6 - The Canadian Champion Fr day September 17 2004 * Comment *The Canadian Champion Box 40 9 MenS F ThCmadianChampiunph I I d 9 Mition Ont 9T 4N9 Mati St E. Mcxxx Ext LIT 459 îtxa 2411 s axe xi the Metiaiaiid PxnSngPeihisn.xg&TisinSatetgLtd gioaiiatsahaîiunaonipatteseitiiah ~ 341 natilta Aiaaipniehna Nos adielise Aiisiax HelalO tocoot teint (905) ~ Odiatîx Ballon Enteipixe Biaixpiox Stiatoan BaaimgtaxPast Batilixatat Shappxg Neaax Cii0 Paient GOy ai Yonk Saîndian CahntîooodWaxaxa Connotation Etst Yotk Mino. Etot Odonatetoanina itoates Etahinoke Edetorial Fax 90$878 4943 Goatdcan Fiaxootoogh Reaiex Foîntien Yoi.ng Geongatoxit itidependenEitatan Feen Pieso Halion BasoinsS limes Htoîîîa Baainnss Advcrtesing Fax. 905-876 2364 limes Letiasan Tins Week Maekham Econainesi & Son MedianO Petietang Ciassified: 905-875 330'J axhetie Miecot Meiton Shopping Sens Mississauga Basmess limes Minsissaiga Neas Napaxex Oode Nassaganeya tIens NeaeiaikeEaîioea Circulation: 905-878 5947 Eta Banxee Noethannhetiand Nesos Noxtit nain Minai Oakaiie Beaiet Takaitie Shopping Nexs Oxangeaitte Bannet Olditanets Holtea Sens Petitia * Ian Oliver Publisher loda~ OshaeaNlttitSyitiînngtiit Pont Titis Week PnieeboioagttTios Neil tOiser B astis uts' Piellialie i Saitaigit Mutai StoattaeiieiUahndxa inhaite Pdielî5atg ex ataseptea an tEe aonltEon ih~i ixii~e eaent ai a typa uit havis Filait iii (litai giaphicai ettat tait paxon ai the adaeetisinî 5P4it ooaapeO hy tEe ecia Karen Smith Manie 'iii o Eiliiaee nenas tetît tagetiiet aiteit aneasonabie aitoxaxpe tai signatate xiii not Be chaiîel tai hie 8e betante ai ho edieniseinent xiii Se paîl tai ai tht appt. Wendy McNab Aeli'a'eaeaiei Ditai ttc teSte tain 18e pabtîxitet teseties the nigiti ta caiegatat adaettiaementx ne 'I'im Cules Peaailieatiatei itliieiiige'i deatine Edîtanai ana adietbxtng paittent ai lite Canadien Citampiait ix ptatectad Charlene Hait Dtettihtitiaati .illîittagei ny aipyngiti tdnaathatael axais ptottthtted leri Casas e.eftuî i Miaesi Ph, Mitaea Caaaeîaa Ctnoapaat ,a a Bnnyeiaitie Paxaina How far will you go to find cancer cure? Who can forget that mass of tousled hair and bis look of steely deter- mination on his freckled face? Even if you were bom after 1980, most Canadians instantly recog- nize the name of the young man who, for 143 days and 5,373 km, inspired a nation with his Marathon of Hope. Terry Fox, despite having lost bis right leg 10 cancer, wanted to raise both money and awareness of the disease that continues 10 daim 50 many lives. Wbile Terry was unable to complete bis dream of running across the country, people in Canada and around the world have made sure bis marathon continues. They honour Terrys memory by participating in Terry Fox runs. The Ontario Terry Fox Run raised an incredible $8.45 million in 2003, witb 230 communities and more than 1,400 scbools taking part. To date, ibe Teny Fox Foundation bas raised $342 million. We're sure Terry would be overwhelmed with the response to bis campaign. The theme for this years mn is 'How Far Will You Go?' We ail know how far Terry went, and we're encouraging members of our commu- nity 10 gel out and support the mn in Milton this Sunday ai E.C. Drury Higb School. *Our Readers Write Milton groups and individuals continue to show great support for Cancer Society include the Ladies Drive 4 Cancer Dear Editor: Afier another very successful fundraising year, the Milton branch of the Canadian Cancer Society would lite to extend ils gratitude Bn the community of Milton. Once again, Millon residents bave demonstrated their outstand- ing generosity in support of the eradication oU cancer and support for Canadians living with cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society remains a major source of financial support for cancer research. Locally and nationally, the April xale.of daffodils and door-to-door canvassing continue to provide Bbc chief source of revenue. Over 85 per cent of these funds are applied to research programs and patient services. The Milton branch ix also xup- ported ina major way by the excep- tionai wnrk of groups and individu- aix who organize fundraising events throughout the year. Over the paxt severai years, Azzura Faggion and friends have hosted the Spring Dance for Life', a wonderful evening of dining and dancing. Since the heginning. their selfless efforts have raised several thousand dollars. Participation is high among young people. with head shaving and other activities ail contrihuting to support cancer research and patient sersicex. Other weil knnwn events m town and Gotfmg 4 Cancer. These tour- naments have brought ix consider- able cash to breast cancer research and patient transportation. The work of Mitton and area vol- unteers over the yearx has helped produce donations rartking among the highest per capita in Ontarin. However, the need for volunteers continues Bn grow as the population of Mitton grows. There are many ways volunteers can help - inciud- ing information distribution, patient transportation and door-to-door canvasting. Those interested ix helping can cati (905) 322-0060. Canadian Cancer Soclety Milton branch Vendor teaches reporter life lesson via watch fobs I didnt even knom mhat a match fnb was. Once again. lm shoming my age. But Bs true. When I ment to the annuat Steam Era show a couple ni meets ago and sam display boards ftlled wiîh abat iooted lite inetat tey chains atîached to teather straps. my cunnsîty was piqurd. Was et jemeiry? I decided ta ask Bbc eld- erty man behind the caunier a few questions. Thnse ten questions îumed min more ques tions. auad I eeîded up bas exp a conversatian lit remeenher for a long time n-îth a 67 year-nld gen tiensan n.sneed Eddie Keentel. h nasn't 50 much the miards he spote tixat lii remember. but thr way hîs eyes lit up ahen I questtaned him and he ateeemaîediy iaunched min itîs starees. Waîch titbs. i teartxed. Ixase sonxethinp ta do mittt n ta> nxaîay stytes of bine jeans hase a teen> - tiny pactet at the opentng of the main poctet. lx fart. ihe denim skirt I mas wearing that day had one. and Mr. Kuntet shnwed me how a watch fnb mas attached ta a poctet match and hung nutside the mini poctet tn imake grabbing the watch safeiy stored in the poctet easy. The metal fobin had topos and pictures ni vari- ons brands nf farm machinery and, I mas toid. were given Bn custnmers as a form nf advertising. Its anc nf ihnse non ynu-tnam stories I hnpe ta impresin my dentm-ctad friends mith one day soon. Mr Kuntet theax tatted about ail sorts 0f things, from hnm Mîlton tooked an 972 ahen he firse siarted anendîng the Steacot Era. in hnw he feets about eodays compteter ape. He seeaaxed ont3 tala happv tEe taxe a captave audience and toid nxe hon much et meant ta htm n hen titIs stopped and asked hîm questions at the Steam Era about bis despiay. Thats the best part of the shain Unfnrtunately, he added. there aient many whn want ta know. At the end of aur conversatton. he taok my band ix a charanteag manner and thanked me for tisteneexg and shitss tnp tnîerest He atso comnîeaxt- ed on the fact that t dont have amy tattoos. whach he seemed to like. îNot lite many young peopte these days.' he saîd.) He than banded me a fnb and an old poctet match and tnld me i mas sure ta be the centre of attention wearing i back gît the office. Whiie I deant know if my fnb mas actuatty noticed by anyone. I feu gond walkîng around the Steam Era wearing it. I knew I had made some- one happy by shnming an intereint in bis stories. but atso knem I was the one who itad beaxefetted the maxi tisiening to what Mr. Kunkel had ta say. I aas remînded that theres ina much tex 6e ieamed in lite if esett eanly ast. Curinsety can ofien mate the dalferencc betmeen a ho hum espenence and seemethang tmly memorabte. As tads begen tn seitte tntBa ihear new routines Bar the schnot year. ne shoutd reinember that though ctassroom iearnanp s important. inn are reat-tete esperiences that are enhanced by asktng questiions.