Howv to be spiritually connectied without becoming religiously frustrated re-Ii-gion. ni- 1- j & n, froîti iel ifga tO restrain, tie back. 1: ;i instituttonahized set ofi rslCut. ttiiidu-s, IbelIC,, i lid praucis. 2 (tri iaie scrupulous conforinitv. faith. IfAth. liîuin /i(lcre to trust. 1 a alicgia ie Io a puirvil 1) I ' hde(clit y to iine's priisiics tticrr-itN aI i nt hiti. 2 :belief and trust in and loyalty to God. W eCanadians have checked out of church in a big way. Many of us don't seem toi see the point; stand up. sit down. stand up, leave -what's that? Somehow. deep down we ail know that a spiritual connection with God has littie to do wtth the 'extertors' of religion and is much more personal. Can a person be'spiritual'vwithout betng'religîous'? That is a good question. For the sake of the religiously frustrated, over the next 9 Sundays. Pastor Jim Danielson will look at what the Bible has to say about the effectiveneas of religion (including the Christian one). If your instincts told you that religious uniformity was out of sync with a God who created such diversity -you just might have your f inger on God's pulse. If youre seeking something beyond what religion can offer. we invite you to join us as you explore your own authentic spiritual connection. Sundays at 10:00 arn Mitton Senior Centre 500 Chîtds Drive (near the Mat> Milton emnait: ottî phone: 905-257-3987 S'ndtuay ~SAeeAe East Main St, Malt CidDrv 5àn 4a ry Dell pRad S Stert with Authentcity... . Experience a 'myih-tiee'faifh ihai worikv ini real-urne P Preserve my Personality. P Experience a faith ihai tils how 1m wired. Investigate the Ground Zero of Faith.. Experience an unshakeabie failh based in a personai God, R Recognize my Net Worth. Eviierience a failh ihatisl confident of my God-gîven value Inveet Myseif... Experience a failh ihai leains iv irosi again T aTe Sanctuary. T Experience a taîih connecied in positive relatiînships UUndergo Nonjudgmental Therapy... U uperience a laiih thai is respecitul ot others AAssess my Contentmient. Experience a tuaSh thai detîvers on the p-rmise ot peace L ve with tntensity. L Etuperience a faitS thai looks beyond itselt Septemnber 19 September 26 Ocînher 3 Ociubeî 10 October 17 Oclober 24 Octobeî 3t November 7 November 14