He was weae- Tisey discovered the van had been stolen iy is $3,000. ing khaki pants and a dark i-shirt or sweai- from a Peel resîdeni. Indecent exposure committedl sit The van had beeiî stripped oif mosi of it- A man mas discovered exposing himself Car damaged parts and uts ignition mas damaged. îndecently by a Bronte Street residenl sit- A car mas damaged recently ai a Police are invesigaiing. Manslaughter Crime Stpesqfl1 case in court Thieves target storage inl Oillki The Orillia man charged wilh fil.. [~manslaughîer in connection with the death bin t C o ra P wer of a Milton dentîst mîlI relure t0 court November 1. Halton Regional Police delectives matter, you may be eligible for a cash Adam Holland, 21, appeared ai Ontario are invesîigating a break-in at a busi- reword. Court of Justice in Orillia Monday 10 set nets inti own. Us ilnve aet gv or te date. Sometune belmeen September 4 and Yo iinrrhv 0gv or Dr. David Dumencu, 42, was found lying 7, a lock was cul toi break mbt an out- nae or teatify in court. uncontciout wiUs head injuries in Use park- side storage bin ai Cobra Power, 1210 Crime Stoppers of Halton doran't ing lot of an Orillia-area tavem ai about 2 Steeles Ave. usrb otecl ipa eehn . Jy16 Stolen items include a yellow Bomag absrerohecldspatepon a..uy16 compactor and a 5,500-watt Wacker feotare. He was taken to an Orillia hospital ad generator. Pieuse coul 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800- then transferreli t0 Toronto Western The total lots in Use heist is valueli ai 222-8477) or check out Crime Hospital where he died July 18. $6,000. A post mortem revealed Use cause of If you have any information tha Stoppera' Web site or wsv.halton- deaUs was a blunt force head injury. ieods to on arreat in thia or any other crimearoppera.com. Mr. Holland mas releaseli on hait ini ___________________________________________________ Augutto thUe care of a relative. i«t forFail Did yen know the average Canadian gains 5 te Tiba firom Thankagiving t. the New Year. Don't let thia be yen! Fcibt, Fust, Fiboe but sipeA WE OFFER /Hydraulic Resistance 550 ONTARIO ST. S. Woku (PIZZA HUT PLAZA) I Daily Fltness Class ./Certlfled Persunal Wrainer CALL NOWA & y ijlcl ~W 5~oAil in a Clean air condîtîoned facility, 905m878m8702 showers & priVaàte change om