The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 17, 2004--7 Practical joker suspected W îF j of spooking local chîldren ORR~w< IT 'Tine Capsules' are gems of information extracted fromt past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to pros'îde a window int Miutons past. Explanatory comment is somerimes pro- vided ro place the situation in context. December 1903 An atleged spook bas appeared in Uic East Ward and bas causeil quise a scare. Several cbildren have bren badly fright- encd. There is talk of trying wheUier a si]- ver or oUier bullet wilt lay Uic ghost and if, as is Iikely, some practical joker bas bren having some fun as Uic expense of bis neighbours, bie bad better quit it or attire hiniseif in boiler plate. Two boys, mountcd on horses, raced up Main St. on Monday night, greatly endan- gering pedestrians. They ricbly deserve prosecution, but unfortunately no one appeaeed 10 know who Uiey were. A close conteut may be expectrd in Halson in the comning general election for thei House of Commons. It may be taken for grantcd Uiat Me. Henderson, Uic present dtat ason ic h ables debaters in Uic bas heem opposcd by non-residents of Uiis constituency. Me. Deacon, the Libral nominer, bas made bis homne in Halton ever since 1885 wben he reccived bis appointment as public scbool inspector. He bas donc Uic brut of work in Uiat capacity, bie is known in ai parts of Uic county and is respccted everywbcre as a good citizen and a man of exceptional ability. He bas Uic advantage of being the represcotative of a Governiment under wbicb Canada bas prospered and iv prospering as she neyer did brfore and bas devcloped frors a colony into a nation. Milton Council approved payrnent of $9 10 Chief Constable Biradley, as bis salary frors Sept. lst 1903 te, Jan. lst, 1904. Counicil also, calird tenders for Uic position of nightwatcbman in place of Charles Downie, deceaseil. Charles Downie, nightwatchman, was on duty on Saturday night and on going home in the morning complaincd of being unweli. He stuck 10 bis work on Sunday Mtilton 0+a Canadian TÎre-s replacement of stolen bike Th neturned sad story into a heartwarming one Capsules Ore~ Dear Edilor: tant editor Steve LeBlanc notified kmndnesu and generostty of hs I'd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~.. lie1 aeUi potnty1 etsinwgnrtmaae rwneu ep and Monday nights, though he was any- thing but fit for it. He was downtown Tuesday evening but went home earty. Shortly afterwards bis matady increased, he vomnited atinost constantly and hie died on Thursday evening. He had lived in tbis neighborhood a great many years. He was an honest, upright man, a faithfut employ- ee of the corporation and bis death is moumned by a great many friends. He was 76 years of age and had heem healthy and vigomous until lately. A hockey match is planned for New Year s night at Milton rink, Halton Old Boys of Toronto vs. Milton. The game is calieri at 8. Admission, ladies and children 10<, gents 75e. Skating New Years afser- noon and evening. Last Monday J.H. Peucock shippeil t1t3 hogs to Collingwood. They moss him $t,175. The total nutmber of hogs shipped by Mr. Peacock during the year just ending was 6,280, an average of 523 pet month. The amnount paid for themn was $72.200. Mr'. Peacock also shippcd 20 carloads of cattle dttnng the year. Mr. Peacock's agency is not only a good thing for the farms of this neighbourhood, but also for the town as a fair proportion of the money he pays out must be spent here. Milton is under short ailowance of water. While there was a shortage in other places, our rescrvoir was fairly fou vntil last week when il was suddenly emptird by tic burst- ing of a pipe in a vacant building which sbould have been shut off. The watcr was fotmd to be escaping at the rate of about 10,000 galions per day and the G.T.R. hav- ing been shut off at Georgetown, was tak- ing an extra large allowance. The leaking pipe was attendcd to and thc daily loss rcduced by 2,000 gallons but so far thc leak in Uic main bas flot bccn found. Thic G.T.R. bas been thut off, taps rwi only hall tine and Uic reservoir is filling slowly so Uiat our lire protection is ail right again. This material is assembledl on behal oj rte Milton Hisrorical Society' by Jim Dilîs who can be reached offr my sincere gratitude for everyone's help in what was a very difficult and troubling situation for myself and my ann. Back in August, 1 wrote a IrIser 10 Uic editor about Uic Uicft of my son'u bicycle Uiat was published under Uic bradline 'Nine year old boy's trust bust wiUi recent Uieft of bike' on August 13. i bis letter, 1 mentioned Uiat there was no money for anoUcer bicycle and Uhi tbis had been a dcvastaling situation for my an and 1. WelI, I bad not even had a chance te, receive my copy of The Champion Uiat Friday wbrn assis- Canadian Tire Marcello GJarofalo had already phoned to offr some assistance in Uic matter, as did a kind woman namced Karen Kettle, who t neyer had a chance 10 con- tact te, Uiank. Thank you, Karen. As Marcello and Uic ncw owner- sbip and management weren't tak- ing ovrUic store untit August 26, we dccided ro wait te, go and sec him about a new bike and that would give us a littlc bit of urine toi save Up sorme money. As it turned out, my son Derek received a new bicycle on Septembrr 7 - and ai absolutely no charge. 1 was overwhelmcd wiUi Uic indication of anyUiing, Milton can expert a cartng new management ai Canadian Ture 10 proudiy share the new cxpanding marketplace in town. Derek and t ranit Uiank thers enough. lt's unfortunate that it took a stolen bicycle for us 10 realize why il is we moved to Milton in Uic ftrst place - for Uic kindness of Uic people. And Uianks te, M. LcBlanc and The Champion for Uie assistance in helping us tumn a bad situation into a heartwarming and happy one. Ji Johnson Milton Dear Editor: Il ail utarted off in Febmuary of Ibis yrar Whrn ose little girl asked us te, coach ber wiUi a tear We'l give il a uhot, Uiough it's been a long timne The idu wili support us during Ibis uphili climb So off we went wiUi ose muster in hand Hoping and praying ose uniformui would soon land Ose lack of fasbion dida't bring us down Their hearts were above ibis, we 55te not a single frown How could we bice wiUi Rene aI Uic plate? Hec fancy stance would tempt ail fate A double play master, what a wonderful break Josh was Uic man, many DPs hie did make Tommy had bis own way to wear bis cap RaUier Uian basebali, il looked like rap Tramn spirit wc had to drive us and steer Jessica possessed it, you could hear ber loud and cîcar Full concentration MatUiew would display Wbile ai bat bis thoughts would neyer stray Jacob PT as he's known, had a kill-Uic-baill style And when he made contact, he would bit il a mile WiUi bis lucky helmet and bat, Justin would take airm He swung wiUi such passion, a lion hie could lamne Tyler Uic chopper had a downward swing He was dctermnined te, make contact, a smile Uiat would bing VWho'sready, Milton?" we would forever shout Devon's 1I am" was always lieut without a doubt WiUi Dylan aI bat we had no fears For if golf was Uic game he would simply change gears He's hient, he's Uiere, he's cverywhere Jacob P covered fursI from Uic field, such rnergy is rare You should ail take pnide in your accomplishments Ibis year We're proud of you ail, in ose heartu you'll remain dear Thank you Scott B. Prior for a fantastic season. Coaches Debbie, Pat and Danielle Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes lefters to lte editar. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and reledt letters. Letrs must be signed and the oddress and teephone number of the writer included. Letters con be e-mailed to, faxed to (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. Kids' constant dedication and enthusiasm made for a wonderful season on the old bail diamond ~Ie KGRAND OPENING k4. October 4, 2004 JONI LITTLE KIDS DAY CARE CENTRE OR IR800 NIPISSUNO ROAD F R 0J (905) 693-4880 aP n OIS Pragrams for children tram *Now accepting registrations at aur sATIRDAY~ 15 Manths to 12 Years of Age Milton location V1TM1R25TU1 eTransportation ta and tram schoals - Nutritional breakfast, lunches and SE ' * Full and part time placements snacks Before and/or atter sohoal - Seconds fram the GO Statian A S2 pacements e Qualified E.C.E. teachers alang with 1OÀ-3:O? cWJe cetiqx >.'*Summer camp programs experienced child care professionals I uCali for more inTormation