Cham-pion 1/ -Region 110W promoting area farms on Web site Resideats looking for a fun place in Halton ta enjoy the autuma weather cars now head ta the Region's Web site for a listing of local farms that offer products and activities. Called Simply Local, the initiative was launched ear- lier this year thcaugh a popular directory, A Guidcd Tour of Halton Fanas. "The Sintply Local directorie§ have been in great demaad - residents and fana owncrs are continually asking for more copies. Adding a section ta aur Web site was the next logical step," said Regional Chair Joye Savoline. "By intraducing a more detailed ver- sion of the directory ta aur Web site, we've made it easier for residents ta choose a local farm ta visit." One of the goals, she sald, of the Simply Local ini- tiative is ta increase thse numher of coasumers wbo buy direct from Halton farmers. "The fana operatars included i the Simply Local d-ndian summer A WhIt. Pin. s v. dacrporfrm et t he 171h wmnu hidi. Sumnu FeetvaJ Sunday dlianoon et Cmwfod L"it Coreoevain Ae Photo by GRAHAM PAINE direcsory tell us it'S ssorking -people are caming ta fanas with the, directory in hand," said Ms. Savaline. "Residents enjoy the natural beauty and vibrant aussosphere of Halton fat-ms, and Haltan faaaers ben- efit fromt the increased business - it's a win-win.- The Web site shows residents where they can enjoy activities, such as hay rides, a fafl 'haunted' play- graund, horseback riding and picking seasonal fruit and vegetables. It also lists local nurseries and garden centres where resideats cao choose perennials and shrubs ideal for fail planting. For fanssers, the Web site features a developing sec- tion dedicated ta canaecting them with local agri- business resources, such as veterinarians, feed suppli- ers and agriculture-related financial service providers. T'Me Simply Local iaitiattve involves the Halton cammunity through a work group consisting of local fanssers, dietitians and other professionals. In addition ta supponing Halion's agricultural com- munity, Simpty Local is designed ta encourage Halton residents ta increase their fruit and vegetable intake by buytng locally-produccd food and increase their level of physical activity. These arc strategies ta prcvent obesity and cbronic discases, such as cancer and heart discase. Simply Local is funded by tbe Ministry of Health and Long-Tena Care thcough Choices 4 Health pro- grams, which is tbe heart hcalth initiative in Halton. "Wc look forward ta sceing this programi grow as mare fanas participate and local residents take advan- tage of alI the exciting apportuntities they provide," sald Ms. Savoline. Visit ta sec Simply Local an-line. For mare infonaation, cail] (905> 825-6000. I WARRANTrYAPPROVED' OU I HNGR FAT&IINL h ----------- - M- M- M- -- - -- - M BA&VE $ 11 ODFF!1 YOUR NEXT OIL CHANGE PACKAGE 5 Main At Bronte (Across fi FEATURING ~~,- -Mf r St. E., Milton rom the LOBO) e (905) 878-1947 Valid with this coupon until October 31, 2004. Regular price startîng at $29.98 most vehicles including most fluid top-ups. Taxes and environmental charge extra. MCC-6 I