BB8--The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 17, 2004 Stay green as leaves turn golden - insulate! (NC)-Your home's energy con- sumrption cantributes ta global warm- ing. "You have the power ta minimize that damage by investing in a tew energy-saving home improvement prajecte - you cen reduce the amount of pollution and greenhause gases k emitted into the atmosphere by reduc- ing your home's energy consumption," says John Peterson, Insulation Expert, Owens Corning. "lmproving your home's insulation sysfem je one of the fastest and moaf cost-effective ways ta do just that." As the cold weather approaches, choose greener ways of living. - Insulate yaur attic where 8 ta 20 per cent af yaur home's energy is tact In calder montha, insulation keepe heat- ed air tram escaping outeide. Use fibergss batt insulation like PINK@ Fiber Glass Insulation for Aftics for beet resuits. - Insutate around pipes and ducte. Muifipurpose insutation le perfect for the job, convenienfty packeged in emati quantifies. - Check your wafer heefer. Wafer heating caste typicatty accounit for about 10 to 20 per cent of you r total ufiiity bilt. An old water heater thaf es warm ta the touch is made more effi- cient by instatting a special faced insu- tatian blanket araund the tank (and faliawing precautions on ifs package). - Replace aid windows, or add a sec- ond layer of giazing, fa help minimize air teakage and reduce fuel caste by up fa 15 per cent. To minimize drafts, wrap vapour retarder araund stripe of insultion and insfati with construction tape in large cracks (or seat cracks wifh a foam seatant) around windows. For more energy-saving tipe visif or cati 1-800- GET-PINKON. HALTON BLINDS & SHADES g& Imagine a ehutter mhat fifters the llght. Imagfte a shutter wlt trouble free operation for ye&rs to corne. Imagine no longer eri Bln - Horzota elnd e iiBî CaL NO FREI SMAE 905844598 END 0F SUMMER SALE* statuese founta!ns eplanters e benches e bird baths *£:Pl. leU-(J(d. J MAET IHTN CA AI WNERS ADIED RRUD e inlaid stained glass Right Now