The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, September 21. 2004-15 L)ateli ;ne Dateline is a free listing of tcoming events only. The col- umn ia available to local com- munity groups to assist in pro- moting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit commu- nity groupa may use this serv- ice. We can only gusrsntee one issue of publicify closeat f0 the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Boa 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed f0 mil- The final deadline as noon Friday for Tueaday'a edition and noon Wednesday for Fnidsy'a edition. Dateline items aren't accepfed by telephone. Wednesday Sept. 22 Halton tieaithcare presenits tLiving with Prostate Cancer', a fmeetseita7:3(1 p.m. t ai te hypnoie-raist at the urtit moreial Tno rattonse, cal ryS (9015) 33-479. -al lt VON Alzheimer Services olfers a free eighî-week dementia infor- mation series for famîly care- gîvers continuîng actif Octoher 27. tt takes place from 7 to 9 p.m. ai Sheridan EIder Research Centre, 1430 Trafalgar Rd. in Oakvitle. To register, caîl (905> 847-9559. A non-denomînattonal Bible talk is held from 8 to 9 p.m. at the Nassagaweya Commîinity Centre, 11264 Guelph Line. AIl are v.el- conte. For more information. cali (905) 878-4253. The Milton Seiorts' Activity Centre. 500 Childs Dr.. holds eveîîîng clogging trom 6:45 tii 7:45 pîti. f'or begînners and 7:45 tii 9:15 p.m. for ititermediate. Thte cos) is $3.501 for members attd $5.50 for tion-menthers. fi hoids contract bridge ai 9:30 arn. The cost is $2 forc membhers and $4 for non-mem- bers, For niore information,. caîl (91) 875-1681. The Women's Centre. 2101-1515 Rcbecca St. tn Oakvilte, ftolds its eight-meek Abuse Support Group from 6 to 8 p.m. To register or for mîore informoation,. calt (9015) 847-5520. Thursday Sept. 23 The Canadisn Club of Halton Peel presents Derek Hatfild, skip- per of the Spirit of Canada, at the Ramada Inn and Convention Centre, 360 Oakvitf e Place, in Oakvifte (QEW and Trafalgar Road). A cash bar starts at 6 p.m. and dinner is at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $3)) for meinhers and $40 for non- members. For more inîformation. rail (905> 845-2862. The Fine Arts Society of Mitton's Evening Group of Artists meets Ironi 7 to 10 p.m. St the Milton Mal], upper level. The informal, envîrotîment provides arttsts with atn ipportunty 10 exercise their drawtng skills. For moire informa- tioîn, cal) (9015) 854-5753. Milîton District Hospital hotds a breastfeeding clinic .%,ith a certi- lied lactatton consultant fron 7 to 9 p.m. For mlore information or to itake an appoitent. cal) Jean Cialleri ai (91)5) 878-2383, est. 71)30. Wellsprîng Halton-Peel, a sîîp- pil tetwork for cancet patients and their famifies, hotds ils (,raduate Patient Support Group. a drop-io griîup for those recetily off cancer treaiment. fi takes place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. ai 2545 Sisth Line in Oakville. For more tnformnation, catt (905) 257- t1988. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 5(81 Childs De., hotds con- tract bridge s 1 :30 p.m. The cost is $2 for members; and $4 for non- members. It hotds bid eucbre games ai 1:30 p.m. New players are welcomne. its Foot Care Clfnic takes place in the afternoon by a VON nurse by appointment. It costs $22. Seniors' Cinemras takes -see more DATELINE page 16 AMERCAN -u Iskne STAM N R v NS LG M Ue am hdp y. bu" du. buihv of y~.u I MTON HomHDWE IVILDniN CENTR 385 Stel. Ave. E. 8784222 11OUEL Noe-V am = IOO pm. Sai 11flam4iOpme S=. tMa.m,ODpu Learn how to make you MORTGAGE $HÇ* TAX DEDUCTIBLE MNEM V GE IEE TsTAX REFJND V BUMILD THE NEW_ EGG- LEARN HOW TO TRANSFORM MORTGAGE INEREST INTO RETIREMENT SECURITY Join your Btck Financtal advisor and guest Fraser Smith, Canadian author and financial strategist, to find out why Canadians everywhere are talking about The Smith Manoeuvre! Presented by Ii!:IlSECURITY CORPORATION Cali 1-800-777-2425 to reserve your seat or 905-875-1000 7:0 .r e ,BcoSoo n J,