22-Tre Canadian Cirampion.Tueudap, Septemr 21, 2004 514 1 CER11FIED ESTECTHIAN Fuli-Ttme and Padt-Time nequirred immediatly fer busalo aiesn Georgetowe. C02E AND JOIN OUR TEAMI Cati 905-702-4448 ACCOUIT RECIEIVALE CLERK- DILIMUAL Oakeilie sitelesle distributing cu. seeke an exp, Bilinguai AMR dlem. Ahilitl werk in a csmputerîsed enviresiment, knswiedgxet ofEel as asset muet have colection experi- ence, communication & cusîsmner service ekîlis. This entry level position offers e cumpetitive compensation package Fax rnoe ln coalMeece: U560-7013 YOUNG'S PHARMACY 47Mais Sireel, Seath, Gargeown YugsPharmacy Busineaa Office bas an open- igtcvraMalwrsfty Leaxe. The. seccesaful ACON AALS-BUINESSeVIION EXCEL. - DATA ENTRY Phease appbj in prmes wifh rsuima ru: L Catby Robsoen, Office Manager Skilei Hp SkUd -el ELECTRICIAN We are a ieadîog automotios composent maniulac- turer noekîng a Lîconsed Industniai Eiectrîcîao (442a). 3-5 pears voperienco wîlhîn an aulomnotiax manulacturng envînonmenl. Excellent knowiedge ot electnîcai equipments and devîces. Experionce mitir Poxumatien and Hydraiis. Fuperiesce trois- hie uiruoting Robots/ PLC's. Flexie t0 wurk 3 rstetîng shits, unitir sertîme as reqoîred. Excellent communication sinilis. Location Burlington. Full henefît package. Compefîtive mages. Send resume tus AMCAN CASTINGS LIMITED Ails: Michael McLennan Hamait Reosanes Manager P.O. Bax 446, ICO fi, Hamiltoa, Os 181 7X3 GAS TEICHJOIL BURNER Rwquîned fer servia & istallations. Applicasi muai baves atid O2 Oas asd or OUT2 Oit riemen Lcasse Individasl muai ha setl-metîealed and cie lot etro eshoo, reps r, & istati HVAC eqip- ment. sages commessurale witin expexiesce. Fax reanie: Rusa Kidd 905-878-5591 Belley Heaelng & Coellng Led. Mitone Sales Person Requlredl Muet have expenience in construction/ door & seindow renovation. Sales triade for entrance door manufacturers/aasemblers an asset. Please fax résumé to (905) 878-9211 or mail or drop off to: Elton Manufacturlng 359 Wheeîabrator Way Milton 1_9T 3CI1 SALES OffI.eyeaM, a division of Robert H-all International Inc. (NYSE: Rt-I>, is the wods leader in specialized adminis- trative staffing. We have an opportunity tor a Stafflng Manager seho seul market to prospective cliente, build on existing client relationahips, and recruit and place top administrative candidates in temporary assignmrrents. Kl you are flexible and have the abity to watts positively wvith all levais of management, seul give you thre tools you need ta be succesaful. Vou'l leamn the formula that haa helped Off icaTeam's Staffing Managers becoma the moat highly compansatad, maspactad prcfessiorrals in the induatry. Sales recruitinant background preferrad seith strong pecablers sotruing skiâAs plus werittan and oral communications *lts. OfficeTeamas compensation and beneit programi rewards you ilh the industry's beat combinatiori of base psy, lucrative incentives and benafits. Contact us today! 5575 MNth Service Road, Durllnuton, ON L7L OMi Email reauâmes to: dunialte.bonîban@rhl.com fax 905-319-2095 Vi À us@of icete.om uby kOn o #aFn aî.« 1978 HOME SALES CONSULTANT The Reid*s Hlerilage Gnsup of Csmpanis i nse sf the largent ttsmehuilding and development speratios in Southr Western Ontarie. Currentiy there are prolects activeiy untlerway in Guelphr, Cambridge, Kitchene, Waterloo, London, Coliingwood and Huntsvilie. We are iaunching a numben et nea prejecis and are iseking fer a top quallty salea prefessienailu oois on eeciting team. The Reids Grsup aise han divi- sions invoined ln reoations, reai asIate, heeting and air csndilisnisg, prsperty managemeent, eacaxalîsg and iandscaping. We are currevlly seetsng a highiy mstîvated individuel te foin sur dynamic sales team. The succesesiu candidate wiii demonstrats protessîssal integritp, positive dis- position. oufelandieg team spirit and a passion fon excellence in sales. Past success n lire 'home sales" industnp is an asset. Tire quaiilied candidate must heua seit-motivated individuel wilS encollent communi- cation axd isierprirsonai skilis, aisng aitis wsrld-ciass-customer service values. t you enjoy aienst-paced, higir volume environnent witliin thre conleet stea siate-ol- lie-art cumpesry, pleese nobint pour renoms hp Sept.30. in confidence to: Raids Heritage Homes Ledl Attention: Doug Sitter, Sales Manager Fax 519-654-9746 Email: daldar@heritagehomes.com www.neldsbintagigroup.cae À Cool Job! ndéâ cqw.îudp bu~h lon Hollard Cheurolet, on Plains Soad in Bunliingron sioce 1961, is curnenify seeking an eoperîenced Automotîve Sales hep, Tire candi- date should be eoperienced and knorvledgeable n the automotîse field and want ta make more money and seli more cars. We offer an excellent commission plan, companp benefîns and a demo, as weli as a great lire up of veiîcles. If pou thînk pou are tire right indîvîduai, forward pour resumne on colis Darreli Smart Tel: 905-632-4141 11 Fax: 905-333-4551 Email: dsmart@hollandchev.com SaloslMarkotlng Position SalelyCare lac. s an internaional company whicir produces and dîstibotes ils uer range ut Saiety Training Aides Tapes and Manuels. We are lsokîng lu employ as addiionai sales person. Tire position invoives seiiing sur produis to eeistîng cusismens as welleas deeioping fl5w business. Ail tire sales eciiviiy io dons suer lire lelephune. Tire succesolul applîcant must ire motivaled to ecirieve bolS company and personal goals and Se looking lut secure long termi employament. AS excellent salary/csmmîssîsn package is ottered. To dîscuso lire position turtirer please conlaci Md Amuman 905-M-6070 MlorFemale Sale Aseciciatea wvaatedfe Large Retait Opticai Showraaas Ideat candidates wttl have gesel commaunicatien altis andl a flair fer fastean. Training wiit ha [ vd rtaitsle prenr a am et] Plas dma Off tenac la Puit ut Uebl OF"ca 25 MMt Put 0"i Bell Wadd Miftos has speninge fer borin feul and pari time SalesAahaairst fierai esperience mould bes an esaie bowener traning wi he peo- nide foe the nighl candidate. Camperteie wage ellened. Appy in peres wti r eseme and cove leter te 377 Masn St E. Mites er email sell eot@wpc sesm Clinidata offers lit full tîme nurses in Toronto 2 out of 3 weekends off, providlng more quality time for themselves, their familles, and friends. We are the servuce provicder Ion Telehealuir Ontario, wuuh opporsunsses for ilungual and Englusir- speakung RNs. We offer: feil-ttme and pant-lime positions; competildve pop. wih orgosuzaiiosul performance ironoxes, a varicty of shift lenguhs and rouation optuons, support for professiaisal development courses, lnesndly and supportive nursing esviovnmenu, oppomeunities for professional advancemeni, n'eu must irc a Regisierd Nur-se xrnd n nenli ai c NO wiiir a iccogii nuisiong diploni.u/degic lius ai lca 3 sesiai o :Lirucnt nursing %orl i11 ave asi, o-ni nputi kill, WîOh aiment ta0 Tsars of eoperîsoce end e compiement of more tirer 2,600K emplepees, Saint Elizabeth Hiraitir cars is a Canadien, nat-fer-pretit charitable organîzatîse tiret escels ai dslivening qaitv ireme cane thraughxut Ontrio. We hase recestly heem amsardrid a castract murt tire Cemmunity Cane Acceso Centre of Hflaire fer nursing services. Community RNs and RPNs (Aduit and Paediatric) Halton Region Shift & Visiting Programrs We affer: Naw enhancad par rates Flexible scbedating Greap hesefit andl pesion plan 24-hear clinicat andl masseiat support Etenisive paid orientation Paiel mitase Educatias barsaries A supperixe triss ennironsment Sahsidized RNAO/ RPNAI3 memhership SUCCESSRJL CANMtATS WIIJREoe A $1,000SIGN-M M"NU Please farseard yeer résamé ta: Service Deiinery Ceaira Manager, Saint Elizabeth Heati Cane, 201 Heabsas St S., Ste. 90i, Hamiltan, lON L8N 2At. Fae: 1-80lI-t4-8553. hresources@sinetîzshrth.com SaÇïîâet I . - Enroli today wlth CanScribe Career Centre, 'anada's Online Medical Transcription School. AI-Home and On-Site Employasenl Opponlunities Endonsexi bp Employers in Canada and the US 5% Graduale Empioymesl Rate ' Praclicum availabte ta ai gradse ancie Job Placement Assistance Phone: 1-800-466-1535 Webaiii. swwcanscrlba.comi CERTIFIED DENTrAL ASSISTANTr Required Fuît Timne RECEPTIONIST Required Fuit Time for family dental practice Please fax resumes to OPEN HOUSE Tuesday Sept. 2lst Pleasejoint us for informatmon aend refreshmenls ai aur Etabicel.e centre. Meet Cîmîdcaies managers and nurses , even bring yaur resumé tuo arrange an os uhe-spot ierview: Tsaesday Sept. 21 a 2:00 put - 8:00 pm 10 Four Seasous Pl., Suite 200, Etobicoke Net abte ta attend? Contact Clînîdaxa Humas Resources Phonce 1-877-671-8356 - Fax 1-866,42"lf276 Emaîlý jobshpclinidata.com c Clinidataa SSW, CYW & DSW & PSW te- qairel immediatil 10 wodx et Greup Hoes in Afliaten, Casisteen and New- market. Eaperince wilh chiidrrin and adult preerrid. Drsv- re licence an amser. Fax nesuer to Freedoni Sup- port Services 4164630-7273 DçntaI offi!ce in Milton requires an experienced D e ntal1 Assistant for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Must be able to work evenings. Please fax reauime to: 905-8716-3491 TOR ONT 0. LONDON -NOR rH BAY. SU DOURY.M 0 NC ION -b A I14URýT