Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Sep 2004, p. 21

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The Conadian Champion. Tuesday. Septemben 21. 2004-21 À 'Gý ÀAr pu a Are you between 18-55 yeors qfoge? If so, theur we an to heorfkili, yuu. Apoteo Research Ino. is current/y necrulting t/or healthy ma/e volunteers t/o partIcipa//e In aur WEEKIND & WEIKDAY studies an pharmaceut/cal producto. YOU WILL DE PAID upan completian of the s//udy. If you are not currently taking any prescriptilon medicatlon, t/hen pou may quaify! (Smokers wIl be consldered on/y f/or studles where smoking is permifted.) A PTE ISERHIC Fo nomto pese rv sact. 476 4145 r187AOCN Ladaw Educaflon Serse DRI VERS STILI NEEDED Freelraining Schooe Bus Drive~sWantd Cai 905-877-4448 Lais anal pou Cmay SER £LR STORE IN MILTON Catalogue Cuetomer Service Reil Job requie culorrervc &0 wareoe dulies. Hoavyitinog requrd Merchandising appliranc showrOom Appros. 30 hrrn/ok DoOlrer Replune te: Johnsaneenp.oe 1 Semn., 1-100 Ntpbd.tg Rd Sn e.I[ obeýo.0ypOne UPOSMTONS CURRIEN1LY AVAILABLE CASWE P/T days, 21 hrislwk, aftemating Saturdaps LUMIM ARD SAFI P/T -i evemrng per week 5-9 and rotating aneekend schedule Please indicate on your resumne which position 000 are applying for. Faxs cesuses to: 905-878-4049 Milton Honer Hardwnare Btuilding Centre 385 Steetre Ave. E Milton Shipper/Receiver Requrred Puli-Tirne by fast-paced, growing Qa/aville cornpamy. Minimum 5 years experi- ence and good written and verbal communi- cation ski/le necessary. Tow motor certified. Porward resume stating oalary eopectatioma toi: Box 6453, c/o GakvYllie Boiser 467 Speers Rd., GlakuIll LU US4 SHIPPERI RECEl VER Required for Indlustnial Distnibutor. Full time vil/ competitive salary and benefits. Experience rlot necessary but preferred Fax resuimes ta: g05-847-6943 or mmii te dstrikm@daomarinc.com Stopp's Dry Cleaners Hiring Part-time Counter Persan Mon-Fri lOam - 3pm Apply in person: 885 Main St. st c he - -; r-er~ It's flot alv where ti Whethe looking fo starting a Job Ski//s cal ta suc 905-27d j~/L~em" Toli Free: i-ar www.jobs S.rvleg the seeeasoeSle of OrsOSseo, Hule servie«, peoelded ait ne cset Io uempaoed i Epoyrrppern srvies ai/eho S/i.Is are furdd by thne overefCaada Wileet 49 s lsoking for dedicateel and neliable individuals te joie sur searehouse staff as Generai Labourers in resu/ar part lime positions. We o//or f/osib/e bouts e//S/n ur onîs/îog st//t/s a/a rate of/59./r. /n 15/s ruo pou el/Ib hourdor pîckîng, shipping, tecoeing & muni/or- rt/g înveorp cen/roI. Yeu must bo a se/t s/are, a team p/spot & enjupu a/as/-pucod Oneitunmet If pu are /ook- /t/o for un oppr/nity lu ho a part o/ a dpnamîc and gros- iog /cam, ce eutI/OS/eat/tom pui Warehouse Supervisor-$40K Wr/S mu/ltit/le locations across Canada thîs rtail otonni- ou/ion is cnrron//y botmo loi n full tinme, permanent Sopereisor for Soeir Oir/rîbion Centre IouteA in the wst sîde o//the GTA sot/mg/gon t/NI /n isî to/e, you wli ho resporvîblo for sa/e/y and pro- dnctîooly coordina/ing t/ho wotk o/ erder pîckers. Shirt/O/s and rocoîvers, /0 ensuro that producti s get/into /00ores n Cem. Yen con/rt ho expected /0 work ci/S yonr /eam on Se distribution centre I/on/S e/ring/no molîvoto heom /0 complote teqi/nied sort/ut/r acSîeve rot/ued goals. Minimum ut 2 pou/s o/ Sunds-un Distribution Snpervîsony expérience iv a las/-pnced ne/ail t/F based distribution eneîronmen/ tuobhon indosry expérience prolerred./ Prover abi/i~ /0 mo//eu/e o/Sers and cork se/i ao pa 0/ata ertîcatod, /îîendly attiturte ut/r f/eoibili/y te do carions/tas/o. as requirort. /0 gelthe lob dore, Demons/raled regard for su/lpl Gond sroo and eerbal cormunicone Ski// AS/i/iy tln ork et/octîvelp and efficienty s/rh minimal supervision. Enpcor/îng ci/S RF eqoit/ment andt utehuse management sps/ems. Pionna seait yati rsue te: eendy@wostcom entfax 905-336-3490 ACT FAST $111100.$1500 Gaaranteed Montll Proft Builington Eadp rnoring dsor toi door delive~ si/tho Harnilton Specta/or & Toronto S/an Must Have a RlI/ah/n Velsicle CALI NDWI 905-639-7700 Lyngan mnc. - New Management VETERINARY HOSPITAL: //usy. computerized pfaroc/îe reqoires 1 P/T neceptisa/tt and 1 P/T Kennel Assistant. We nre Iooking for an en/hovnO/lic and ru/i- ab/e individual /0 jOin our growing team r/ours viii inciîide some eoooings ard acekends. Min. 2 /0/rs Cusiomer Service experierce reqoired for receptionint, animal hand/ing experience an asset for ho/h positions. Pieuse foreard resume! c0/01 lot/or </0 he received vo la/or h/an Sept 30) /0 Abby Animal Hospital, Ai/n JoAnne t/orbe/y, Fax 90OS 827-7027. e-moil ubbeyoe/@primuo ca, P/ease no phone cal/s DANCE INSTRUCTORS The Wor/d Fumons Arthur Murray Dance Studios are /00kiot lot 5 ma/e and 5 tomra/le career mioded indi- vidua/o el/h oolgoiog petoonalities thal 00/08 people, music, leavol and a vibtan/ eorkint enoirotmen/. I//th/o describles pou, are /ookiog lot somethiot other lhao 9-S, /8/s cou/rt be/for peu. tueo i/pyou doo't knoosa Wa/tz fromt a Mambo, W! UI. TMAIN YOU, upon qua/ilping, for placemen/ in ont t/atvil/e S/udioý Pleese ceil 905-849-0707 Mil/ton pet sitting company requ/res a Malbre Dg Wakerfor weekdays, hours approx/matelp i tarn - 3pm. Applicant must be hondlable and havo a re/rable vehîcle. Please cati 905-875-6497 and teave message. has excellent opportunutimes Iosded ithd potentiel in Milton. Aoai/ab/e positions nc/ode Machine Operators and Assemrblera. $11-$12/nour e Ail shifts ure avalah/e Regisrarntronred 1ut uable 10 a0on or wou/d lîke o e rceive moro information, Corne gnow ml/h us! We o/fer /0/p 1-MO-411-1660 - Fax: (416/ 622-7258 ir t m~ages, a fast paced environmem/ww.crc r t and benefil prograrn. w whr Fax resumne ta 905-878-9010 Att. Guy Ramsay or appIy in r e ill person 2705 Durante Wîy, Mtitan. Dover Industries Ltd. vaysclea 1 1Haillon Fteur Divsion ~ays learLATHE OPERATORS. OFFICE ASSISTN o begtn. Clar/ke RoI/ar & Rubher Ltd., ove of the lurgeot mari- comtac PoGiio Up Io40 Hours par W/els u/ado rs o/ rubber to//or coeeringt, bused in Pero rotairait for utrieus offic duolins aradeepstin Ir yau re Mississauga, Ontarno rsquireu: Lu/ho Operalue. Candidate mat ha pinosan rein horn marner ston r work or Quill esIlu Lu/Se Opeo/o - Sel up of rolliers ompuier sisils - MS Word, Excel, Elcioroc Mai.: business, on la/heu Finiuhing prodt to customer speciticu- ofieeupetadcmfral nafs ae bons. Reading of draingu rnd measuring deorces a sna/ ot/ice erroroneri n guide you must. ceas! Regs/reUat High Schrnl Dîploma - prsenred. Fou ER ASnn S a I STANi adTeStar Ah/s te wern rihltl superision. Ospendable Team Mecanii backrundr, perceptive in priorriig ard 5-9675 Payien ah/e lu eu/h oosntimselsnen requirsd/. Dtp e t/aa ht rra aeese 66-967-5929 Shift- 8:00amn- 4:30 pi.S/a/ing Rte:S$/3.O/bu MirorOrdet2 -Drivrs iese a Most. kils.org Cl.etet see are rolesets 10, 2t541 Compases Waes - Beonet Pacage -Pensern P/an 6225 Ksennedp Rusd 1 Pease tax orne lu: 519>453-0448 or n& Pool Missiasauga, Oe/ario L5T 2S8I Appp iv tason te: 45 C/autels Stroet, Wiest - Acton nddals Pau: 905-564-2192 raibound tUo Canad "a- b roiaWN o oe mai aseseO u Field Peonfonnsoup Ier., LOCAL MANUFACTURER Force Automatien. so rs an intense/p setrie Noods Light Duty Assembiy Warkers fisoftrn are rnmpany /rnldng for individuals for Day and Aternoan S/hifts CAREER-MINDED wi/b supsth communication sIls. W//i train an Job ACCOUNTANTS Ciii 7:30 arn - 4:00 loti COME JOIN THE Ho/p Dosk Ropresestatives 905 873-9277 îNDUSTRY LEADER 1 il INTERUSSITE Part-T/me Opportun/t/es Aval/ab/e. Ths booms HEAVYIL/GHT GENERAL LABOURER ACOKAT ste 3pm - po, 5 dayos a eek. Minimum 2 yeas Days. Tomponarr/Leng-tnm. $9-t15/bsur epsrience in Customsr Service or Heîp Dssk. Preelous eats/iouss expérience neded. ASSISTANT Excellent en//en und oml communication ski//s re- t/se resumo. 905-501-7227 CONTROLLER qnirodi. t/o phons ca/s pîsuse. email:industialernstad.au FINANCIAL Cai: 905-501-9366 ANAL//SIS Fax: (905)9873-9556 or e-mail Ask for Nio/i, Pot/a, Oreve Punsuit t/ta /n/cholls@tieldpentormance.com a lnsao'aor uarn i rp by 00 amOurn t muou 00HrnroOrs Hartaidsaoiaý dos/goal/on protsrned Fraser Direct has immediate openings for estohoue 544<00E/I Onur st/ff 8:t/t/m -4:3Opm or 3:3t/pm -/11:3Opm seuit- h FINANCE & T/te /de -iideHaablus/ Minimum 3 pro work enp. Ale/s lif/1 35 pounde. []ACCOUNTINC The Ode Hde HosePumi/rur ci/h computers and hurcodo scaniners an Requîtes s psnt-time sossontal sl/eruhionîs Exper- asset. No etudenîs pieuse. Permanent aod sesonul st/ce seîing e//h les/hon prefenned, hut no/ t/oui/ions souilah/o. rsqsirsd. Must ho sotiluhle /oi estk s eekend Apply to 100 Armsatrong, fax 90"-77-441, Speciaezed Fîeanca/ shftsmil: hueresucstaedm Rocrsifrnent oloco Applications ans seailuble ut: Il No phoe ou/ai ease. 1948 Customer Service Desk al We'oe P..eionat TeI 905-319-7779 49 Eastom Avenue, Actas Abouat H/rIng Gret People! Fa 0-3929 Or/sex rour fesume /5: 519.653-232 P ynu'renruf peson ho s a Wn nd mea*e sper- bdnt ence cos, ad jln taniZellrs'robentit .com reI marrenl W fleor ROUT DEUVERISALESI/OM ER SERICE Oleansr soFu/i t/ire Cook. Oali Staf an Vard u- svusu Ovite*llea dotiedsmrarter a fighly desînable books and gîft rosute availabIe i tla iM h M in couf~ u a erweerer5 5/ ADMIN V eongefswn Muss/be bs/st/g tam 30-50k in fis year Seng rersi Mci wh) STAIITt'Wan Wla ellvenng sasofes asd f/lt/g snders /o repeaf cis Ouâ aoiundares i ei iron cr comarrtrit o, raal and Fulimo Dînr bse ndto akeovr eisfn oue. ust de opf pls a oN miN sury plus n roave n Office Adroroý omet ~ ~ ~ ~ en base Assifas ne eh/ ss .Msf~vtais for sa/os M torn er/vit/ltce espet/e/Of, a 5subble rai A office in Oat/ilie, forage adgood s/gatton ard tit// Tmanagemtet0 &*0tall 5,t Ski/o reqîred, buls For inf/t/ta st/d t py, iifi wwwpemier- sosaege,e ONr5G4M0 word, exeri phonen Apiri aiC/entaen vclieduliog filiog ooksdirecf.com or cot//acf Anna al/877-625-4766 Zelies ras a' Epoym Eql oa Fax ream ta: XI30 nc ncues acun ail gossie quaM one lit H G h S b e lit

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